The foods that cancer experts want you to stop eating


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,153 (4.46/day)
Don't worry, all the good stuff that one likes eating is in there. :confused: Better not read that list and you'll be ok eating these...

Crispy bacon sandwiches in white bread, a nice cold beer on a sunny afternoon. We’ve long known they are not the healthiest of choices, and as scientists warn of health risks, these small pleasures feel less comforting.

Earlier this year, the American Cancer Society reported that the number of under 55s diagnosed with colorectal cancer has doubled compared with a decade ago.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,153 (4.46/day)
Awww, damnit Tiffs, all you had to do was not read that article and you could have eaten all the naughty foods consequence-free! :p


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
I just read the article (mostly the section headers) and hoo boy what swill. Reverse the order to get a better idea of the foods to avoid. And meats, the actual hell?? STOP DEMONIZING MEAT YOU RETARDED FUCKS! (the "experts", not yous guys)_Am I going to hell for eating cow/red meat lots? Also eggs... eggs and ground sausage with a nice helping of salt make for simply divine meal,.

Time for another hamburger.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,153 (4.46/day)
@live627 I know it's upsetting to hear these things about our favourite foods, but unfortunately it's the truth. It's better to know and be upset, rather than die of ignorance.

These facts of harm have been scientifically established, so cannot be argued with. As usual, the answer to mitigating the problems aren't total abstinance, but instead, that annoying word, moderation, something I'm not very good at and can be a lot harder than abstinance. Gimme a bar of chocolate and no way can I just eat one square. The whole thing will be demolished in one hit, regardless of its size, unless it's really large and I just can't eat any more of it.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Not to ruffle any feathers here, as everyone has to do what's best for their well being and health, but I tend to follow the people that have worked extensively with studying food and the results good and bad certain foods can cause on maintaining weight, the immune system, best nutrition and what helps with longevity. There are two camps on eating meat, however, Dr. Paul Saldino has some compelling data on the nutrition humans need from meat. I know this goes against my grain, so to speak, because I love animals, and don't wish them harm, however, the vegan diet I was on nearly twenty years was killing me rather then supporting my best "me" in health. I had to bring back meat into my life to restore my health.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,153 (4.46/day)
Exactly Tiffs, we can't deny millions of years of evolution. Just such a shame that we evolved to eat meat, so we do ourselves harm if we cut it out completely.

If you cast your mind back to last November, we already have the technology to grow meat in a lab and end animal suffering and death for good. It just has to catch on, easier said than done, I know.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,153 (4.46/day)
I'm still watching the evolution of "lab grown meat". I'm still in the skeptic stage. 🤔

No thanks, just like soylent green or tofoo, no thank you.
I can understand the skepticism and I have some myself.

It can be the classic silver bullet wonder product that 10-20 years down the line is found to cause cancer, birth defects etc. This is literally true of artificial sweeteners which have now been found to have all sorts of bad side effects after being controversially approved for human consumption all those years ago. I think I posted a thread about this here, too.


Well-known member
21 Jun 2023
108 (0.17/day)
I can understand the skepticism and I have some myself.

It can be the classic silver bullet wonder product that 10-20 years down the line is found to cause cancer, birth defects etc. This is literally true of artificial sweeteners which have now been found to have all sorts of bad side effects after being controversially approved for human consumption all those years ago. I think I posted a thread about this here, too.
Oh i know about them, phenylalanine/aspartame/nutrisweet, propylene glycol, xylitol(now known as birch sugar). They won't admit it causes cancers of the brain even, but diabetics in the country think its safer when the pancrease treats those sweeteners like plain sugar regardless so they don't get better to begin with.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
I'm not a fan of seed oils, nor am I a fan of artificial sweeteners either. The "tol's" like xylitol., mannitol, maltitol, etc. are very hard on sensitive guts too. We do olive oil or tallow.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Cooking with olive oil tonight in soup. My dd started a soup base earlier today and cooking the chicken separate in olive oil and butter with Himalayan salt and added spices for flavor, such as Italian spices. Love basil and oregano. When I remove the chicken and add it to the soup base it brings to life the flavor as opposed to cooking the chicken within the soup. Also, the chicken doesn't get overcooked and maintains it's nutrition this way. Ciao :)


Well-known member
21 Jun 2023
108 (0.17/day)
Cooking with olive oil tonight in soup. My dd started a soup base earlier today and cooking the chicken separate in olive oil and butter with Himalayan salt and added spices for flavor, such as Italian spices. Love basil and oregano. When I remove the chicken and add it to the soup base it brings to life the flavor as opposed to cooking the chicken within the soup. Also, the chicken doesn't get overcooked and maintains it's nutrition this way. Ciao :)
Cold Pressed Canola here, it enhances the flavor of fried foods (chicken, fish, potatoes) Grilling with it even.

Fda is now allowing synthetic meat (gmo/testtube grown on the market) I watched vids on GMOs and people getting allergies from it few years ago on netflix even, wouldn't be surprised it leads to development of cancer, irritable bowels, etc.

Also things marked organic in a supermarket cant be verified they have been (money scam)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,153 (4.46/day)
Also things marked organic in a supermarket cant be verified they have been (money scam)
In the UK, organic doesn't always mean organic due to loopholes, either. Since brexit, this is likely to be even more true. Don't know what to trust.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Cold Pressed Canola here, it enhances the flavor of fried foods (chicken, fish, potatoes) Grilling with it even.

Fda is now allowing synthetic meat (gmo/testtube grown on the market) I watched vids on GMOs and people getting allergies from it few years ago on netflix even, wouldn't be surprised it leads to development of cancer, irritable bowels, etc.

Also things marked organic in a supermarket cant be verified they have been (money scam)

I won't eat lab grown meat and I have a number of PDF's saved on the process which is terrifying if you care about animals. I love animals and wish I didn't even have to eat meat.

I've been reading about that lately too on organic foods. We buy organic to avoid glyphosate and other chemicals/feeds/antibiotics but there's so much glyphosate in the air from other crops where it's used that it's hard to avoid. I think the UK has banned glyphosate?
In the UK, organic doesn't always mean organic due to loopholes, either. Since brexit, this is likely to be even more true. Don't know what to trust.

Same here and I've never felt fully convinced that just because there's a sticker on my fruit and vegetables that's the food is organic, is it really? Stickers just don't seem enough anymore to convince me I'm buying organic.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,153 (4.46/day)
More on all the staple foods giving you cancer.

To avoid this fate, I recommend not buying any food at all any more. The end will then come in 2-3 weeks, but at least it won't be cancer. You're free to drink as much water as you like in the meantime. No milk mind, which has critical nutrients for life, as that has all sorts of terrible additives in it too.

But seriously, how is one meant to avoid this? Going vegetarian or vegan won't help either, because all our fruit and veg has got pesticides and other crap in it and on it. Best just to starve to death then ffs.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
More on all the staple foods giving you cancer.

To avoid this fate, I recommend not buying any food at all any more. The end will then come in 2-3 weeks, but at least it won't be cancer. You're free to drink as much water as you like in the meantime. No milk mind, which has critical nutrients for life, as that has all sorts of terrible additives in it too.

But seriously, how is one meant to avoid this? Going vegetarian or vegan won't help either, because all our fruit and veg has got pesticides and other crap in it and on it. Best just to starve to death then ffs.

I totally get your frustration too. I spotted some news yesterday that the USDA (US Dept of Agriculture) has not been requiring organic meat producers to disclose they are using mRNA vaccines on their animals. This to me violates the definition of organic as in the whole process from no antibiotics, no hormones, feed used, to pasture land open grazing, to grass-fed entirely and not just grass finished.
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