The weather reports show it to be 8c outside, so I put my coat on and went out to the car. I was pleasantly surprised at just how warm and sunny it is, so I took my coat off again.
I had to convert 8C to F (46F). That's always nice when you are expecting cold temps when you walk out but then the sun is shining and it's pleasant. I also love when there's just a breeze in cool weather instead of high wind gusts. The sun can do it's thing making some warmth even in the cold. That makes the cold even colder for me if it's super windy.
Spring weather has arrived in Texas. Some of our recent days have been in the mid 70's F. The nights are still staying pretty cool but much better than most of January and February. We have some storms coming through another sign of Spring weather working it's way as the jet stream begins to move towards the south for awhile.
I thought this paragraph was particulary interesting from a weather nerd perspective. The reversal part:
"Over the last few days the forecasts seemed to indicate that there is a good chance of a sudden stratospheric warming in mid-March. This is when the stratosphere polar vortex wind reverses from westerly to easterly."
I hope you get the warmer weather this month from this polar vortex reversal.
Last night we had a severe squall line come through. My patio furniture and cushions were tossed in the yard and my outside sofa was moved by about 10 feet. We had severe wind with this storm up to 75 mph which is hurricane strength. There are broken trees and debris everywhere. A lot of homes and businesses in our area had damaged roofs or roofs that caved in. Today we got to enjoy a super dust storm. The sky turned yellow, and the sun disappeared. We've been under a wind advisory since yesterday until 9pm tonight. I went to check my mail and you almost can get blown away walking. There are areas of Texas that are under a fire danger warning because they are so dry and with these excessive winds they are subject to fire danger, much like what happened in California when the Santa Anna winds picked up recently and set off so many fires and destruction to a lot of homes.
I have to say, kind of wondering what kind of Spring to expect if it's already starting out this way?
I hope everyone else in Texas is fine and have your power back from the storm. I also hope everyone is staying warm and cozy for this early March too where ever you are.