Climate change: UK could hit 40C 'regularly' by the end of this century. How depressing. I've certainly noticed our summers becoming increasingly hot and uncomfortable, with today being one of those days. Did you know that people start dying if exposed to temperatures above 35C for too long? That's because we can't get rid of the heat, so our core temp of 36-37C rises, killing us.

Sweltering temperatures of up to 40C could be a regular occurrence in the UK by 2100 if carbon emissions stay very high says the Met Office.
The current record stands at 38.7C, set in Cambridge last July.
This new study says there is an "increasing likelihood" of going beyond this figure, because of the human influence on the climate.
Under the worst emissions scenario, the 40C mark could occur every three and a half years by the end of this century.

Climate change: UK could hit 40C 'regularly' by end of this century
Britain could see temperatures up to 40C every few years by 2100 if carbon emissions stay very high.