Techmoan did a great video on shaving and colouring CDs to allegedly improve their sound quality, see bottom. He's now done another one on a $400 gadget that claims to demagnetise your CDs to, you guessed it, improve their sound - yes, really!
Waddya think, truth or more snake oil? My title and laughing emoji might be a clue.
He even tried to demagnetise an old cassette tape with it, which really is magnetic. See how the gadget got on with that.

He even tried to demagnetise an old cassette tape with it, which really is magnetic. See how the gadget got on with that.
Shaving and colouring CDs improves their sound - snake oil?
Cutting a 36 degree angle into the edge of a CD with a special gadget* called Audio Desk Systeme (nice bit of French there) and then painting it black improves the sound greatly, allegedly. You probably have an idea on where I stand on this given that CDs are digital so the data can either be...