I just love this video and the irrevent style of the presenter, Jason McBason. Some parts of it had me in stitches at their antics!
The miniature cats who live with us are so cute, cuddly and all round adorable, that it's easy to forget just how incredibly fast and ferocious they can be when necessary. They truly are apex predators for their size, just like their big cat cousins who are apex predators, period.
It's especially amazing to see cats defending little children and animals from attack by other animals, often much bigger than the fearless cat - and winning!
Little legends.
The miniature cats who live with us are so cute, cuddly and all round adorable, that it's easy to forget just how incredibly fast and ferocious they can be when necessary. They truly are apex predators for their size, just like their big cat cousins who are apex predators, period.
It's especially amazing to see cats defending little children and animals from attack by other animals, often much bigger than the fearless cat - and winning!
Little legends.