The COVID-19 thread


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)
Given the impact that COVID-19 has had on the world and continues to have, I think it's prudent to have an official thread for it.

Here's an article explaining the UK government's lie that we live in a "post covid" world. We never did, Boris Johnson simply didn't want any more lockdown. Now we have a hyper infectious strain doing the rounds and medical experts are once again urging us to wear masks in public places, especially enclosed ones. How long until the next lockdown I wonder?

Also, my local GP practice is currently in dire straights with all but one of their doctors off sick with covid. His workload is now immense and he can't give proper care to his patients because of this.


A public health expert has said the government's "living with COVID" approach is no longer viable and that the public should once again be urged to wear face masks to halt the spread of the virus.

COVID cases have soared across the UK in recent weeks with official figures reporting 2.7 million having the virus as of 30 June.

On Tuesday, Dr Chris Papadopoulos, principal lecturer in Public Health at the University of Bedfordshire, warned the UK is no longer in a post-COVID world "despite what the government might want to believe".



9 Jul 2022
21 (0.02/day)
It's rife again - many people I know either have it or know someone who has. However symptoms seem mild and pass in a few days. Social distancing and face mask wearing seems to be nonexistent now. Not that it would work with sporting events and festivals all back up to full capacity.

I don't really see the value of new restrictions at this point, while pressure on hospitals remains low. However a surge in critically ill patients or a new variant that causes this would be a game changer IMHO.

My only gripe really is the withdrawal of free test kits (in England). They were so useful. But in general, while symptoms remain mild, I'm happy to live with it.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
I think most people are in covid-burnout syndrome. Here in Texas, really rare to see anyone masked except at doctor's offices and hospitals. I lost two loved ones to covid, my moms sister (my aunt) and my lifetime best friend. My best friend officially, didn't die of covid, she was actually recovering, it was severe hospital neglect. I'm still very angry about what happened to her. My aunt was one of the unfortunate elderly that was combined in a nursing home room with other sick people. Naturally, she got covid.

It's taboo in the US to talk about alternatives; actual life renewing changes you can make to keep yourself healthy and if you do get sick, your immune system is strong enough to get you through it to wellness.

Our family practices good health principles, not the hocos-pocus stuff, just addressing best nutrition, vitamin's-minerals, support for detoxification (glutathione) etc. Areas to strengthen are good metabolism (insulin resistance is the core of all health issues), efficient mitochondria (are you going gray; senescent cell damage, signs of mitochondria dysfunction), you get good sleep (ha-I bet none of us sleep), exercise daily (if you don't exercise you can start out small, just right at your computer desk ๐Ÿ˜‡), and laugh more.

@Retro that's very concerning that your local GP is stretched so thin. I really don't know of anyone here that can get into to see a doctor quickly anymore either. If you are a new patient. Forget it, all new patients are set 90 days plus. It's not comforting.

On covid, I've just had to get real and accept the fact, if it's not covid it will be something else. We've been living with viruses and bacteria all of our lives. What we do as preventative care is important so when we do get sick we can manage it.

@Stojan Tim Agreed, I think if people just use their best judgement during large covid outbreaks, mask if that makes you feel protected, avoid big venues and restaurants and wash your hands. What a lot of people aren't aware of is the lack of air quality in most of the buildings you visit including hospitals. Indoor Air Quality is a big deal and not a lot of businesses take it seriously making sure the breathable air is clean or in large buildings the air is infused with outside air and conditioned. I have a terrible habit of looking at ceilings in restaurants, hospitals and other businesses at the air distribution equipment. ๐Ÿ™„


9 Jul 2022
21 (0.02/day)
LOL shortly after I posted above I got a WhatsApp from a family member (who I hugged on Monday) saying they had Covid too!

Frantic dash for last remaining test kit... luckily I'm still negative.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
LOL shortly after I posted above I got a WhatsApp from a family member (who I hugged on Monday) saying they had Covid too!

Frantic dash for last remaining test kit... luckily I'm still negative.
Hope you stay negative and well!


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (0.97/day)
Iโ€™m just off my second confirmed stint of being โ€˜ronaโ€™d, but probably Iโ€™ve had it 3-4 times in various flavours over the past while.

Is it still March 2020? It feels like itโ€™s a never ending hellscape.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)
I think most people are in covid-burnout syndrome. Here in Texas, really rare to see anyone masked except at doctor's offices and hospitals. I lost two loved ones to covid, my moms sister (my aunt) and my lifetime best friend. My best friend officially, didn't die of covid, she was actually recovering, it was severe hospital neglect. I'm still very angry about what happened to her. My aunt was one of the unfortunate elderly that was combined in a nursing home room with other sick people. Naturally, she got covid.
Tiffs, I'm so sorry for your loss. โ˜น๏ธ It's especially hard when it's something caused by human neglect.

I lost a family friend on 1st Jan this year, my friend's dad to old age. I think he was 83 or so. He just faded away from dementia. It was tough on my friend especially and now whenever new year comes round, we'll be thinking of this.

Our family practices good health principles, not the hocos-pocus stuff, just addressing best nutrition, vitamin's-minerals, support for detoxification (glutathione) etc. Areas to strengthen are good metabolism (insulin resistance is the core of all health issues), efficient mitochondria (are you going gray; senescent cell damage, signs of mitochondria dysfunction), you get good sleep (ha-I bet none of us sleep), exercise daily (if you don't exercise you can start out small, just right at your computer desk ๐Ÿ˜‡), and laugh more.

As you say, all we can do is to live as healthily and well as we can and hope that we get through these times ok. I can see you know you're stuff in this area. :cool:


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
Tiffs, I'm so sorry for your loss. โ˜น๏ธ It's especially hard when it's something caused by human neglect.

I lost a family friend on 1st Jan this year, my friend's dad to old age. I think he was 83 or so. He just faded away from dementia. It was tough on my friend especially and now whenever new year comes round, we'll be thinking of this.

As you say, all we can do is to live as healthily and well as we can and hope that we get through these times ok. I can see you know you're stuff in this area. :cool:

Thank you, such a tragedy that we all of lost loved ones. I'm really sorry about the loss of your friend's dad at the New Year. I'm sure your friend's grief is overwhelming especially on New Year's, but at least he has you to reach out to.๐Ÿ˜‡

Yeah, there's a lot of research going on in my house all of the time over longevity, alternative's, sport's medicine etc. My husband conquers the sports and longevity, my focus is on alternatives when appropriate and knowing what food you can eat and foods you shouldn't eat because you are either allergic or sensitive or the foods are just inflammatory (fried foods, seed oils, baked goods etc.). Inflammation is also a villain that will shorten your life too. I'll stop rambling ;)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)
Tiffs, I'm really glad that you've got the the health angle properly nailed down. It's definitely something that I could do better in. True about inflammation, it's several shades of bad alright.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
Inflammation definitely leads to a myriad of ailments to serious disease. A good place to start taking care of inflammation is dental care. Healthy gums, a balanced microbiome in the mouth can be really helpful as well as controlling the biofilm in your mouth.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
So many "origination" concepts of Covid-19 over the years. I'll just be really happy when everyone can stay well.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (0.97/day)
I think itโ€™s here to stay and the best we have is having annual jabs for whatever strain is prevalent this year, like the annual flu jab.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
My mom litterally has not left her house except for doctor's appointments or if I bring her to my house, since covid started in 2019. Covid-19 has changed everyone's lives. If the jabs work for everyone to get back to a new normal, that would be great!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)
One potential vaccine to protect against all coronaviruses, including covid and the common cold sounds fantastic. I just love technology when it's used in the right way and this is very right indeed.

Scientists have made a โ€œpromisingโ€ advance towards developing a universal coronavirus vaccine to tackle Covid-19 and the common cold.

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute in London have discovered that a specific area of the spike protein of Sars-CoV-2 โ€“ the virus that causes Covid-19 โ€“ is a good target for a pan-coronavirus jab that could offer protection against all the Covid-19 variants and common colds.

Developing a vaccine that protects against a number of different coronaviruses is a huge challenge, they said, because this family of viruses have many key differences, frequently mutate and generally induce incomplete protection against reinfection. That is why people can repeatedly catch common colds, and why it is possible to be infected multiple times with different variants of Sars-CoV-2.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
I love the Guardian and their news reporting! It will be great to follow what this Institute in London is doing in terms of their research for a vaccine that protects against multiple corona viruses.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)
Pandemic? What pandemic!

Agreed it does feel like it already and the following example really brings it home.

The other week I had an appointment with the doctor and the surgery requires patients to wear masks. I couldn't find mine, so saw the doctor without it. Now, while he had one on, he didn't care at all that I didn't and was comfortable with the close proximity required for an examination.

In life in general, hardly anyone wears masks now, including me (hate them, really uncomfortable). I'm no longer taking any precautions against covid as there's no restrictions anymore and no one else is either.

I've had several people at work get covid lately, but in each case it's now a mild infection.

It's not making much headlines, either. There's the occasional news article reporting high infection rates, but that's about it.

The danger of course, is that if a new variant comes along that makes people sicker, we'll probably get nailed by it.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,539 (2.45/day)
I still have to where a mask to all of my doctor's appointments. The staff is masked and most doctors are not masked. I believe covid has run it's course (will still be circulating though) and those with certain illnesses or metabolic issues will always be at a higher risk, which is really the way it's always been when those with health challenges are exposed to viruses, there's always a higher risk of a more severe illness.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)
I'm surprised that the nurses are masked, but the doctors not. I wonder what the rationale is for that.

And yeah, there's thousands of dangerous viruses and bacteria out there, which most of us are careful about with good hygiene practices. This is just one more now that it's not quite the threat it once was. Clearly worldwide vaccination was the key to getting to this point, as much as the antivaxxers would try to deny it. I see that China is still implementing harsh lockdowns, especially where there's a covid outbreak.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
335 (0.35/day)
When do you think covid will reach an endemic status? Feels like it already. 80% of the people at my job don't wear masks anymore.
IMO it already became endemic last year when the pokemon, sorry, omicron variant appeared.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,028 (4.46/day)
I always suspected that it could have come from a lab. Now that possibility is finally gaining traction. Next, we'll probably find out that it was some kind of bioweapon being developed that's gone wrong. Purely my hypothesis on that second one, but that's my feeling on it based on the weird way it can get right under our skin.

Natural or man-made? Scientific fact or conspiracy theory? Species jump or lab leak? Both principal theories about the origin of Covid involve the transformation of a virus which, when it hit the human population, sparked a pandemic now three years old that has killed more than 6.8 million people worldwide.

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