The Trump thread


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12 Jul 2022
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Because the event at the Capitol on Jan 6 was a protest with riotous elements largely egged on by FBI informants. Ridiculous that it even happened.

You have asked me a very charged question which I have been trying to shy away from by carefully crafting my posts to try to stay neutral. If I say I'm a Trump supporter, you, as an unabashed liberal it seems from your incessant posts on J6, will probably get this image of some crazy paranoid person. On the other hand, there is Joebama, who takes orders from the satanic cult known as the globalists. (Sidebar: I don't believe this literally, more as an allegory for how purely evil they are.)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Ok, thanks for your response. Now, I can see that this is something that an anti-Trumper would never say, so I must conclude that you're pro Trump. And once again, you're welcome here as a pro-Trumper and can speak your mind freely. All I ask is that the conversation on this emotive subject be kept civil and I'll make that effort too.

Note that I live in Britain, so can't vote for a US president anyway, but I can still appreciate how important it is that the right one is elected for the good of America and the rest of the world, hence this thread.

Because the event at the Capitol on Jan 6 was a protest with riotous elements largely egged on by FBI informants. Ridiculous that it even happened.
No it wasn't. For a start, I saw the whole thing live on CNN from the start of his speech to the marching to Capitol Hill and then the invasion and subsequent riot. My jaw dropped when they started clambering over the building. On top of that, I had the DVR recording it, so I was able to go back afterwards and look at certain things again. Trump clearly egged them on to do it. "Fight like hell" was his signature phrase, wasn't it? That with other things he said was clear incitement to riot. He then did sod all to stop it for two hours and when he finally did something, he showed a clear preference for the rioters with "we love you" and other phrases.

Then, you have Special Counsel Jack Smith with his mountains of evidence, much more than I could see from that broadcast, or remember now, to prove Trump's insurrection. I have lots of posts about this if you wanted to look back through the thread, but I appreciate that there's hundreds of posts there, so suffice that the info is there.

Then, you have the other three federal lawsuits against him. For someone to have quite that many huge lawsuits levelled at him, with hard evidence of wrongdoing, eg the shocking government files case, constant lies about a "stolen" election and his constant incendiary posts against those in the legal system just doing their jobs and you gotta question this man's integrity. There's no smoke without fire, as they say.

You have asked me a very charged question which I have been trying to shy away from by carefully crafting my posts to try to stay neutral. If I say I'm a Trump supporter, you, as an unabashed liberal it seems from your incessant posts on J6, will probably get this image of some crazy paranoid person. On the other hand, there is Joebama, who takes orders from the satanic cult known as the globalists. (Sidebar: I don't believe this literally, more as an allegory for how purely evil they are.)
Everything to do with Trump is charged, so it can't be helped.

You know my position on him and why as I've made abundantly clear throughout this thread. Again, I'm not asking you to stay neutral, so if you think Trump is the best, feel free to say so; I'm not gagging you. Do expect to be politely challenged though, or just have your arguments written off if they make no sense, as here, since you clearly speak in very conspiratorial terms. I can't help you with that other than point to the truth of the matter with my many posts on Trump and perhaps a direct reply or two. I suspect that you'll vote Trump at the GE no matter what anyone says unfortunately, and that makes me sad. That's what Trump relies on to try and get away from being held accountable for his crimes.

I'll leave you with this: this man doesn't care about you, or any of his other millions of supporters other than how he can use them to get what he wants out of them, which is to be elected and make the lawsuits go away once he's president again. He knows that otherwise he's gonna spend the rest of his life in jail given his age and the lengthy sentences he's likely to get. He claims to be doing this for you, his supporters who are genuine people, but it's a total lie, I promise you. You'll be voting in a dictator (he's said he will be from day one) who'll do nothing but screw you over and everybody else too.

I can't implore you to change your mind unfortunately, you just have to see it from the evidence rather than relying on emotion. The classic penny drops moment.


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4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Here's an illustration of just how absurd Trump's imunity claim is. For a court not to strike down his claim is absolutely criminal. And as I've mentioned before, I've read the 14th Amendment part 3 and posted it in this thread and it clearly does apply to presidents. How any court can interpret it any other way is very suspicious and now we're finally seeing them make the right rulings.

WASHINGTON ― President Joe Biden could, in theory, have Donald Trump abducted from his Mar-a-Lago home, spirited off to St. Helena in the faraway South Atlantic, and secretly kept there indefinitely, or even straight-up killed, without ever having to worry about criminal charges.

Or so says Donald Trump’s logic.

As part of his arguments against special counsel Jack Smith’s federal case against him for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the former president continues to claim that commanders-in-chief can never be charged for anything they do as part of their official duties.

It’s a view that has galvanized lawyers from across the political spectrum to urge federal appellate judges to reject Trump’s claims.

“It would turn the office of the presidency into the office of state-approved lawlessness,” said Glenn Kirschner, a federal prosecutor for more than two decades in Washington, D.C.



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10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
A sure way to kill friendships and alienate folk, is to try and change folk's mind about politics and religion.
What is as clear as Blue Sky to one person, is as clear as Mud to another.

Wiser men then me have drawn parallels between Trump and Julius Caesar, but at the time, Caesar had his supporters, just as Trump has his today. Caesar's supporters were the Roman masses.

I think we should always strive to find a common thread that unites us, rather then interminably argue about what divides us.

Life is too short to waste it on endless arguments which lead nowhere, and ultimately, make no difference one way or the other.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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The Trump swamp continues to be drained. This time it's millions in illegal backhanded payments from foreign governments to advance their interests over the American people. I'm sure we don't know the half of it with this guy.

This charlatan's whole life has been one long scamming operation. I can see a nice lawsuit getting lobbed his way over this one too. Add one more to the pile, he's going down!

A years-long investigation by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee has uncovered what they describe as a “stunning” web of at least $7 million in payments from foreign governments directly into the coffers of then-president Donald Trump.

The committee’s findings, laid out in a newly released staff report, are derived from documents obtained by the panel before Republicans took control of the House last year and subsequently scuttled the probe into whether Mr Trump unlawfully accepted payments from foreign governments in violation of the US Constitution’s Emoluments Clause.

The report states that Democrats on the committee uncovered “millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses” during his term, including the Washington DC hotel which Mr Trump operated just blocks from the White House.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This one's music to my ears: another ballot removal challenge! 😃

A new challenge to former President Trump’s ballot eligibility under the 14th Amendment was brought in Illinois on Thursday.

Filed on behalf of five Illinois voters, the objection marks nonprofit Free Speech For People’s fourth challenge seeking to remove Trump from the ballot in various states.

The Supreme Court is actively weighing whether to take up Trump’s appeal of a decision kicking him off the primary ballot in Colorado, a case that would have nationwide impacts on the Illinois challenge and dozens of others.

Anti-Trump groups have sought to disqualify the former president by arguing his actions surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack violated the 14th Amendment’s insurrection ban.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
As I've been saying: Trump is a security risk world over if he gets back into power, so must be stopped at all costs.

Ministers have been warned that Britain faces “massive” security risks if Donald Trump is re-elected president this year.

Three of Britain’s former top US diplomats have urged the government to develop contingency plans in case Mr Trump’s bid to return to the White House is successful.

Two ex-Washington ambassadors and a former diplomatic chief said preparations to help the UK cope if Mr Trump were to end US support for Ukraine and withdraw from Nato must be drawn up in secret to avoid giving him a campaign boost.

Despite the legal cloud surrounding Mr Trump’s presidential run, Simon McDonald, head of the Foreign Office until 2020, along with Sir John Kerr and Sir Peter Westmacott, who both ran the UK embassy in Washington, believe a second Trump presidency remains likely.



Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)

if you think Trump is the best, feel free to say so
Oh, but I don't, see.

I suspect that you'll vote Trump at the GE no matter what anyone says
Ehh, probably. He is one of two candidates that I see as legitimate. And the Libertarian that is running has garbage opinions.

I'll leave you with this: this man doesn't care about you
True. He talks a big game, but his allegiances seem to be his business ventures and his brand image.
This one's music to my ears: another ballot removal challenge! 😃

Hello, fascism my old friend. I wish to hear the sound of silence.

forcible suppression of opposition


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Oh, but I don't, see.
Well, you're definitely a Trump supporter, that's what matters, and as I said before, you're still welcome here despite my diametrically opposite view. :)

Hello, fascism my old friend. I wish to hear the sound of silence.
A fascist dictator is exactly what you'll get if you vote Trump in. Blocking him from the ballot is protecting democracy. I've explained this several times over in recent posts, along with article links if you care to look that back this up, but I'll summarise it here for convenience.

He fomented the Jan 6th insurrection: this is a fact as there's lots of evidence for it. I saw it unfold live on TV myself (jaw dropped) and Special Counsel Jack Smith has mountains of evidence for it, much more than I have. This was a wanton criminal act by Trump to try and hold onto power against the democratic will of the people. Fact. Do you really want somebody like this to return to power?

As you know, your Constitution part 14 section 3 forbids anyone from holding office that has engaged in insurrection. That's Trump, so he should be disqualified from every ballot in the country, not just the two states that have agreed to it for now. btw, I linked to the government site that shows this section, but I forget which post it was now. It was some time back, so would take some digging now to find it.

This insurrection alone is so serious, that ANY other candidate, whether Democrat or Republican, is a better choice than Trump. Add in all his other crimes and it's seriously a no-brainer to vote for anyone but him. The man is a criminal to his core and will screw you over the first chance he gets.

Given how dangerous he is for you, for America and for the political stability of the planet, I hope he's stopped in his tracks via disqualification before he can do any more harm.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This story is a plausible scenario of what is likely to happen if Trump returns to power. It would be the end of democracy in America and all the conseqences that it entails. If it scares the shit out of you, it should.

A good first step will be shedding any illusions that the sequel would simply be a repeat of the original. Trump 2.0 will be more focused and more capable than the initial iteration. In January 2017, he was a novice, new to Washington, new to political office and clueless as to the machinery of government. He relied on appointees who could, and often did, thwart his crazier, darker impulses – even if that meant swiping key documents from his desk before he had a chance to see or sign them.

Trump is different now. Four years in the White House taught him where the levers of power are and who he needs to push aside to reach them. Next time, he won’t allow himself to be babysat or reined in by assorted appropriate adults: there will be no Rex Tillerson at the state department or James Mattis at the Pentagon. Instead, he will populate his administration with loyalists undistracted by any duty to democratic norms and conventions, committed solely to ensuring Trump’s will is done. Once those informal, unwritten constraints are off, there is little that will stand in his way.

He has been shockingly upfront about this. As early as last summer, Trump aides were briefing their plans for a massive presidential power grab should their boss be re-elected.

Even Biden is now, finally, properly starting to warn of the dangers of a second Trump term:

President Joe Biden marked the third anniversary of the January 6 attack on the Capitol by warning that the issue of American democracy will be “what the 2024 election is all about,” as he runs against former president Donald Trump once more.

Mr Biden, who spoke near the Valley Forge historical site where George Washington and the Continental Army were encamped during the winter of 1777 and 1778, told attendees that they were there “to answer the most important of questions: Is democracy still America’s sacred cause?”

“This isn’t rhetorical, academic, or hypothetical. Whether democracy is still America’s sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time,” he said.

Mr Biden said his speech, his first major event of the 2024 election season, was “deadly serious,” and about a topic that needed to be raised at the outset of his campaign.

He said the dark events of January 6, 2021 — nearly three years ago to the day — marked a day when America was “nearly lost”.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Now voters in Massachusetts have filed papers to try and block Trump from the ballot paper. The article mentions Illinois as well, but I already reported on that in a post above.

Given the extreme menace that Trump is, as I've reported in the above post, you can see why it's imperative that Trump is disqualified. When this reaches the Supreme Court, it should disqualify him from all 50 states and finally put an end to his threat, but that remains to be seen.

A separate challenge has been filed by a group of voters in Massachusetts, who are asking the Massachusetts Ballot Law Commission to bar Mr Trump from appearing on the ballot for the same reason.

The attorney for those voters, Shannon Liss-Riordan, said in a statement that the challenge to Mr Trump’s eligibility “not about partisan politics but about upholding our Constitution”.

“That is why Massachusetts voters across the political spectrum have joined together to challenge Donald Trump’s wrongful placement on the Massachusetts ballot,” she said.

“As two other states have already recognised, Donald Trump’s instigation of and participation in the insurrection three years ago provide overwhelming cause for his disqualification from holding office in the United States”.

Mr Trump is facing challenges to his eligibility in at least 16 states, with at least two thus far – Maine and Colorado – resulting in rulings against him.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
The Trump headlines really are coming in thick and fast now. Here's the critical one to finally stopping Trump in his tracks: Supreme Court to hear case in February over whether he ineligible to run for president due to his insurrection.

It's obvious that the SC should uphold the constitution, but stuffed with his cronies, will they? This isn't the kind of nailbiter that should be happening.

The US Supreme Court has said it will hear a historic case to determine if Donald Trump can run for president.

The justices agreed to take up Mr Trump's appeal against a decision by Colorado to remove him from the 2024 ballot in that state.

The case will be heard in February and the ruling will apply nationwide.

Lawsuits in a number of states are seeking to disqualify Mr Trump, arguing that he engaged in insurrection during the US Capitol riot three years ago.

The legal challenges hinge on whether a Civil War-era constitutional amendment renders Mr Trump ineligible to stand as a candidate.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This has the potential to paralyse Trump, totally bankrupt him and is long overdue for his long term fraudulent crimes. He then won't be able to fight anything, not the multiple lawsuits and not the election that he shouldn't be allowed on anyway.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Scumbag Trump is now calling Democratic voters "bags of crap" and looks like he might be calling on Republicans to stop them from voting.

Unfortunately, experts predict that he's now got a decent chance of beating Biden at the GE - the mind boggles. It would be absolutely infuriating if he beat this wrap by winning the GE and making all his legal troubles go away. What a nightmare would be unleashed on the world.
Former President Donald Trump on Friday urged his supporters to stop “bags of crap” arriving at polling places to vote in the presidential election later this year.

During a rally in Mason City, Iowa, Trump echoed his false claims that the 2020 election had been stolen from him, and said that “we’re not going to let it happen again.”

He added: “You should all stay in those voting booths. You should stay there and watch it. If you see bags of crap coming into the voting areas, you’ve got to stop it. You can’t let it happen, because these guys are crooked as hell. They know how to cheat.”

Trump, the current front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, went on to declare that he and his backers wouldn’t allow Democrats to “rig” the 2024 election.

“We will fight for America like no one has ever fought before,” Trump said at the rally, held in advance of this month’s Iowa caucuses. “2024 is our final battle.”

The man sounds like Hitler and his "final solution". No, just no to him returning to power. 🤮



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Here's an easy to ready summary of how the Jan 6th insurrection unfolded, all of it fomented by Trump. Yet, he has the gall to claim that he had nothing to do with it.

Then – knowing that members of the crowd were armed – he dispatched them to the Capitol as the electoral count was about to start. The attack on the Capitol came immediately after.

He watched the attack on television from the White House. For three hours, he made no attempt to stop it or ask his supporters to refrain from violence.

Three. Long. Hours. :mad: I remember when I was watching it live wondering where the hell were the cavalry to break up the riot. Now we know why and I had my suspicion then that Trump didn't actually wanna stop it. It boggles the mind that someone like this can still be on the ballot and that he might even have got to the Supreme Court justices to ensure that they let him off the hook for it. I reckon big enough bribes and threats will be enough to swing the verdict it in his favour.



Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
I remember when I was watching it live wondering where the hell were the cavalry to break up the riot.
I hear that several members of Congress wanted to bring in the National Guard but Pelosi, of all people, wouldn't let it happen. So much for speaker...


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
I hear that several members of Congress wanted to bring in the National Guard but Pelosi, of all people, wouldn't let it happen. So much for speaker...
It was Trump that blocked it, not Pelosi. Come on now. Why would a Democrat want to stop the certification? Just think about that. Also, have a read of that summary I posted to refresh your memory of those events. It certainly helped me!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Kamala Harris's beautiful campaign speech warning that the Republicans will restrict America's voting rights and various other nasties. Shame so many millions won't listen, instead voting Republican against their own interests.

Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday warned of an “all-out attack on hard-fought, hard-won freedoms and rights” by Republicans and former president Donald Trump and stressed the importance of Black voters in her and President Joe Biden’s electoral prospects.

She cited Republicans’ efforts to restrict voting rights in the wake of her and Mr Biden’s 2020 victory over Mr Trump, often by changing the law to make the process of voting more arduous.

“They have the gall to pass laws to ban drop boxes, to limit early voting, to make it illegal to offer food and water to people who stand in line for hours simply to exercise their civic duty and right — whatever happened to love thy neighbour?” she asked, adding that the GOP’s “hypocrisy knows no bounds”

Ms Harris rattled off a listed numerous GOP efforts to restrict rights, zeroing in on actions states have taken since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade last year and laws enacted in states such as Florida to regulate how history is taught in public schools.

“In states across our nation, extremists pass laws that criminalise doctors and punish women who seek basic reproductive health care. We see extremists ban books and attempt to erase, overlook and even rewrite the dark parts of America’s history,” she said. “And all of this … and refuse to pass reasonable gun safety laws, to keep our children and places of worship safe”.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
It's good to see continuing news about Biden pushing back actively against Trump and MAGA extremism now.

Also, it's my suspicion that were Trump to be taken off all ballots by the Supreme Court over his insurrection and then the Republicans won, that other president might then pardon Trump and put him back in the running for president again next time. That would be another nightmare, no?



Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
Talking about nightmares, these fights over ballot removal won't be one-offs. The precedent is now set, and you know just how important precedents are to the judiciary....


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Donald Trump refused to sign a loyalty oath pledging not to call for the US government to be overthrown when he registered to appear on the Illinois 2024 primary ballot, WBEZ/The Chicago Sun-Times have reported.

The declaration is not mandatory but has been signed by presidential candidates for decades as part of the necessary paperwork submitted to the Illinois State Board of Elections in order to secure ballot access.

Yeah, it's as bad as that, and Biden's spokesman had some strong words to say about it:

Michael Tyler, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, also responded to Mr Trump’s refusal to take the pledge on Saturday – the same day as the third anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot, when Mr Trump’s supporters stormed the building in the hopes of blocking the certification of the 2020 election results based on his bogus fraud narrative .

“For the entirety of our nation’s history, presidents have put their hand on the Bible and sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States – and Donald Trump can’t bring himself to sign a piece of paper saying he won’t attempt a coup to overthrow our government,” he said.

“We know he’s deadly serious, because three years ago today he tried and failed to do exactly that.

“This is the same man who thinks American troops who died protecting the ideals outlined in the Constitution are suckers and losers – yet calls the convicted felons who violently assaulted and killed police officers on January 6th ‘hostages’.

“He can’t fathom putting anything – our country, our principles, or the wellbeing and safety of the American people – above his own quest for retribution and power.”

Hardly surprising from the man who fomented an insurrection in an attempt to hold on to power, is it? Yet, his "base" continue to be in denial about Trump's true intentions despite mountains of evidence coming directly from Trump himself.

HE WILL SCREW YOU OVER! Don't let him do that to you and everyone you care about, let alone those he doesn't like.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Awww, isn't this heartwarming: Trump flaunts his racist side once again. ❤️ I'm sure his racist base will appreciate it, too. When are they gonna start thinking straight and see him for the monster that he is who'll screw them over the first chance he gets? :rolleyes:

Donald Trump is fueling a lie on social media that Nikki Haley is not eligible to be president.

But just like he did to Obama, Harris and Cruz when they were his primary political opponents, Trump pushing the racist idea that because Haley has immigrant parents (her parents are from India), she must not be a real American and is therefore disqualified from running for president.

Trump aggressively spread this lie about Obama, for years, fueling wild conspiracy theories about Obama being born in Kenya instead of Hawaii, where he was actually born. Trump routinely demanded that Obama release his full birth certificate to prove where he was born, and when Obama actually did, Trump questioned its authenticity.

After five years of doing this, Trump abruptly reversed course in September 2016, admitting that Obama was born in the United States and moving on as if nothing had happened.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Read the damning evidence from Trump's own officials about him. Anyone who isn't blinkered by the Cult of Trump can easily see these things are true and will never vote for him.

Here’s one of his defense secretaries, retired Gen. James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us.” Mattis has also said, “He is more dangerous than anyone could ever imagine.”

Here’s one of his former chiefs of staff and homeland security secretaries, retired Gen. John Kelly, describing Trump to our CNN colleague Jake Tapper as “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about … A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.”

Here’s his second attorney general, Bill Barr: “He is a consummate narcissist. And he constantly engages in reckless conduct. … He will always put his own interests, and gratifying his own ego, ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest.”

That's just a few examples: there's a lot more in the article. Pushing this menace off the ballot is the one thing that must happen. He can then be tried and eventually imprisoned at leisure.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
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Callous Trump doesn't even care if people die voting for him! This is a new low, even for him.

Donald Trump is urging even his sickest supporters to turn out in force at Iowa’s caucuses on Monday ― including people so ill that they may be at death’s door.

“If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it,’” Trump said at a rally on Sunday. “Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.”

Fortunately, the temperatures in Iowa will be very low, putting people off coming out to vote for all candidates, which should help suppress the number of votes that he gets. That's why he's encouraging them to die for him. Don't do it, kids.

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