The Trump thread


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
He's trying to do right? You're kidding? How is letting Putin overrun Ukraine in anyone's interest other than Putin's?

You do realise that if Putin's invasion is successful that he's gonna invade other countries too, right? He's already looking at little Moldova.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
It is successful—the already lost land proves it. Ukraine would've still had most of it had they agreed to the peace deal in I think it was May 2022.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This thread came up in the ElasticSearch suggestions just now which is worth being reminded about. If ever there was a bent election, it's the 2016 one that put him in power in the first place. Just think, all this nightmare could have been avoided by just shutting him out at the start.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Trump continues to peddle his lies about a rigged election, while in Russia, it really is rigged and everyone knows it.

Voting has begun in Russia's presidential election, which is all but certain to hand Vladimir Putin another six years in power

Ballots will be cast over three days, even though the result is not in doubt as he has no credible opponent.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This is a really depressing article asking if any of Trump's trials will start before the November general election.

Infuriatingly, Trump's delaying tactics have been very effective, so far skewering every single trial with delay upon delay, being massively helped by his cronies in the Supreme Court and judge Aileen Canon. I remember at the time that those lawsuits hit the headlines, I was skeptical, wondering how he'd get out of them. Now I know.

And I'll bet he'll then win the election (by the slimmest of margins of course, like in 2016) and make all these trials go away permanently. Can you imagine just how insufferable he'll be if he gets back into power and carries on with impunity? He won't even have to hide his motives anymore. Welcome to Dictator Trump.

This is beyond frustrating for all of us who want to see justice done and a despot kept out of power. To think that America is sleepwalking into possibly being taken over by a literal enemy from within boggles the mind. The world will be a much worse and more dangerous place if he gets into power, what with finally killing Ukraine and Putin emboldened to invade more countries along with a weakened NATO, the West could be severely destabilised.

Now, can all the brexit lovers reading this see how brexit, which weakens the UK, is likely to be part of a larger Putin plot to attack the West? Nah, I doubt it. Note that Putin and Trump are in favour of brexit...

Biden isn't overstating it when he says that our democracy is at stake here. Trump for sure will not just serve a 4 year term, cause lots of damage and then go, no, he'll just hang on to power endlessly. At his age, his biggest enemy might be Father Time who might, finally, call time on him. We'll see.

Not long ago it seemed Donald Trump’s campaign to win another term as president would be made impossible by the battery of legal cases against him.

The 77-year-old confronted 91 separate charges spread out in four cases and in four different locations. Supporters and critics alike wondered how he would hop from a hearing in New York to one in Atlanta and still find time to campaign.

Now that seemingly insurmountable challenge looks very different, and it is unclear whether the former president will undergo a single trial before November.

Just this week, a trial over payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels that was meant to begin later this month was put back by 30 days.

Since the different prosecutions were brought against him, it has been Mr Trump’s strategy to delay all proceedings, with the plan being to offer himself a pardon if he is re-elected, or at least muddy Democrats’ attacks against him.

A senior source in the Trump 2024 campaign told The Telegraph they were feeling optimistic about the prospect he will avoid facing trial before election day on Nov 5.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This is great news and gives Biden a huge advantage in winning the election. Once he does, Trump will finally be sunk by all those lawsuits against him and the fetching orange jumpsuit will beckon. Note that he's unfortunately successful at delaying them, but not cancelling them, even by employing his cronies in the courts.

Even as President Joe Biden has tried to fend off growing questions about his age and electability, he continued to inspire donations from supporters last month, bringing in $53 million, according to his reelection campaign.

The February haul — the combined total raised by Biden’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and authorized joint fundraising committees — is an increase from the $42 million that Biden raised in January. The campaign’s consistently strong fundraising has enabled Biden to amass $155 million in cash on hand, the largest amount any Democratic presidential candidate has ever raised at this point in the election cycle, his campaign said Sunday.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
If you're wondering why those lawsuits aren't being run simultaneously, giving Trump a big advantage in delaying them, it's because it's against the law to do so. Hence, one can't start until a previous one has finished. I wonder if it's the same in the UK.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This is good, very good. It might just sink him, finally.

It also helps to break the spell over just how allegedly mega wealthy and powerful he is, to his cult base. Other billionaires can pay such a fine on the nose, but not Trump whom it looks has lied about his wealth along with all the other thousands of lies he continues to make.

This and his inability to therefore fund the millions that he needs for his campaign will help significantly to reduce his popularity and hence help to lose him the election when his cult base see that their messiah isn't actually so all-powerful as he made himself out to be. Perhaps the scales might finally start to come off their eyes and they reject him en masse for the dangerous charlatan, con man, that he is. I wouldn't hold my breath, but it's not inconceivable.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Trump mocked up as a Hitler-style fuhrer. Too far fetched? Well, with what he's been saying lately about being a dictator and praising the likes of Putin, it's sounds frighteningly possible. America, don't let him back in the White House under any circumstances.

Did he actually say that Hitler did some good things? Perhaps, it's not clear.

Fuhrer Donald Trump.jpg


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
This article posted by the BBC just now, is a sequel to the one in post 686.

He's really on the hook with this fine and while he can dodge all the other lawsuits with delays, he's between a rock and a hard place with this judgement. :) And it will affect his prospects of campaigning for election. Frankly, I don't see how it's possible for him to campaign, since any money he has for the campaign will have to go to this first if he doesn't have enough money, which is why it's such a welcome dilemma that he finds himself in. Apparently, he's absolutely livid about it.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Looks like that being stuck between a rock and a hard place is really starting to scare Trump now as he doesn't have the required money and just can't find anyone to lend it to him.

Note that at this level, even wealthy, die hard supporters aren't just gonna give him $500m on a nod and a wink to help him become president again. No, they want to see a return on investment and even more importantly, that they're not gonna lose that money, for example by Trump declaring bankruptsy. So yeah, he's on own on this one and it's looking increasingly that it's gonna put him out of action. Absolutely frigging glorious!

Note that plenty of other billionnaires could pay $500m easily, so he's not as filthy rich as he's been making out, which might help to break his cult spell over his faithful followers. The problems of not having enough money is something that he can't blag his way out of.

Former President Donald Trump is in panic mode as the deadline approaches to secure a half-billion-dollar bond to appeal his civil fraud case in New York, according to multiple sources familiar with his thinking.

Trump’s lawyers acknowledged Monday that he was struggling to find an insurance company willing to underwrite his $454 million bond. Privately, Trump had been counting on Chubb, which underwrote his $91.6 million bond to cover the E. Jean Carroll judgment, to come through, but the insurance giant informed his attorneys in the last several days that that option was off the table.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
It's very important that this fundraising effort fails.

Despite previous claims that the Republican National Committee would not be paying Donald Trump’s various legal bills, an invitation to a Palm Beach, Florida fundraiser next month shows that the Save America committee Trump has been using for that purpose will, in fact, be a recipient of donor money.

The fundraiser for a joint committee called “Trump 47” is to be held on April 6, according to an invitation obtained by HuffPost, with a “chairman” level donation set at $814,600 per person, and a “host” level at $250,000.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
If money is donated to Trump by billionnaires to pay his fine, it raises troubling questions about the puppet and the puppetmaster.

I bring up this scenario because the same day Trump was pleading poverty, a CNN investigation reported that an obscure right-wing think tank with deep ties to conservative billionaires has been steering candidates and lawmakers across the country toward adopting regulations and legislation that would benefit these mega-donor moneybags.

I know; you’re shocked.

It raises a troubling question: Do you know who you’re voting for? When a candidate speaks, how do you know he or she isn’t speaking for someone who told him what to say? Are you voting for the candidate or the person controlling the candidate? The puppet or the puppet master?

We hear all the time that all these lawmakers are for sale. How do they go in poor and come out rich? It’s the cynic’s definition of a politician: someone masquerading as a person of principle for sale to the highest bidder.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
All this hell could have been avoided if Trump had simply been disqualified for his Jan 6 insurrection like he should have been. Yet, his bent cronies in the Supreme Court let him carry on. This man should be in prison for life, not anywhere near the leavers of power that he so craves. It's infuriating.

For years, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that if he doesn’t win the 2024 presidential election, he is willing to cheat and steal it. Since President Joe Biden’s inaugural address, according to sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, Biden and his inner circle have been drawing up meticulous plans and creating a large legal network focused on wargaming a close election finish, in which the former president and Republican Party launch a scorched-earth, Big Lie–fueled crusade.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
@Tiffany this article is sobering, but at least it's good to see that Biden is on the ball to fight Trump every which way to stop him stealing the election.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
How the hell does Teflon Don dodge the bullet every single time?! I can only think it's bribary. Who he may have bribed here I dunno, but it's rather suspicious when he was on the hook for a ruinous amount, he then brags a few days before the deadline that he's got $500m in cash (post 692) which is idiotic by any standard, yet despite that, still somehow manages to, at the 11th hour, get a massive reprieve on that fine and yet another fucking delay. I can only think that perhaps he bragged like that, because he already knew the result for today, ie corruption in the courts.

Something smells here. It really wouldn't surprise me if he "wins" that general election by crooked means and then we're all screwed.

Donald Trump was handed a last-minute reprieve in court on Monday, when a New York court allowed him to post a reduced bond of $175m to delay enforcement of a $464m fraud penalty.

The former president's lawyers had argued it would be "impossible" to secure a bond for the full amount.

The appeals court gave Mr Trump 10 days to find the $175m bond.

If he posts the bond within that time, his assets will be protected while he continues his appeal.

"I greatly respect the decision," Mr Trump said on Monday. "We will abide by the decision... and post either a bond, equivalent securities, or cash."

Yeah, I'll bet he "respects" it.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
@Tiffany this article is sobering, but at least it's good to see that Biden is on the ball to fight Trump every which way to stop him stealing the election.
Thank you for the heads-up. I've scanned your article and another I had open from yesterday; and still processing exactly what the Biden admin's intentions. Interesting!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
Here's another angle on this, with the following critical info that was missing from the BBC's report:

In a curtly-worded two-page order that didn’t explain their reason for giving Trump a last-minute grace period, five judges simply said that AG Letitia James can’t yet enforce the $464 million judgment against Trump—as long as Trump can post a much lower bond of $175 million within the next 10 days.

No explanation for such a massive reprieve? This should be questioned, no? Just how suspicious does it look?



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
It's well overdue that this happens. She's clearly in his pocket.

Note: you may need a free registration to read the article. I wouldn't normally post from such a site, but this is an important article that I don't see from other news outlets.

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