The Trump downfall thread

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
216 (1.62/day)
The only President in modern history who's personal wealth diminished whilst in office.
Could that have anything to do with "creative accounting" and then the actual numbers start showing up?
Remember, the Trump Org has a financial overseer keeping an eye on the books and has already caught some shenanigans being pulled.

As for the wealth diminishing, you mean like him claiming that Mar-A-Largo is worth $420 million and perhaps 1.5 billion dollars when at the most it may be a few hundred million - and that only if you bank on the Trump name..
See, the "great" businessman that he is, he killed a LOT of the value of that property with the easement that he signed with the National Trust for Historic Preservation back when he was having money problems in the early 2000's. Seems that really restricted what could ever be done with that property to pretty much only being a club with restrictions applied to it.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,398 (2.62/day)
Hurricane Helene devastation on Georgia. Trump has already (day after) brought oil, petrol, water, cranes, workers, food helpers. Cranes and equipment via his contacts in the Real Estate industry, finance covered by Samaritans purse, a charity started by Billy Graham.

Why do people hate him so much? The only President in modern history who's personal wealth diminished whilst in office.

It's a funny old world.

These people across so many states are suffering so much, cut off from the world, lost homes with everything dear to them, without utilities, no food, no comforts, lost loved ones and with little hope. I'm glad to see Samaritan's purse was able to pull off the unthinkable in a short time. When people are devastated like this politics doesn't have a place and I'm glad to see these people are getting help. I hope many other people with the means can do the same. I've seen some very awful pictures from this hurricane damage and seen some heart breaking interviews of parents that lost loved ones including their small children. America, remember when we all came together after 911? This is a time to come together and help your fellow Americans and neighbors.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
307 (0.37/day)
Why do people hate him so much?
Propaganda. The elites really don't like the cut of his jib since he has a way to bring some of their dirty laundry out into the public zeitgeist, and that in their eyes is unforgivable. And so their puppets in the press put out lots of hit pieces. Information warfare on steroids.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
Finally, the mountains of evidence against Trump for the Jan 6 insurrection held by Jack Smith are starting to be revealed. With just this small amount, it's enough to convict him several times over. I've posted a BTC video on this and CNN's coverage if you'd rather read about it instead. However, BTC's videos really dig deep into these issues and tell it like it is, so I urge you to watch it.

@Geffers @live627 I'm sure you'll just dismiss this (without evidence) as some Democratic plot against Trump, but you really need to open your eyes and finally see the truth that he's a criminal and a fraud. I'm wasting my breath.

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Here's CNN's reporting of the filing:

This analysis article covers the effect it may have on the election: seems to be surprisingly little and that can only be because Trump's supporters are impervious to any evidence against their messiah being a criminal and a fraud. This is what a cult looks like and Trump's really done a number on his faithful followers to blind them to the truth.

Here's the actual 165 page filing:


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
307 (0.37/day)
This analysis article covers the effect it may have on the election: seems to be surprisingly little and that can only be because Trump's supporters are impervious to any evidence against their messiah being a criminal and a fraud.
It is ignored because these trials are seen as political persecution. The Bidens, Clintons, and the Obamas need to be investigated, especially the Clintons. That won't happen for whatever reason.

The timing of this makes it look like election interference, just like other "October surprises".

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
216 (1.62/day)
but you really need to open your eyes and finally see the truth that he's a criminal and a fraud. I'm wasting my breath.
That pretty much applies to any Trump sycophant. You can bitch slap them all day long with facts... and they are like a 5 year old that goes and sticks their fingers in their ears and repeats "nyahhhh...nyahhh... nyahhh" to keep from listening.
It, in reality, shows the ultimate stupidity of certain sects of our society in that they can't deal with, nor comprehend, actual facts and prefer to listen to fairy tails. They are the Darwinism Award winners of current society.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
216 (1.62/day)
The timing of this makes it look like election interference, just like other "October surprises".
Bullshit. If Trump had addressed his accusations in a timely manner, this would not have drawn out as long as it has. The timing is ENTIRELY due to Trump and his so-called defenses and trying to drag it out as long as possible. Sorry, several of his cases have been going on in excess of 1.5 years... so just because it's election time it does not grant him a magical time-out in the process. Granted, he probably wishes it did... but the legal system works at its own speed and using a set of rules that he apparently does not like.
And Trump is finding out that he's no different than any other swinging dick in the country when it comes to prosecutions. He may think he's "special".. but he's not when it comes to the court system. Now, as to the other use of the world "special" when it applies to someone.. .he's reaching that point quickly. It's been readily apparent for decades to anyone with any scintilla of intelligence that he thinks he is above others.

The sad thing is.. Trump and his idiocy has pretty much killed the future of the GOP for the next several years, and possible decades.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
It is ignored because these trials are seen as political persecution. The Bidens, Clintons, and the Obamas need to be investigated, especially the Clintons. That won't happen for whatever reason.

The timing of this makes it look like election interference, just like other "October surprises".
As predicted, my breath was wasted, sigh. I'll just leave you with the advice to watch the video and read the stories I've linked to with an open mind as these discuss a lot of hard evidence and hard facts demonstrating Trump's guilt. More breath wasting, but hey, we're still friends. :)

That pretty much applies to any Trump sycophant. You can bitch slap them all day long with facts... and they are like a 5 year old that goes and sticks their fingers in their ears and repeats "nyahhhh...nyahhh... nyahhh" to keep from listening.
It, in reality, shows the ultimate stupidity of certain sects of our society in that they can't deal with, nor comprehend, actual facts and prefer to listen to fairy tails. They are the Darwinism Award winners of current society.
Oh dear, don't hold back! 😮 :p

Yeah, it's very stupid and looks to me like a form of cognitive dissonance where someone can hold two conflicting scenarios in their head at once and believe both. Thing is, people who display these characteristics are usually not stupid people in general - I know some personally - so I don't understand why they fall for this and similarly harmful things. Psycologists have a field day trying to analyse this when it happens, but I don't think they're any closer to a solution than the rest of us. The frustrating thing is that one can snap out of it almost instantly, but unfortunately, seldom happens. What triggers this sudden realisation I don't know.

Here's a lot more on cognitive dissonance if you fancy reading up on it:


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
Kamala Harris can't afford to be complacent as this article explains how there are warning signs for her campain.

Beats me how despite all the lies and crap that Trump spouts and the by now obvious cognitive decline, that people aren't turning away from him in droves.

Kamala Harris’ visit to the border and speech outlining her economic vision captured the attention of a sizable share of Americans as September came to a close, according to new findings from The Breakthrough, a polling project that tracks how the public is following election news. But some emerging trends in the data hint at warning signs for the vice president’s campaign.

The share of Americans hearing anything at all about Harris has dropped each week since her presidential debate with former President Donald Trump in early September, and during that same time, the tone Americans use in describing what they’ve heard about her has grown more negative, reaching the lowest point of her campaign in the latest results.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
Well, this is interesting. This is the legal opinion of another ex prosecutor, James D. Zirin, who thinks that Jack Smith botched his handling of his cases trying to put Trump on trial in a timely manner and hence is why Smith's two indictments haven't gone to trial before the election. Glenn Kirschner, who normally appears in BTC's videos that I post here doesn't have this view as I've never seen him criticise Smith in this way.

I don't think Smith is as incompetent as this article makes out and there could well be other factors at play here that haven't been mentioned, but see what you think.

The legal system has utterly failed to disqualify former President Trump from office. Whether he becomes the next president is now anybody’s guess.

Much of the fault may be laid at the feet of special counsel Jack Smith, who has pursued Trump with the zeal of Inspector Javert, but has thus far come up empty handed.

The open-and-shut case involving Trump’s mishandling of the classified Mar-a-Lago documents has been dismissed on unprecedented legal grounds involving Smith’s standing to prosecute him. The Washington case involving Trump’s conspiracy against democracy is back to the start, with Smith losing on immunity in the Supreme Court.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
This article explains well how the mainstream news media sanitises the unhinged rants from Trump, even CNN. I've noticed how the BBC does it, in particular.

Four years ago, in an article for Media Matters for America, I warned that journalists were sanitizing Donald Trump’s incoherent ramblings to make them more palatable for the average voter. The general practice went like this: The press would take something Trump said or did—for instance, using a visit to the Centers for Disease Control to ask about Fox News’s ratings, insult then–Washington Governor Jay Inslee, rant about his attempt to extort Ukraine into digging up dirt on Joe Biden, and downplay the rising number of Covid-19 cases in the U.S.—and write them up as The New York Times did: “Trump Says ‘People Have to Remain Calm’ Amid Coronavirus Outbreak.” This had the effect of making it seem like Trump’s words and actions seemed cogent and sensible for the vast majority of Americans who didn’t happen to watch his rant live.

Here's that sanitised CNN article that this article links to. Compare that to the actual rant in The New Republic article.

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced on Truth Social that he has “reached an agreement” to participate in a September 10 debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, noting that “the rules will be the same as the last CNN debate, which seemed to work out well for everyone.”



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
Following on from the bad news for Democrats in post 1111, there's more since they're simply not gaining on Trump.

How the fuck Trump manages to defy the odds every time beats me and it's infuriating. If he wins in just a few short weeks on November 5th, it will be an absolute travesty that will greatly hurt America and the world and yet, half of the American population can't see the obvious danger. I mean, he's not even charismatic, so how does he con people en masse like this? Why can't they just see through him?

In the two-and-a-half months since Joe Biden ended his reelection bid, Kamala Harris swiftly secured the Democratic presidential nomination, headlined the party’s most rapturous convention since 2008, brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in new campaign donations and surged past Biden’s poll numbers from earlier this year.

And yet, Democrats are increasingly anxious over Harris’ fate. There is a growing sense that her campaign is stuck in the mud – as familiar debates crop up over where and how to deploy precious resources.

Harris advisers often publicly dismiss the polls, acknowledging that the race is close and will remain so leading up to Election Day. But just weeks shy – and after multiple blitzes to battleground states and a debate that wiped away memories of Biden’s unraveling – the needle has barely moved, if at all. That Harris is the first major party presidential nominee in six decades not to have won a competitive primary remains for some a source of lingering doubt.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
Here's that 60 Minutes interview that Kamala Harris did the other day. I've seen it reported that she was asked soft questions, so I wanted to see it for myself and now have. I can tell you that she was not asked soft questions, but actually rather pointed ones. Towards the end, there's a very short interview with Tim Walz who was also asked pointed questions.

Don't take my word for it, watch the video and see for yourself. It's only 20 minutes long.

Note that Trump chickened out of it, like he did that second debate with Harris on 23rd October (may still happen?) and so many other things, because he's scared of his lies being fact checked: he literally uses fact checking as an excuse not to do them! What a coward.

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Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
547 (0.45/day)
Could that have anything to do with "creative accounting" and then the actual numbers start showing up?
Remember, the Trump Org has a financial overseer keeping an eye on the books and has already caught some shenanigans being pulled.
Oh yes, never thought of that, couldn't possibly be true that his wealth actually diminished whilst President, must be creative accounting.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
216 (1.62/day)
Oh yes, never thought of that, couldn't possibly be true that his wealth actually diminished whilst President, must be creative accounting.
When you do that "creative" accounting that says $1 is worth $50, and then someone calls that statement into question and it can't be backed up by the one saying it's actually worth $50 and ends up that $1 actually equals $1... and you have questions about that?
Seems you can't deal with the FACT that several of his (and his precious organization bearing his name) has been shown to utilize questionable evaluations and accounting practices and you have issues with what is shown to be factual?
Seems Trump has a VERY big issue with truth.... you know, like saying he has 100,000 rally attendees present in a venue that can only hold about 8000? Sure... we should trust someone that lies as easily as most people breathe.
Care for some more fairy tales to be told to you?
I thought you were in law enforcement at some point? Were you actually a parking enforcement officer or were you ever an investigator of actual crimes, including those that invovled financial crimes? I realize that there are many that wear the badge that don't know what the job actually entails as they try to avoid the "hard work" as much as possible and work or they were involved in VERY limited enforcement positon and instead depended on skating by on that governmental salary looking towards that government pension, but some of us actual lived (and worked) in the real world where we recognized a crime was a crime and it didn't matter what your name or political position was.
Trump, in almost every "statement" he makes involving so-called "facts" ends up being shown to be full of male bovine excrement.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
@Astro What I offer you a challenge: using your mad skillz as a retired police officer, can you please find me one statement that Trump has made that wasn't a lie? 🤣 Just one...

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
216 (1.62/day)
@Astro What I offer you a challenge: using your mad skillz as a retired police officer, can you please find me one statement that Trump has made that wasn't a lie? 🤣 Just one...
Easy enough. When he tells you that is name is Donald J. Trump. Almost every thing else that spews from his mouth makes good fertilizer.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
Darn it AW, that didn't stretch your mad skillz at all, but I've got a doozy for ya. ;)

How about Trump incestuously fancies his daughter Ivanka and tells the whole frigging world about it? Yes, he's a pervert to boot. I remember being put off my food when I first saw this reported.

While president, Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka in front of his employees that were so lewd and disturbing that he was rebuked by his one-time chief of staff John Kelly, a former Trump official writes in a new book.

“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, in his new book, according to Newsweek.


Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
216 (1.62/day)
How about Trump incestuously fancies his daughter Ivanka and tells the whole frigging world about it? Yes, he's a pervert to boot. I remember being put off my food when I first saw this reported.
Sorry, but I'm about to be VERY blunt... Trump has a fixation on "younger" vaginal orifices as do many who have money and what they consider power... and it seems that he can't differentiate between those of familial members or what are considered the general public. A nice looking piece of "snatch" draws his interest and it doesn't appear to matter if it's a product of his loins or someone else.
His basis seems to be if their looks give him a woody, then commenting on them is fair game even if they are family members or his children, and pursuing them is even more fun. He simply has ZERO filters as to what makes a normal societal member.

What I find so amazing is how many of those that profess to believe in Christian tenets can continue to support him. It ultimately shows the hypocrisy of many of them. And if you actually dug deep, you'd find those were the ones that gave "mouth" to the tenets but had great difficulty living by them.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
Sorry, but I'm about to be VERY blunt...
No! Don't! 😮 Too late.

Yes, that man has no filter for sure. I mean, it must happen in families, but the dad just shuts up about it, like a normal person.

Oh yes, and that christian hypocracy... don't get me started. I'll extend that to all religions, in fact.


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
547 (0.45/day)
When you do that "creative" accounting that says $1 is worth $50, and then someone calls that statement into question and it can't be backed up by the one saying it's actually worth $50 and ends up that $1 actually equals $1... and you have questions about that?
If the tax office allows it then however unfair it may seem then that is allowed.

Seems Trump has a VERY big issue with truth.... you know, like saying he has 100,000 rally attendees present in a venue that can only hold about 8000? Sure... we should trust someone that lies as easily as most people breathe.

His rallies are often attended by far more than can actually enter the venue, people queue often days ahead of his appearance, shown quite clearly on RSBN. In some locations screens outside.

The Democrats are campaigning on hate Trump rather than any policies they have, all they have got to campaign on is abortion, that is the only positive they have. Ask most Americans if they are better off now than 3+ years ago and the answer is a resounding NO. They are poorer, closer to nuclear war, in greater danger of crime, the apparent jobs that Biden has created is far outweighed by the amount of illegal immigration that has occured. The cost of ordinary groceries is now very high, particularly in California, Kamala's State of which she was responsible for many policies.


Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
216 (1.62/day)
If the tax office allows it then however unfair it may seem then that is allowed.
And therein lay the rub... you see, a lot of what he did is NOT allowed by law. But you have his sycophants that want you to believe he is above those laws, and they are only for those other than one bearing the last name Trump.
His rallies are often attended by far more than can actually enter the venue, people queue often days ahead of his appearance, shown quite clearly on RSBN. In some locations screens outside.
Yeah... really?

His, according to him, jam packed Atlanta rally.


Or how about another (according to him) jam packed Wilkes-Barre, PA rally that folks were leaving early during?


Or how about his claim that his 01/06/2021 speech at the White House Ellipse drew more people than the Martin Luther King speech did?
To be exact:
The biggest crowd I've ever spoken. I've spoken to the biggest crowds, nobody's spoken to crowds bigger than me. If you look at Martin Luther King, when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at ours, same real estate, same everything — same number of people, if not, we had more. And they said he had a million people, but I had 25,000 people. But when you look at the exact same picture, and everything's the same, because it was the fountains, the whole thing — all the way back from Lincoln to Washington. And you look at it, and you look at the picture of his crowd, my crowd, we actually had more people. They said I had 25,000 and he had a million people, and I'm OK with it because I like Dr. Martin Luther King.

The simple fact is, generally if Trumps lips are moving you know he's lying.


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
547 (0.45/day)
Nobody queues for days in advance then leaves early, a photo can depict an illusion, even carefully edited videos as has been espoused by Kamala's recent 60 minute interview. We are living in an era of AI now, even animals appear to move their mouths in relation to spoken words. Truth in the future will be harder to ascertain.

My support or objection is irrelevant as I am not able to vote, though having said that California has made it illegal to ask for voter ID so maybe I can, who knows. For now though I wonder of US voters, they have Tim Walz who passed a law in his state that boys' toilets must have tampons, Democrat California now, police don't attend theft under $950. Homelessness is rife, tent cities popping up everywhere, still the border is open, fentanyl deaths are out of control, again in California schools have priority over parents regarding gender reassignment (One of the main reasons Musk is pulling his business out of CA. The inflation over last few years has caused much hardship and worry, illegal immigrants get access to medical care that US citizens have to pay for and often cannot afford. The Democrats talk of womens rights re abortion but Trans rights seem to outweigh biological women re safe places and sports, plus of course women feel much more vulnerable with the uncontrolled immigration, despite this abortion seems to be the thing Democrats push.

If a private company treated customers the way Democrats have treated voters customers would go elsewhere but politics is tribal, like supporting a football team that doesn't win anything, the hate for the opposition outweighs logic. Or course the latter comment applies to the right as much as the left but when the right protest cities don't burn, when the left protest things get destroyed and people get hurt.

Twenty one days and it'll be over, it'll be a tinder box whatever happens, that's for sure.
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