The Trump thread


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
Agreed on Obama and Trump. The part about getting older and gaining wisdom you can see through their campaign promises because you know how the system works. A candidate can claim all day long until voting day what they will promise on Day #1 if they win, that this is what they would do, but most people don't understand how our three branches of government work; legislative, judicial and executive branches. The way our system was designed was the legislators would write the bills and a vote would be taken. The bill has to pass in the senate and house before it gets to the president to be signed or vetoed. The problem with America is that presidents are now writing executive orders and bypassing the proper branches of government so they can force their agenda. I totally disagree with the misuse of executive orders. I try really hard not to follow politics because it gives me agita at the lengths either party will go to enable their agendas without going through the legislators. Sorry, just rambled.
No don't be sorry, you didn't ramble, you happened to express the disillusion of many folks with current politics. Believe me, as far as I am concerned, you are preaching to the converted: politics happened to be my pet hate.

I do not believe a word that comes out of their mouths. They will promise anything to gain power, tell you whatever you wanna hear. None of them is above lying. Although some are worse then others; take Trump vs Biden? Both politicians but there is a difference; don't you think?
The same here. Both parties vilify each other, both their leaders are hypocrites. Again, each of us forms our own opinions of those liars; we can't help thinking that one is worse then the other.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
No don't be sorry, you didn't ramble, you happened to express the disillusion of many folks with current politics. Believe me, as far as I am concerned, you are preaching to the converted: politics happened to be my pet hate.

I do not believe a word that comes out of their mouths. They will promise anything to gain power, tell you whatever you wanna hear. None of them is above lying. Although some are worse then others; take Trump vs Biden? Both politicians but there is a difference; don't you think?
The same here. Both parties vilify each other, both their leaders are hypocrites. Again, each of us forms our own opinions of those liars; we can't help thinking that one is worse then the other.

Agreed, the masses are so hypnotized by one party or another depending on the issue and won't budge an inch to see through the lies and misdirections. Very few do their research and those that do (me) strive for honest research, but even that is hard because the internet is also scrubbed by the search engines. It actually becomes exhausting to form an opinion after awhile because then there will be some news that will "attempt" to break that truth so you thought, and then the historical rewrite happens on that news and then you're back to trying to understand what the frack just happened? My main issue, is I'd like government to just act like government. Take care of national security, infrastructure, keep our military fortified and trained, reach out to help other nations and not try to micromanage my life down to what I should eat by the new food pyramid. The US government puts cereal more at the top of the pyramid for value rather then protein. Beef is at the bottom....seriously? Rambled again🫣


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
Trump's slide continues as he's found guilty of sexual harassment. Now he owes E Jean Carroll $5m!

Really stunning, isn't it? This lawsuit also succeeded even though there was a statute of limitations issue? This I remember about in the news a few weeks ago, that this lawsuit had that challenge....and she won, wow!
The former Elle magazine columnist was able to bring the civil case against Mr Trump after New York passed the Adult Survivors Act in 2022.
The law allowed a one-year period for victims to file sexual assault lawsuits in the state involving claims that would have normally exceeded statute limitations.


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
I am going to be unpopular here, but I believe that Trump's lawyers had some valid arguments.
I loathe the man, but I can also tell when a crafty lady decides to jump on the band wagon and line her pockets! Bringing a law suit, so many years after the events....Really.

Trump's lawyers justly argued: 'why didn't she scream'? Well, why didn't she?
Why didn't she report the incident to the police immediately? Why didn't she?
Oh, she told her friends... big deal. Since when this is any form of defence.
Had she pursued her grievance in a criminal court, it would have been thrown out very quickly.

I mean, $5 million dollars in compensation is so over the top, even if what she is alleging is true, which I actually do not believe.
This huge sum is even more then many medical negligence lawsuits succeed in getting in compensation.

Again, I can't stand trump, he is a liar and a cheat, he is totally lacking in any moral compass. I hope this is yet another nail in his political coffin. Just to contemplate the possibility that a criminal-which he is!-can be the next President does not bear thinking about.

But this does not mean that I think that Carroll deserved to win. I don't think she did.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
@Mars brilliantly articulated...I didn't even delve into the actual case itself, as I just stopped at the law that was created last year to allow this to come to trial. Maybe it happened and maybe it didn't? Why now?

Politics at large should not be brought into the court room, including and not limiting too the fact that most of the New York electorate do not like Trump. I also disagree with the obvious by creating new laws that allow old "alleged offenses" to proceed forward beyond their statute of limitations just because of "their" agenda.

Corruption at it's highest in New York, substantial biased and laws without principle that allowed this case to even exist.


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
@Mars brilliantly articulated...I didn't even delve into the actual case itself, as I just stopped at the law that was created last year to allow this to come to trial. Maybe it happened and maybe it didn't? Why now?

Politics at large should not be brought into the court room, including and not limiting too the fact that most of the New York electorate do not like Trump. I also disagree with the obvious by creating new laws that allow old "alleged offenses" to proceed forward beyond their statute of limitations just because of "their" agenda.

Corruption at it's highest in New York, substantial biased and laws without principle that allowed this case to even exist.
Thanks Tiffany, same here, this case should have been aborted before it saw the light of day.

As you say, the fact that a law was passed that voids the statute of limitation for this type of 'offence', smacks of bias and corruption, and it therefore only strengthens Trump's position that it was a witch hunt.

You know? maybe it was a witch hunt; does he deserve it? yes! He absolutely deserves to be hunted and hounded until he drops, but please, do not be so obvious about it!!
The ridiculous verdict in this case only gives him a chance to crow, and to his blinkered supporters to rally around their 'wronged leader'.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
I am going to be unpopular here, but I believe that Trump's lawyers had some valid arguments.
I loathe the man, but I can also tell when a crafty lady decides to jump on the band wagon and line her pockets! Bringing a law suit, so many years after the events....Really.

Trump's lawyers justly argued: 'why didn't she scream'? Well, why didn't she?
Why didn't she report the incident to the police immediately? Why didn't she?
Oh, she told her friends... big deal. Since when this is any form of defence.
Had she pursued her grievance in a criminal court, it would have been thrown out very quickly.

I mean, $5 million dollars in compensation is so over the top, even if what she is alleging is true, which I actually do not believe.
This huge sum is even more then many medical negligence lawsuits succeed in getting in compensation.

Again, I can't stand trump, he is a liar and a cheat, he is totally lacking in any moral compass. I hope this is yet another nail in his political coffin. Just to contemplate the possibility that a criminal-which he is!-can be the next President does not bear thinking about.

But this does not mean that I think that Carroll deserved to win. I don't think she did.
Those things you say are true, but look at the situation from a different perspective when it comes to Trump.

We know what a nightmare Trump is, so he must be stopped from being president again at all costs, literally. This includes every dirty trick possible, so if he can be nailed for rape, whether he did it or not, then I'm in favour of it. Personally, with his reputation, I reckon that he's likely to have done it anyway, evidence or not. Remember that infamous audio clip where he said, "grab 'em by the pussy"? Yeah, that guy.

Think, was it fair that he fomented that insurrection to try and overturn a legitimate election, in his favour, in which 7 police officers died and hundreds of people put in danger? No, of course not. This and hundreds of other things are why I'm happy for fairness to go out the window when it comes to him. Heck, he's still lying about it today and refuses to acknowledge Biden as the winner. That's so pathetic by now.

I remember early on in his presidency, he "joked" that he would like to try and extend the term beyond 8 years and I'd bet money he'll do that if he gets back into power to try and hang on for as long as possible. Can you imagine what kind of tirant that would make him?

Also, he was pro brexit and always sucked up to tirants like Putin and that North Korean guy.

Out at all costs.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
I saw a lot of videos on Louis in new York led around by the blatant corrupt higher ups there. America from the perspective of someone who watched a video on a New Yorker seems like a barely disguised mafia state... The guise of capitalism banana republic.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Crims, do you agree with point just above your post about doing whatever it takes to bring down Trump?


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Given who he is and the danger he puts everyone in, I'd beg to differ on this one. I don't normally condone dirty tricks, but this is an exception.

Note that I'm fine with you having a different opinion though. I'm not here to try and change your mind as these conversations so often go.


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
Those things you say are true, but look at the situation from a different perspective when it comes to Trump.

We know what a nightmare Trump is, so he must be stopped from being president again at all costs, literally. This includes every dirty trick possible, so if he can be nailed for rape, whether he did it or not, then I'm in favour of it. Personally, with his reputation, I reckon that he's likely to have done it anyway, evidence or not. Remember that infamous audio clip where he said, "grab 'em by the pussy"? Yeah, that guy.

Think, was it fair that he fomented that insurrection to try and overturn a legitimate election, in his favour, in which 7 police officers died and hundreds of people put in danger? No, of course not. This and hundreds of other things are why I'm happy for fairness to go out the window when it comes to him. Heck, he's still lying about it today and refuses to acknowledge Biden as the winner. That's so pathetic by now.

I remember early on in his presidency, he "joked" that he would like to try and extend the term beyond 8 years and I'd bet money he'll do that if he gets back into power to try and hang on for as long as possible. Can you imagine what kind of tirant that would make him?

Also, he was pro brexit and always sucked up to tirants like Putin and that North Korean guy.

Out at all costs.
Retro, you are preaching to the converted here. I do not like him anymore then you do, and I have made it quite clear in my posts.
I have put my view across why I think if they want to besmirch Trump, they have plenty of opportunities.
Harping on his cavalier attitude to women, is not much of an argument. Haven't they got anything else to concentrate on?
That man is dangerous and totally lacking any moral compass. Fining him for groping a woman in a dressing room decades ago, is ridiculous, weak and means nothing.

That is not what they should concentrate on when trying to bring down a strong, calculating and utterly corrupt political opponent, who has plenty of supporters.

Shame that New York is, apparently, right up there on the scale of corruption.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
I would if this was a reasonable place for ethic talk about how Trump fully encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, something less gossip.

Edit: Hope the right thing to say is that I never jumped in favour of them.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
That is not what they should concentrate on when trying to bring down a strong, calculating and utterly corrupt political opponent, who has plenty of supporters.
It might seem petty and probably is, but it's just one more thing he's now on the hook for and has to fight against. The more he's loaded down, the easier it is to bring him down. Remember, they're still investigating a few other things like the insurrection, the classified government documents he held at his house illegally among others. This will encourage those prosecutions, so I say throw as much mud* at him as possible to ensure that some of it sticks, as we've seen how slippery he is, given his lifetime of corruption and the way he always successfully buys his way out of trouble. Not this time.

*Substitute word starting with S. Not sure which one it is... salt? ;)

I would if this was a reasonable place we were talking about talk about how Trump basically encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine.
Yeah, he did, indirectly. What a lovely man. Or maybe not.


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
It might seem petty and probably is, but it's just one more thing he's now on the hook for and has to fight against. The more he's loaded down, the easier it is to bring him down. Remember, they're still investigating a few other things like the insurrection, the classified government documents he held at his house illegally among others. This will encourage those prosecutions, so I say throw as much mud* at him as possible to ensure that some of it sticks, as we've seen how slippery he is, given his lifetime of corruption and the way he always successfully buys his way out of trouble. Not this time.

*Substitute word starting with S. Not sure which one it is... salt? ;)

Yeah, he did, indirectly. What a lovely man. Or maybe not.
Yes, they should sling as much mud at him as they can, the problem is mud does nothing to him. Mud doesn't hurt and you can wipe it right off.
Put the bastard in court for breach of homeland security by having classified documents at his residence.
Put the bastard in court for possible connection with Putin.
Try him, convict him, and lock him up for inciting a riot and causing the death of police officers.
These are the kind of accusations that will put paid to his aspirations for another term in office.

But please please quit harping on his misogynistic attitude to women. It is weak, irrelevant, smacks of feminism, and worse of all, it actually serves to rally his cohorts around him, as they all share his macho views anyway.

You want to hurt him? Play dirty, that's fine; but be clever about it.
Don't be so bloody obvious as to change a law that voids a Statute of Limitation, just so that a woman can put thru a grievance and line her pockets.

You want to cause him real damage? Hit him with cannon balls, not with furballs.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Time will tell if it hurts him and I think it will, as below.

To expand on a point I made above, prosecutors have been very reluctant to charge him with anything so far. Now he's been nailed with this, ie found guilty, plus the recent indictment, it will really embolden them to go after those much bigger things that will finally put him behind bars once and for all.

That indictment:


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
Time will tell if it hurts him and I think it will, as below.

To expand on a point I made above, prosecutors have been very reluctant to charge him with anything so far. Now he's been nailed with this, ie found guilty, plus the recent indictment, it will really embolden them to go after those much bigger things that will finally put him behind bars once and for all.

That indictment:
OK, hopefully he will rot in jail.
I am not holding my breath though.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
It actually becomes exhausting to form an opinion after awhile because then there will be some news that will "attempt" to break that truth so you thought, and then the historical rewrite happens on that news and then you're back to trying to understand what the frack just happened?
Better politicians would be a really good step forward -- from what I've read, the US has largely gained inspiration from UK interview techniques with Trump and accountability seems needed.
US politic is honestly discouraging when you examine how little transparency there is on serious things like infrastructure, food quality and daily quality of life versus politic. This would probably be very cathartic, Bojo was trying to be the US president of the UK
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Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
Yes, do nail him. Just get on with it. Been such a long time coming.

I'm sure as soon as there's a lull in the news cycle, the indictment will be announced. It's pride month in June and with that comes all of the protests and violence again and it's dominating the news. No one can get along here in the US.

Better politicians would be a really good step forward -- from what I've read, the US has largely gained inspiration from UK interview techniques with Trump and accountability seems needed.
US politic is honestly discouraging when you examine how little transparency there is on serious things like infrastructure, food quality and daily quality of life versus politic. This would probably be very cathartic, Bojo was trying to be the US president of the UK

James Mathews from Sky News was very persistent. I was beginning to wonder if Boris Johnson was going to talk, but he finally did. If the US was inspired by UK's interview techniques, then I'd say the US needed to learn from the best to get unplanned interviews like this one.

Agreed on US politics, very few stand up and honest politicians and we have all of those issues as you mentioned as our cities and infrastructure are falling apart. There's endless poverty with more and more homeless people setting up tents right in the downtown areas of most large cities with kinder weather in the south and western states. Our food is tampered with chemicals that shouldn't be there and you take your own safety in your hands when you go anywhere. It doesn't matter anymore if you live in an affluent neighborhood or low crime city, you are still a mark for crime in the right circumstances.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
James Mathews from Sky News was very persistent.
You can get Sky News? That's so cool! With my Sky subsciption I can get American news channels, CNN (my favourite foreign news channel), CNBC and NBC, along with various European and other countries' news channels. I used to also be to get right wing propaganda channel Fox too until they pulled out, unfortunately. It was interesting to see what kind of stuff they'd come out with, especially in relation to Trump.

I remember watching CNN live when the insurrection broke out as they were covering the counting of the electoral college votes. That was a wtf moment I'll never forget. "I was there" via the power of TV and modern technology. Also, I was recording it too, so afterwards, I could go back and watch again the very moments that it started and exactly how. Here's hoping it never happens again.
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