Harris v Trump: the American presidential election (05 November 2024)


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4 Jun 2021
6,137 (4.45/day)
...and David Pakman pours cold water over this and does seem to make sense. Oh well, sigh.

It's just weird how with margins so narrow, Trump wins everything and by a large margin of electoral college votes, too. Does that feel right to you? It sure doesn't to me.

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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,137 (4.45/day)
Harris supporters, watch this and tell me if you find any comfort at all in her message.

We're all stuffed - the whole world will be affected, not just America - and everyone in their right mind knows it. America might be almost unrecognisable in four years with the damage and corruption that Trump is gonna do to its democratic institutions and impoverishment of its ordinary citizens. No way to dress that up with a motivational speech like this one.

The mind still boggles at how so many could be conned by Trump and win him this election. The man is clearly odious and obviously corrupt, plain as day.


Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
418 (1.49/day)
The nice thing about the way the elections run here. In two years if the people are upset enough they can vote Democrats into the House and the Senate. That pretty much puts paid to Trump's power as he can easily get slapped down, and both houses can work to reign in his power.
The scary thing is the Supreme Court. Some of the older liberal justices really needed to do some soul searching. They should have retired and allowed Biden to appoint younger ones into office. I realize they may think they still have years yet, but once you hit around 65 you have to realize each day is a blessing and not many more are guaranteed.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Yes, that two years makes a real difference, granted. Fingers crossed. Trump's currently so busy screwing over the general population even before inauguration, that the scales might just fall from his MAGA cult member's eyes by two years time and they'll vote Democrat in sufficient numbers to put them in both houses. I hope so, but I still don't have all that much faith in them.

Here in brexit blighted Blighty, the government of the day gets a full 5 years of unfettered power. It's basically a dictatorship until election time, when you think about it.

About that "supreme" court. I hesitate to call it supreme when it's so obviously partisan and corrupt. I dunno, because they can veto so many things in Trump's favour that it worries me.

Agreed that there should be an age limit to the presidency as well as that lower one. The world's biggest, most responsible and stressful job when one is elderly really doesn't sound like a good idea. There's a reason why people retire from regular jobs at 65 or so.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
418 (1.49/day)
Here in brexit blighted Blighty, the government of the day gets a full 5 years of unfettered power. It's basically a dictatorship until election time, when you think about it.
That is probably one of the benefit of our system. Four years for President, six years for a Senator and two years for the House. It helps to mix and match when one party may be getting out of control


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,137 (4.45/day)
It does sound much better. I hope it limits the damage that's coming.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
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That is what was so funny about the last mid-term election. Normally there is a noticeable wave towards the other party. And the GOP was touting the "mighty red wave" that was coming. It ended up being a slightly pink eddy instead.
But I have a feeling that if Trump continues on the bombastic course he is spouting that in 2028 it will be a dark blue wave.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Once again, a security expert explains how the voting machines are not so secure and how the election could be subverted by other means though misinformation and disinformation and hence hand recounts should be done. I don't doubt that this election was rigged in multiple ways to just tip it over in Trump's favour. I wonder what the true result is. Could Kamala have actually won by a decent margin, but denied by fraud? I doubt we'll ever know.

Video is 55 minutes long, so have some spare time to watch it with your favourite cuppa.

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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Turns out there's a follow up video. It's 56 minutes long and I haven't had a chance to view it yet.

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Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
418 (1.49/day)
Once again, a security expert explains how the voting machines are not so secure and how the election could be subverted by other means though misinformation and disinformation and hence hand recounts should be done.
This is a rehash of claims made by MAGA this time only being used to try to benefit the other side of the aisle Any machine can be hacked, especially if you have direct access to it. The point with most of them is they are kept in a secure area under lock & key and monitored 24/7 via security features (cameras/alarms) and are not hooked up to the internet for updates (those are provided in a format that you have to manually install it from media).
They are not hooked up to the internet when in use and most are wire gapped. If we are going to start getting so concerned with the fact that computers used for important actions are not 100% secure, then we simply need to do away with computers in every important aspect of living our life as any of them can be hacked and can frequently have dire financial consequences, which is as large an impact as alleging vote stealing can (or does) occur via the machines.
Even with paper votes a determined person can "cheat" with them. In fact it is really simpler and harder to prove.

The sad fact is, Biden waited too long to decide to not run. 107 days is hard to get your point out to the electorate when for the period before that it was another persons position. You either keep that position and become known as someone simply offering the same but maybe not as well qualified to do so or you try to step outside that zone and define yourself.
And she didn't have enough time and really did not do that good of a job at it. The big issue she had was firing up the people that she needed most - those on the fence. Her other big issue was she really never took a solid position on many things that the electorate in general (the middle of the road people) were concerned with.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,137 (4.45/day)
This is a rehash of claims made by MAGA...
These points were addressed in the video and the arguments sounded reasonable to me, plus they came from someone with legit credentials, not a conspiracy quack. It was 55 minutes long, so did you get to watch it all?

Also, a critical difference here is that we know how Trump and his cronies always accused the other side of doing the very things that they are actually doing, which I think is significant here and should not have been ignored.

It remains that to me, how someone can achieve a clean sweep across the board on razor thin margins is so unlikely that it's very suspicious and needs further investigation, such as hand recounts in the battleground states. Alas, the deadlines have all passed now, so we're stuck with Trump without ever investigating this. I don't understand why the Dems and the left leaning YouTube channels like BTC were all so keen to just roll over and accept the result at face value, tbh. This point was addressed in the video, too.

Remember, with Trump, he'll try every trick in the book to win, no matter how dishonest and he had the likes of Musk and yes, Putin on his side, think 60+ fake bomb threats in Dems strongholds to put off voters and stuff we don't even know about, along with his fawning MAGA supporters, so who knows what dirty tricks they got up to? Again, that video had some intelligent speculation.

When it comes to Trump, don't rule anything out. The result therefore remains suspicious to me and I wouldn't be surprised if years from now, when it's all too late to do anything about it, nefarious deeds will come out. Remember how Trump teased that he had a little secret that he'll reveal after the election? Funny how that reveal never came isn't it? I'll bet it was election fraud, in my opinion.

The sad fact is, Biden waited too long to decide to not run. 107 days is hard to get your point out to the electorate when for the period before that it was another persons position. You either keep that position and become known as someone simply offering the same but maybe not as well qualified to do so or you try to step outside that zone and define yourself.
And she didn't have enough time and really did not do that good of a job at it. The big issue she had was firing up the people that she needed most - those on the fence. Her other big issue was she really never took a solid position on many things that the electorate in general (the middle of the road people) were concerned with.
Yeah, I broadly agree with these points, especially being hamstrung by being seen as Biden v2 "more of the same" when he was so unpopular and the lack of time, too. The Trump campaign also said a lot of lies about the Dem's achievements which people bought into instead of thinking critically like we do.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
418 (1.49/day)
These points were addressed in the video and the arguments sounded reasonable to me, plus they came from someone with legit credentials, not a conspiracy quack. It was 55 minutes long, so did you get to watch it all?
If, what if, possibly, could be... but no was.
I think we all know that every system that is sold commercially for use can be hacked. The big thing is, you have to have physical access to the hardware in question. And that is a totally different matter of vulnerability.
As for here in Texas... those devices are not hooked up to the internet during the election process. They are manually updated with any new code that is delivered direct from the vendor, generally using a read-only media.

For watching it.. nope, I've read enough actual technical data generated from the various lawsuits and by multitude of qualified professionals to know that claims of them being hacked and used to change votes were histronics at their worst. It has been known for years that some of the MAGA idiots grabbed code and uploaded it. But guess what. That code has not been top-secret for years.
It has been known that there were security faults in the software also from audits. But those only come into play when those devices were hooked up to a public network or they were stored/used in direct contravention of the instructions and professional advice. That will happen with any piece of hardware. That's readily apparent by the continuous hacks that still occur of large companies networks.

I don't understand why the Dems and the left leaning YouTube channels like BTC were all so keen to just roll over and accept the result at face value, tbh. This point was addressed in the video, too.
Main reason is you can't have claimed the machines and voting was secure when your candidate won then claim they aren't when they lose. That's referred to as hypocrisy.
It remains that to me, how someone can achieve a clean sweep across the board on razor thin margins is so unlikely that it's very suspicious and needs further investigation
And to me it doesn't. Honestly, the Democrats (looking at Biden specifically here) did not give Harris enough time to get her "personality" and positions out there. She did herself no favors when she was directly asked if she would have done anything different than what Biden had done and she said no. So people assumed she stood for the same old song and dance as they probably felt what she said was the actual truth and the other things she was saying was to get votes. And many folks were tired of Biden's song & dance.
And that was a poor comment to make because of that. Even though numbers show that inflation trending downward and we were supposed to be better off now than 2 years ago, the people simple were not feeling it where it was important.... their pocketbook. Interest rates continued to climb, causing higher minimum monthly payments and many live off credit cards and making the minimum monthly payments. Gas prices (both liquid and natural) were still outrageously high when you consider that we were generating more fossil fuels than ever before. So not only were the voters getting hit from filling their gas tank, they were getting hit from keeping their houses cool in an abnormally warm spring/summer period for electricity. People were unable to afford a house because the interest rates (and prices) were so high. Rent steadily climbed due to housing shortages. Yet the Democrats were trying to say that the public was better off... when the public really wasn't feeling it.
Many people vote based upon their real life experiences. It does no good to tell them "Hey, the numbers say things are looking better" when their numbers (what they are having to pay) show just the opposite.

I was hopeful that she could pull it off... but honestly was doubtful because Biden's long time stance (which she was saddled with by association) was the opposite what a large number of Americans were concerned with. Not the economy as a paper theory, but what they actually had to pay. And the fact that yes, illegal migration did jump during the Biden term. Now, did that cause all the issues that the Republicans commented on? Nope, but it only takes a few "big news" stories of an illegal immigrant killing a citizen to set folks off. It is the perception and not the actual numbers that people are concerned with.

The other issue you had was complacency amongst the Democrats. Many felt that they didn't need to go vote because surely nobody of any common sense would vote for Trump. Then, and this is sad to say, you had a certain segment of younger black youth that did not want to see a strong black female in office because she had talked "down" to them historically.
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