The Trump downfall thread


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
558 (0.46/day)
Since Ronald Regan ran (and was the first President I voted for)... I have never been a Democrat
You respond with great detail but detail that cannot necessarily be verified with any certainly.

You say electric is not the issue but the infrastructure that the Republicans haven't invested in, so what is the issue in California? They get many power cuts. You say you live in Texas and there is no immigration issue there, my girlfriend lives in California and she says there is, so is she wrong, or are you wrong, or is it OK where you are and not OK where she is?

As for trans, what one does in their private life is their business, when it affects others the line needs to be drawn. If women feel uncomfortable with a trans in their changing rooms, whether the person in question has had the op or not, then the women's views must be respected, a trans woman is not a woman, Same with sport, which you admit you agree with.

You mentioned that there is no issue with schools, parents and gender issues, that was one of the main reasons Elon Musk is moving his business out of California, that old saying, give an inch, then another, eventually it takes a mile.

You mention about Ashli Babbitt, the video I saw from the J6 releases showed she was behind another guy when she was shot and killed, appreciate policing standards in UK and US are different but we have a firearms officer on a murder charge who shot and killed a person known to use firearms, that person had moments earlier intentionally drove a car at police and was later shot and killed. Our police could never shoot into a crowd. A warning shot could have been fired, there were other options.

Recently a neighbour of mine, dislikes Trump, showed me a report stating the Georgia Governor had banned the giving of food and drink to voters standing in line, I thought it illogical so checked myself and found it actually applied to political parties or those connected with political parties and is aimed at stopping canvassing or coercion by political parties on the day of voting plus it only applied to a certain distance from the voting station, so what seemed like a nasty rule headlined to make the Republicans look mean was actually quite reasonable. It is all down to how it is reported.

If I tried to confirm or refute your detailed reply by the time I had done so the election will be over so we'll have to just accept you feel Trump is a danger to democracy, I think the current administration is a threat to US Democracy, our's in UK is under threat already, our recently installed Prime Minister has shortened prison sentences of many prisoners and let them out, some having committed nasty crimes, and he is encouraging the Judges to give jail sentences to people posting messages on Social media criticising the Government handling of immigration, using inciting racial hatred as the evidence, we have similar to US Southern Border.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
227 (1.63/day)
You respond with great detail but detail that cannot necessarily be verified with any certainly.
Yeah, it can be verified with certainty by those that open their eyes and research. It doesn't take rocket science in todays age.

You say electric is not the issue but the infrastructure that the Republicans haven't invested in, so what is the issue in California?
Don't live in California so I can't tell you what their issue is. But it probably also has to do with the infrastructure being restricted by their Democratic policies.
In Texas, our power system is a little different than the other states.

You say you live in Texas and there is no immigration issue there, my girlfriend lives in California and she says there is, so is she wrong, or are you wrong, or is it OK where you are and not OK where she is?

And no, I did NOT say that there were no immigration issues. here You read that into what I stated from a position of your belief. What I did state was that we in Texas are NOT having the [iciode]rampant raging migrant crime[/icode] that Trump and his cronies like to spout on about. I also reflected to you how we in Texas can base that upon fact since we DO track the immigration status of those charged (and convicted) with crimes, which other states do NOT do.

If women feel uncomfortable with a trans in their changing rooms, whether the person in question has had the op or not, then the women's views must be respected, a trans woman is not a woman, Same with sport, which you admit you agree with.
How do they know it's a trans? Are they scoping out the equipment on others? If so, is not that in itself a little creepy?
As I clearly stated, if they have not transitioned, they need to be provided their own rooms.

You mentioned that there is no issue with schools, parents and gender issues, that was one of the main reasons Elon Musk is moving his business out of California, that old saying, give an inch, then another, eventually it takes a mile.
And I see zero issues with TEACHING students that not everyone walks in lockstep as male or female, and that we all need to respect others. That's the issue with the conservatives, they can't respect choices of others as it goes against their pattern of belief.

A warning shot could have been fired, there were other options.
And that tells me all I need to know.
Guess what, you fire a warning shot and a bullet comes out. They don't carry blanks in their weapons. It HAS to go somewhere. And your next response will probably be "well, they could fire it into the ground". Ever hear of ricochets? That's why our law enforcement is taught you do NOT fire a warning shot.
And sorry, when the shot was fired, there was nobody in front of her.
Screen Shot 2024-10-21 at 8.07.51 AM.pngScreen Shot 2024-10-21 at 8.07.33 AM.png
She is the one in black and this was immediately after the shot was fired and she was falling backwards. And these images were screenshots of the video taken by an activist that was present.

Recently a neighbour of mine, dislikes Trump, showed me a report stating the Georgia Governor had banned the giving of food and drink to voters standing in line, I thought it illogical so checked myself and found it actually applied to political parties or those connected with political parties and is aimed at stopping canvassing or coercion by political parties on the day of voting plus it only applied to a certain distance from the voting station, so what seemed like a nasty rule headlined to make the Republicans look mean was actually quite reasonable. It is all down to how it is reported.
No, the Governor did not make the rule, the Republican led Legislature did and he signed it.
And I don't know where you got your information from that it is restricted to political parties doing it. This is the direct text of the legislative act that became law (note, I highlighted the relevant portion to make it easier for you to understand that it's not related to political parties but ANY person):
1807 SECTION 33.
1808 Said chapter is further amended by revising subsections (a) and (e) of Code
1809 Section 21-2-414, relating to restrictions on campaign activities and public opinion polling
1810 within the vicinity of a polling place, cellular phone use prohibited, prohibition of candidates
1811 from entering certain polling places, and penalty, as follows:
1812 "(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any
1813 person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,
1814 or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and
1815 drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any
1816 person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables
1817 or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast:
1818 (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is
1819 established;
1820 (2) Within any polling place; or
1821 (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place.
1822 These restrictions shall not apply to conduct occurring in private offices or areas which
1823 cannot be seen or heard by such electors."

And I don't like the Democratic party being in power, but ultimately between the two, Harris is the lesser evil. When you have as many Republicans that were in Trumps administration either saying that they will not vote for him or that they will be voting for Harris because they consider him not qualified it is one of those things you really need to pay attention to.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,588 (4.52/day)
@Geffers I'm going to be really blunt here: you might have heard of how Trump talked lovingly and admiringly at a recent rally about Arnold Palmer's cock. Yes, the man's member and how big and magnificent it apparently was. Oh and Palmer is dead, too.

Now, even for you, as someone who normally has unshakeable faith in Trump isn't this extremely cringe worthy? Embarrassing? Doesn't this sound very strange, weird, inappropriate and incredibly offputting? Watching that makes me do a strong "eugh!", gross out. Also, what does that story have to do with electing a president and their policies? Clearly nothing. Perhaps Trump is a straight-acting closet gay man and hence why he keeps banging on and on about being "strong and masculine" all the time? Hence, does what he said not set off any warning bells in your mind about Trump? Even small doubts, anything at all?

The actual clip starts at 1:33, but I recommend watching the whole video for the full context. Credit to YouTuber Adam Mockler for articulating so well everything wrong with what Trump did here.

Seriously, I'd be really interested in your response to this one rather than just letting it slide like so many of my Trump comments to you.

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@Astro What I hope you managed not to barf watching that. 🤣

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
227 (1.63/day)
I hope you managed not to barf watching that. 🤣
Already seen it... and BTC did a decent video that had it in his content also.
I think even some of the MAGA faithful are starting to realize that Trump has started even more quickly traveling down the path to senility.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,588 (4.52/day)
Already seen it... and BTC did a decent video that had it in his content also.
Yeah, I thought BTC had and it would be great if you could post that too so we get more than one perspective on it. :)

I think even some of the MAGA faithful are starting to realize that Trump has started even more quickly traveling down the path to senility.
I really hope so. This might finally be his downfall as it's unbelievable how stubbornly high his poll ratings remain this close to the election despite the increasingly insane things that he comes out with which don't seem to be putting a dent in it. Dunno how it affects you, but it really does my head in. Below is an article on his mental decline, written by a doctor.

I still hold out hope however that his declining mental health ends up being his October surprise and puts voters off him on election day. That huge rise in postal voting that's been reported hopefully means it's Democrats voting him out.

It reminds me of the scandals in the UK tory party in the Boris Johnson era of a few years ago. It became one serious scandal after the other which he was seemingly impervious to with his teflon shoulders; he was just literally taking the piss. Then partygate happened and everything changed. This was a bullet that he couldn't quite dodge: a heat seeking rocket powered one, a tiny missile that just kept coming back round no matter how he ducked and weaved, with it eventually, finally, bringing him down, forcing him out of office (he was so bitter! lol). This proved that there is a point at which the scandal will matter and also what kind of scandal it is. Hopefully, Trump's cognitive decline will be his undodgeable heat seeking missile.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s recent public appearances have been marked by his apparent confusion, by rambling speeches and by his bizarre claims that go beyond mere gaffes or misstatements. In one particularly troubling incident during a town hall event, Trump vividly described what he said was the audience’s reactions to the debate he had against Vice President Kamala Harris. There was no audience when Trump debated Harris.

As a physician, admittedly one who hasn’t examined Trump or observed him in person, I find myself increasingly concerned about his cognitive fitness. While age-related decline is a reality millions of Americans must confront, his recent appearances and the questionable credibility of reports made by his treating physicians should make us all concerned.



Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
313 (0.38/day)
I looked for an actual clip instead of relying on a joker that seemingly planted dumb gaping faces in their thumbnail. I hereby declare that whosoever is making a big fuss out of this has their dirty minds squarely in the gutter. And cannot take a joke. Trump *did not specify*, so the rest is up to the imagination.

My brother and I learned to only trust messages sent directly from the man himself and not the media''s spin back when he got covid so here's his full story with bad audio

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