Now here's a subject that's perfect for NerdZone! Before creating this forum, I checked on the current usage of nerd, saw that it was actually quite popular now and doesn't have the negative connotations that it used to. Personally, I consider myself more of a geek due to my techy interests.
The differences between nerds, geeks and dorks are explained in the article below. Nerds and geeks are cool now, but DorkZone still wouldn't be a good idea.
The differences between nerds, geeks and dorks are explained in the article below. Nerds and geeks are cool now, but DorkZone still wouldn't be a good idea.
These names used to be roughly interchangeable when distinguishing the social outcasts from the in-crowd in school. Yet, those so-called social rejects were destined to rule the world in the form of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, et al. “The geek shall inherit the earth,” indeed. Oh yeah, and billions of dollars.
There’s a lot of overlap in the meanings of nerd, geek, and dork. Yet, some of these terms have grown up a little more than others, and even wriggled away from their initial negative connotations.
Today, being a geek or a nerd no longer implies that you’ll receive a horrible wedgie and get thrown in a locker. Based on popular usage of these terms, geeks and nerds are a new brand of cool kid.

What Are The Differences Between The Words "Nerd," "Geek," And "Dork"?
There’s a lot of overlap in meanings. Yet, some of these terms have grown up a little more than others and even wriggled away from their negative connotations. In fact, there appears to be a hierarchy to these terms now.