The tech entrepreneur betting he can get younger


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,165 (4.46/day)
As in actually become younger as he ages. This sounds like sci-fi so good luck with that. Perhaps one day, but not today.

The secret seems to be in the ever shortening telomeres and DNA mutations (corruption) but there's no talk of that here so it looks like snake oil to me.

tech entrepreneur.jpg

Tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson is spending millions a year trying to reduce his biological age - how old his body seems, rather than his actual chronological age, which is 45.

There's a good reason for any of us to do this. Age is the highest risk factor for disease, whether it's cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or dementia, so if ageing as a whole could be delayed, then so could the risk of onset of these conditions. For him though, it's a sport.

In Mr Johnson's luxurious Venice Beach home, a bedroom has been converted into a clinic where he spends many hours.



Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
624 (0.46/day)
As in actually become younger as he ages. This sounds like sci-fi so good luck with that. Perhaps one day, but not today.

The secret seems to be in the ever shortening telomeres and DNA mutations (corruption) but there's no talk of that here so it looks like snake oil to me.

View attachment 1279

If you ask me, the guy is pathetic. His life is so joyless. Clinging to 'youth'? I don't think so. Just look at him: with his tinted hair all he does is just look lopsided and weird.
Waking up at dawn, having 2 meals a day, 6 am and 11 am, and a plethora of pills and potions, exercise, exercise, exercise, laser treatments, exercise, sleep.....just to start it all over again the following day.
What a boring life. 🥱
Life is about enjoyment, this guy never seems to take it easy, to relax; constantly fretting, monitoring every breath he takes.
What an enormous bore.

As you said Retro, as we age our telomeres shorten and our genes acquire mutations.
Modern life bombards us with a stream of bad, frustrating news; all of this causes stress; and stress causes mutations, and mutations tend to translate themselves into cancer.

This guy can keep all of his 54 'forensically selected' (?) pills; and if he is not very careful, he might just choke on them. No big deal.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
If you ask me, the guy is pathetic. His life is so joyless. Clinging to 'youth'? I don't think so. Just look at him: with his tinted hair all he does is just look lopsided and weird.
To be honest I understand his perspective, though if you push it then I could definitely understand that, my brother is much more interested in long time cyber integrating and functional immortality.
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Well-known member
28 Nov 2022
92 (0.11/day)
I feel like this could be a solid medical move as most people would prefer to age slower, but he seems to have a strong focus on looks and is backing up that goal with the health effects of being younger. Im curious as to how much of this is cosmetic and how much is actually reverse aging.
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