That's interesting... in all the wrong ways. Good find.
I looked up where I live and didn't find my network however.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that one's wireless network is just one among zillions, so criminals would need a reason to target you, which for a regular person isn't likely to happen. Where the target is high profile however, it might make a difference.
I'm gonna keep using my Wi-Fi and not worry about getting nailed. I've had it for years with nothing bad happening, so I'm speaking from experience. One must always keep a sense of perspective with these things.
Wi-Fi is notoriously easy to access. Though, at some point paranoid action, is only vigilance. I wouldn't worry about not being completely vigilant, being too paranoid is not likely. All you need is a few short techniques that would be safer than these.
That's interesting... in all the wrong ways. Good find.
I'm gonna keep using my Wi-Fi and not worry about getting nailed. I've had it for years with nothing bad happening, so I'm speaking from experience. One must always keep a sense of perspective with these things.
Thank you for this, Geffers.
This video has a lot of truth in it. Yes we take our mobile phones for granted, but that does not mean that safety is guaranteed.
I suppose you can say 'nothing in life in guaranteed, except Death and Taxes'. True. However, your video is a reminder of what is 'available' to hackers out there. Safety is not free and it is not guaranteed.
There is a very interesting BBC program now, entitled "Scam Interceptors": you see ethical hackers actually at work.
They have succeeded in hacking into an Indian scam canter, and eavesdrop on their conversations with their victims on their mobile phones.
You actually see as the good guys at the BBC intercept the phone calls, and text the victims a warning that they are actually talking to a scammer. They urge them to hang up and call their bank immediately; while the victims are on the phone with the scammer! It is unbelievable.
wi-fi is here to stay, but this video serves as a stark reminder that, as you say, there are some clever criminals out there. I concur.