How to be a jackass at a house party


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,183 (4.51/day)
If you'd like to be a jackass guest at your friend's house party and likely to be thrown out, just do the opposite of one or more of these things that the article says not to do.

Let us know how you get on.

The isolation of the pandemic gave many of us a newfound appreciation for simple forms of socialization, like getting together at a friend’s home.

Although we might be more freely attending house parties, potluck dinners and casual living room gatherings to watch sports on the couch, that doesn’t give people free rein to behave however they’d like in someone else’s space.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
After reading this article, I have a new found appreciation for not entertaining guests at my house. Every "don't" listed in this article made me cringe. 😱 I'd also like to say, I'm a perfect guest at anyone's house and I'd never do any of those "no-no's" on that list...omg!!:D
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