You respond with great detail but detail that cannot necessarily be verified with any certainly.Since Ronald Regan ran (and was the first President I voted for)... I have never been a Democrat
You say electric is not the issue but the infrastructure that the Republicans haven't invested in, so what is the issue in California? They get many power cuts. You say you live in Texas and there is no immigration issue there, my girlfriend lives in California and she says there is, so is she wrong, or are you wrong, or is it OK where you are and not OK where she is?
As for trans, what one does in their private life is their business, when it affects others the line needs to be drawn. If women feel uncomfortable with a trans in their changing rooms, whether the person in question has had the op or not, then the women's views must be respected, a trans woman is not a woman, Same with sport, which you admit you agree with.
You mentioned that there is no issue with schools, parents and gender issues, that was one of the main reasons Elon Musk is moving his business out of California, that old saying, give an inch, then another, eventually it takes a mile.
You mention about Ashli Babbitt, the video I saw from the J6 releases showed she was behind another guy when she was shot and killed, appreciate policing standards in UK and US are different but we have a firearms officer on a murder charge who shot and killed a person known to use firearms, that person had moments earlier intentionally drove a car at police and was later shot and killed. Our police could never shoot into a crowd. A warning shot could have been fired, there were other options.
Recently a neighbour of mine, dislikes Trump, showed me a report stating the Georgia Governor had banned the giving of food and drink to voters standing in line, I thought it illogical so checked myself and found it actually applied to political parties or those connected with political parties and is aimed at stopping canvassing or coercion by political parties on the day of voting plus it only applied to a certain distance from the voting station, so what seemed like a nasty rule headlined to make the Republicans look mean was actually quite reasonable. It is all down to how it is reported.
If I tried to confirm or refute your detailed reply by the time I had done so the election will be over so we'll have to just accept you feel Trump is a danger to democracy, I think the current administration is a threat to US Democracy, our's in UK is under threat already, our recently installed Prime Minister has shortened prison sentences of many prisoners and let them out, some having committed nasty crimes, and he is encouraging the Judges to give jail sentences to people posting messages on Social media criticising the Government handling of immigration, using inciting racial hatred as the evidence, we have similar to US Southern Border.