I don't normally bother with opinion pieces from celebrities, however, Rowan Atkinson actually has a university degree in "electrical and electronic engineering, with a subsequent master’s in control systems", according to his claim in this piece. Plus, what he says in it is very sensible, so I think it's well worth a read and reflects some of the things I think about electric cars, namely that the battery is their achilles heel and a big one, at that.
As you may know, the government has proposed a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030. The problem with the initiative is that it seems to be based on conclusions drawn from only one part of a car’s operating life: what comes out of the exhaust pipe. Electric cars, of course, have zero exhaust emissions, which is a welcome development, particularly in respect of the air quality in city centres. But if you zoom out a bit and look at a bigger picture that includes the car’s manufacture, the situation is very different.

I love electric vehicles – and was an early adopter. But increasingly I feel duped | Rowan Atkinson
Sadly, keeping your old petrol car may be better than buying an EV, says actor Rowan Atkinson