It's a matter of weeks now with my mate. last year he made to the presentation night for an umpiring group he and i were both with. (He doesn't umpire with us now but used to coach us goal umpires)
Up until last month he lost his way with his walking and is now using a walking frame and a wheelchair to get around in.
He has to wear oxygen lines that help him breathe.
He lost a hell of a lot of weight. It only takes a cold to make him terribly sick.
Someone brought a cold to training when he was coaching us back in 2006 and wasn't training but they caused him to become ill.
He threw up 9 times at umpiring, 4 times on the way home from umpiring, twice at home and once in hospital.
it only took a sneeze from someone with a cold to do this.
I'm so sorry your friend has so little time left, how very sad and heart breaking. Sending the warmest heart felt thoughts your way and to your friend that may have some comfort and peace at this time from good friends like you and loved ones.