The Trump downfall thread

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
220 (1.64/day)
Can we say ouch, that the deep penetration of his unmentionable parts hurts?
Doe it matter that this is a life-long Republican pusher and Trump supporter?
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I wonder how many will actually listen to Harris's interview with Bret Baer of Fox News and actually look at facts instead of drooling when the name Trump is mentioned? Never mind that Trump ran away with his small tail tucked between his legs when he discovered that on his 60 Minutes interview he would be fact checked and called to task and he simply didn't have big enough balls to face that heat.
It really looks like Trump remains a coward when it comes to a format where he can be called to task. He prefers a format that he can spout his easily disproven "facts" in a format that he is never questioned. That in itself should be very telling to anyone of a basic level of intelligence.

The sad thing is... the idiocy of the radical right or left is not limited to the United States. It seems to be spreading, and honestly I foresee physical battles on the part of the left and the right on who is "right". The sad thing is... the radicals on both sides show their sheer stupidity because countries ultimately need to be ruled by consensus... and neither the radical left or the radical right (MAGA in the case of the US) seems to realize this.
Maybe, using Trumps arguments, we should put the radicals of both sides either in jail or to death? You support the radical philosophy (left or right)? Do us all a favor and put a bullet in your brain.
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Active member
2 Sep 2024
31 (0.67/day)
I really wish the lewd sexual content would have had some sort of spoiler, trigger warning for those of us who are survivors. I'm bowing out of this thread.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
220 (1.64/day)
I really wish the lewd sexual content would have had some sort of spoiler, trigger warning for those of us who are survivors. I'm bowing out of this thread.
Pretty sure the only one that is involved in that type of action in this thread is a radical right MAGA proponent named Trump.
Sorry if it negatively impacts you, but honestly that should be a HARD wake-up call to those voting in the US for the position of President. Do you want someone that overall supports existing law and pushes for it's enforcement, or do you rather support someone who thinks it's fine to grab a female by her p*ssy because he has perceived power (to use his terms).


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,577 (4.52/day)
I really wish the lewd sexual content would have had some sort of spoiler, trigger warning for those of us who are survivors. I'm bowing out of this thread.
That's a shame to quit such an important thread. If you mean the discussion of Trump's sexual preferences a few posts up, myself and @Astro What are simply discussing Trump's perversion and yet one more reason why one shouldn't vote for him. I know you'll agree that it's pretty gross and is what we're saying.

If you were thinking of anything else, would you please mind linking to the post here and I'll review it? If you'd rather do that in a private message then that's fine, too. Again, it's a shame to lose you from such an important thread.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,577 (4.52/day)
This article by Reublican Mick Mulvaney talks about media bias against Trump in this opinion piece. While there's actually some truth to it, he disingeniously fails to point out critical things like the Jan 6 insurrection that Trump fomented (which I saw unfold live on CNN) or the classified documents that Trump stole, both really serious crimes warranting jail time and that he was found guilty in the hush money case (all 34 counts of it) making him an actual, convicted felon, a criminal. That's not surprising really and the bias shown here is quite ironic in an article supposedly pointing out bias from the media.

tbh, it's not surprising that the media are super critical of Trump nowadays when the constant fact checking exposes his constant lies for what they are, incuding his constant assertion that the 2020 election was "stolen" from him. Haitian immigrants eating pet cats and dogs, anyone? Just how many times has this ridiculous, laughable, conspiracy theory been debunked and just how many times does Trump keep repeating it, regardless? That's Trump's fault, not the media's. If anything, they need to increase the pressure on him, not ease up.

Written by a Republican, I'm not surprised that this opinion piece is so distorted.

We didn’t need the “60 Minutes” story or a (second?) Vogue cover to convince us that the media are rooting heavily for Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election. And before those involved start clutching their pearls and breathlessly reiterating the fiction that they are “independent journalists,” keep in mind that no one really believes that. Maybe they don’t even believe it.

And that’s fine. This is about politics and governance, not media biases.

If Harris wins, the media can congratulate themselves for having helped. There is nothing wrong with that. All sorts of people participate in the public square in all sorts of ways. Some people run for office, others support think tanks, and some go into journalism. Many of us are activists in some way.

@live627 @Geffers ppl, you'll probably like this article, so have at it. :)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,577 (4.52/day)
This 41 second video linked to in that article shows the moment that Trump claims to want to be a dictator for just one day after what he said has been allegedly widely misreported by the media.

Just how naiive does one have to be to believe this ridiculous claim? What dictator in history do you know ever gave up his power? Exactly, none, and it wouldn't be any different with him. Think, it's not physically possible to be a dictator for only one day to do the things Trump says there, to build the wall and drill for oil, anyway. Seriously, don't buy this lie.

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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,577 (4.52/day)
Trump crossed a red line with voters by saying he's going to withhold money from first responders simply because the state wouldn't vote for him. Yeah, it's a gross, nasty thing to say, especially in a state that's been so hard hit by hurricanes. What a douchebag.

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Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
220 (1.64/day)
The sad thing was, his staff had to pull up statistics showing how many Republican voters were in the area impacted before he could be moved from his pushing for no financial aid to that area of California that was struck by fires.
And then he has the temerity to claim that's what the current administration is doing right now, while Republican officials in those states are clearly stating otherwise.
I think the folks that support him are the same ones that watch those reality shows... just in it for the entertainment value alone.


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
552 (0.46/day)
This article by Reublican Mick Mulvaney talks about media bias against Trump in this opinion piece. While there's actually some truth to it, he disingeniously fails to point out critical things like the Jan 6 insurrection that Trump fomented (which I saw unfold live on CNN) or the classified documents that Trump stole, both really serious crimes warranting jail time and that he was found guilty in the hush money case (all 34 counts of it) making him an actual, convicted felon, a criminal. That's not surprising really and the bias shown here is quite ironic in an article supposedly pointing out bias from the media.

tbh, it's not surprising that the media are super critical of Trump nowadays when the constant fact checking exposes his constant lies for what they are, incuding his constant assertion that the 2020 election was "stolen" from him. Haitian immigrants eating pet cats and dogs, anyone? Just how many times has this ridiculous, laughable, conspiracy theory been debunked and just how many times does Trump keep repeating it, regardless? That's Trump's fault, not the media's. If anything, they need to increase the pressure on him, not ease up.

Written by a Republican, I'm not surprised that this opinion piece is so distorted.

@live627 @Geffers ppl, you'll probably like this article, so have at it. :)
The mention that is written by a Republican is supposed to give it credence, what about Ex Democratic Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard supporting Trump, not to mention ex Democrat Robert Kennedy Jnr.

As for J6, why was much of the evidence and videos used during the enquiry destroyed, why did the Democrats initially want the details of the J6 enquiry suppressed for (I think it was) 70 years. Why did Twitter delete Trump's tweet to demonstrate peacefully and patriotically. Trump offered the National Guard to Pelosi, she refused but has subsequently admitted the disorder was her fault. Of course this is not being highlighted because the Press hate Trump - loved him before he was a politician, probably would have adored him had he stood as a Democrat.

As for the stolen election, on the night of the election the opinion was Trump was leading, certain swing states then suddenly decided to shut down for the night (unprecedented to the best of my knowledge) then, hey presto, next day Biden is leading. Windows were covered during the night, vans arrived, deliveries of 'items' took place. Al shown on video but discounted.

One of the main problems is, reported and quotes substantiating this disappear or are suppressed, as did the Hunter Biden laptop business, that could have been pivotal but, with FBI assistance was suppressed prior to election.

When the right demonstrate cities do not burn, cars don't get torched, business do not get looted, different ball game when the left don't like something, George Floyd, BLM, Antifa etc., as a result of this it is not surprising various judges and politicians were reluctant to pursue any allegations of election rigging, effectively allow the status quo to continueand try again in 4 years.


Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
220 (1.64/day)
Let's compare the number of Democrats (well known) supporting Trump compared to the number of Republicans (well known) that are supporting Harris.
I think you will find the numbers are a little lop-sided.... there are a LOT more Republicans supporting Harris than the few that claim to support Trump. In fact, there is a LARGE number of ex-Trump administration staff members that are supporting Harris instead of Trump. That in itself is very telling when you claim to only pick the "best for the job" but they end up saying you are the worst for it.
Gabbardand RFK Jr. both have plans/desires to server in a Trump administration. They know that their actions would never get them anywhere in a Democratic one as one is based upon policy positions and the other is based upon loyalty to an individual.

As for the J6 supposed deletion of videos?
Disproven solidly.
If you want to talk about video promises/releases, how about the fact that Johnson, after over a year, still has not released his promised 44,000 hours of video of the incident to the public? I could easily get a conspiracy going by saying it's because he realizes that he knows that buried in that video is proof of what the committee claims and it puts the Republican stance in a bad light. Bears as much weight as any other consiperacy.
Remember, the same report that alleges that the J6 committee deleted records states that they hired "Hollywood producers" to promote a political narrative while investigating the circumstances around Trump.
It seems that the reports released by those Republican led committees investigating this type of stuff have as much fact in them as their long running (and badly failed) attempt on the Biden impeachment joke because, by God, they impeached our almighty Trump and we have to do the same to their President.
Now, just to give you some more facts and not fantasy from information given by Bernie Thompson and backed up with documentation:
House Rule VII outlines the requirements for preserving House records at the end of each two-year term, and a footnote to Thompson’s response to Loudermilk outlines why Thompson says those written transcripts comply with that rule.

The committee was not obligated to archive all video recordings of interviews or depositions that were transcribed, he wrote. He cited guidance from the House clerk’s office that says the information contained in a document – and not necessarily that document’s format – make it a permanent record.

Because those interviews and depositions were transcribed by “nonpartisan, professional official reporters” and were reviewed for errors by both the witnesses and committee staff, those transcripts qualify as the official, permanent records and follow House rules for record-keeping, he wrote.
It's kind of like the Republicans trying to go after the interview tapes of Biden... not because the transcript was incorrect, but because they wanted to try to find some "gotcha" moments that had no bearing on what was being said but they could use as a diversionary tactic.

As to the vote tally returns, you need to learn how voting and vote tabulation works in the US before commenting on it. It is not abnormal that that you get a major swing over night. Walk in votes get counted before early votes. Typically Republicans vote on election day (the walk in votes). Democratic voters trend towards early voting (ergo the hue and cry by Trump and his sycophants to force limits on that method or to do away with it).
Just because the polls have closed does not mean that vote processing stops. They process the votes after poll closings and then those results are tabulated and added in the next business day. They do cease tabulation at a certain point to give the poll workers that have usually been there all day time to go get some rest. I guess your position is that they should remain slaving away until every vote is tabulated, no matter if that takes 12 hours or 1200 hours?
In fact, in some states, you are not even allowed to count the early election votes prior to the main day to prevent any early voting returns from impacting what the actual election day turnouts.
It was no different a process during Trump's so-called Stolen Election than it was when he was elected in 2016 or any other election.
As to the "all shown on video but discounted"... I think the word you meant to use was disproven.
I guess you also believe that 2000 Mules was a factual documentary?

As for the Hunter Biden laptop being piviotal? Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda. The thing is, even now the Republicans who have had access to it have not been able to show ANY verifiable link to Joe Biden himself. All they wish they could have done is used it to try to mar Joe because of his son's abysmal behavior, which was readily displayed for all to see by Marjorie Taylor Green showing nude images of Hunter under the influence of drugs in Congress, which even many Republicans stated was unprofessional and used only to sensationalize her doing it.

Let's not even get into some of his more recent statements, like using the military against "the enemy within". And from clarification statements he's made referring to certain persons by name, it is readily apparent he means Democrats and anyone who disagrees with him.
And the real irony... is watching his MAGA politician party faithful try to spin what he says so that it sounds like something else while they totally ignore the names he called out when it is pointed out to them.

It's rather fun watching how far down the Trump fantasy rabbit hole folks go. But it is also frustrating because one always hopes that people pay more attention to factually backed information than sensationalized statements that lack any form of veracity.
They don't realize the grift he's running on them just to enrich himself. Remember, he whines/crys about China and how we need to control the products from them, yet is Trump endorsed America Bibles cost $3 each and were made in China and are sold for basically 20 times what they cost to produce.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,577 (4.52/day)
Trump offered the National Guard to Pelosi, she refused but has subsequently admitted the disorder was her fault.
Oh really? Pelosi said that the riot was her own fault? Are you serious?! 🤣 I stress each time that I saw it and Trump's speech leading up to it, yet you keep on trying to justify and deflect blame from Trump. No, he's guilty of fomenting it that day and also in the months leading up to it as per a documentary I saw about it by a neutral party. Open your eyes! :)

One of the main problems is, reported and quotes substantiating this disappear or are suppressed, as did the Hunter Biden laptop business, that could have been pivotal but, with FBI assistance was suppressed prior to election.
Yeah, funny how all the supposed "evidence" supporting wild conspiracy theories making big claims has always mysteriously evaporated just when it's needed most, innit? ;) Almost like there never was any evidence in the first place and it's all made up...

I could spend lots of time analysing and debunking the rest of your post, but I know it wouldn't help any, so this will do.


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
552 (0.46/day)
Let's compare the number of Democrats (well known) supporting Trump compared to the number of Republicans (well known) that are supporting Harris.
I think you will find the numbers are a little lop-sided.... there are a LOT more Republicans supporting Harris than the few that claim to support Trump. In fact, there is a LARGE number of ex-Trump administration staff members that are supporting Harris instead of Trump. That in itself is very telling when you claim to only pick the "best for the job" but they end up saying you are the worst for it.
Gabbardand RFK Jr. both have plans/desires to server in a Trump administration. They know that their actions would never get them anywhere in a Democratic one as one is based upon policy positions and the other is based upon loyalty to an individual.

As for the J6 supposed deletion of videos?
Disproven solidly.
If you want to talk about video promises/releases, how about the fact that Johnson, after over a year, still has not released his promised 44,000 hours of video of the incident to the public? I could easily get a conspiracy going by saying it's because he realizes that he knows that buried in that video is proof of what the committee claims and it puts the Republican stance in a bad light. Bears as much weight as any other consiperacy.
Remember, the same report that alleges that the J6 committee deleted records states that they hired "Hollywood producers" to promote a political narrative while investigating the circumstances around Trump.
It seems that the reports released by those Republican led committees investigating this type of stuff have as much fact in them as their long running (and badly failed) attempt on the Biden impeachment joke because, by God, they impeached our almighty Trump and we have to do the same to their President.
Now, just to give you some more facts and not fantasy from information given by Bernie Thompson and backed up with documentation:

It's kind of like the Republicans trying to go after the interview tapes of Biden... not because the transcript was incorrect, but because they wanted to try to find some "gotcha" moments that had no bearing on what was being said but they could use as a diversionary tactic.

As to the vote tally returns, you need to learn how voting and vote tabulation works in the US before commenting on it. It is not abnormal that that you get a major swing over night. Walk in votes get counted before early votes. Typically Republicans vote on election day (the walk in votes). Democratic voters trend towards early voting (ergo the hue and cry by Trump and his sycophants to force limits on that method or to do away with it).
Just because the polls have closed does not mean that vote processing stops. They process the votes after poll closings and then those results are tabulated and added in the next business day. They do cease tabulation at a certain point to give the poll workers that have usually been there all day time to go get some rest. I guess your position is that they should remain slaving away until every vote is tabulated, no matter if that takes 12 hours or 1200 hours?
In fact, in some states, you are not even allowed to count the early election votes prior to the main day to prevent any early voting returns from impacting what the actual election day turnouts.
It was no different a process during Trump's so-called Stolen Election than it was when he was elected in 2016 or any other election.
As to the "all shown on video but discounted"... I think the word you meant to use was disproven.
I guess you also believe that 2000 Mules was a factual documentary?

As for the Hunter Biden laptop being piviotal? Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda. The thing is, even now the Republicans who have had access to it have not been able to show ANY verifiable link to Joe Biden himself. All they wish they could have done is used it to try to mar Joe because of his son's abysmal behavior, which was readily displayed for all to see by Marjorie Taylor Green showing nude images of Hunter under the influence of drugs in Congress, which even many Republicans stated was unprofessional and used only to sensationalize her doing it.

Let's not even get into some of his more recent statements, like using the military against "the enemy within". And from clarification statements he's made referring to certain persons by name, it is readily apparent he means Democrats and anyone who disagrees with him.
And the real irony... is watching his MAGA politician party faithful try to spin what he says so that it sounds like something else while they totally ignore the names he called out when it is pointed out to them.

It's rather fun watching how far down the Trump fantasy rabbit hole folks go. But it is also frustrating because one always hopes that people pay more attention to factually backed information than sensationalized statements that lack any form of veracity.
They don't realize the grift he's running on them just to enrich himself. Remember, he whines/crys about China and how we need to control the products from them, yet is Trump endorsed America Bibles cost $3 each and were made in China and are sold for basically 20 times what they cost to produce.
Democrats are running on hate Trump, not anything they have achieved over the last 3+ years. Abortion is their only potential plus point., otherwise it is more of world conflicts, more gender reassignment, more trans in women's sports, more trans in women's changing rooms, border still an issue, more green policies causing black outs and higher heating costs. Electric technology is not good enough yet to meet their electric vehicle targets.

The outcome alternative will always be hypothetical, if Trump wins there may well be riots, cities may burn, cars overturned, shops looted, which is the norm, if Harris wins I am sure there will be demos but doubt cities will burn, we shall see. Many like to suggest J6 was unprecedented violence, well, unarmed female Republican Ashli Babbitt was shot dead, that officer would have been on a murder charge in the UK shooting a live round into a crowd, no police were killed however much the Democrats like to suggest were.

Soon be over then we can all go back to discussing nerdy issues on nerdzone.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,577 (4.52/day)
Retro is too deep into politics to allow THAT to happen! 🤣
Awww, don't say that! 😧 You can talk about anything you like and you can see the various other sciencey threads I've started recently. If you'd like to comment on them, you'd be very welcome. :)
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