The Trump thread


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
From the initial looks of it, I think this gunman was acting alone, but if he wasn't, then don't forget that Trump just handed Biden a loaded gun with that presidential immunity ruling, as I've said here previously. Careful what you wish for, as they say.

I think what happened to him last night is karma, since he intentionally sent a mob to the Capitol on Jan 6 where they had murderous intent and politicians feared for their lives. Heck, innocent people did die because of it, even though you still won't accept it.

Doesn't feel good to be targeted by political violence, does it, Mr Trump? Unfortunately, this event is likely to boost his ratings now ffs. There's now a very real threat that he'll get into power, which I guess makes you happy.


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
679 (0.50/day)
NW London
As the replies grow it becomes difficult to respond to various quotes.

You are pretty eloquent in your replies but also pretty condescending, there is an old saying, throw plenty of mud at the wall and some will stick. Numerous statistical quotes may sound authoritative but does not necessarily make them correct.

In days gone by media mainly reported the news in an unbiased way, sadly that is no longer the case. Misquotes such as Trump's apparently suggesting neo Nazis to include fine people. The burying of the tweet to Protest Peacefully and Patriotically. The suppressing of the Hunter Biden laptop issue. The continuous promoting that Democrats are the party of minorities whereas their history suggests otherwise. Go after Kamala Harris and that is racist, go after Clarence Thomas, that's OK as he is corrupt.

I do wonder what will happen after November 5th I doubt whoever loses will accept the result. Could be in for a bumpy ride.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
I don't think criticising you for not accepting facts (Jan 6 in this case) is condescending. It's just part of conversation, especially a heated and controversial one like this subject. btw, been meaning to reply to your long post to me from the other day and hopefully, I'll get around to it eventually, bless.

btw, my bad, I meant to finish this:

There's now a very real threat that he'll get into power, which I guess makes you happy.

off with, "but then we all lose".

I know what you mean about media bias, but, in my opinion, whether it's good or bad in any particular instance, depends very much on the details of what the subject is and what exactly they're saying. The main thing is that they report the facts accurately, which in general does happen. That they intersperse it with their own viewpoints is usually ok in my book. If you really wanna see anti Trump rhetoric, just check out They really hate him there! They're much more overt about it than CNN, in particular. Note that I can't get their TV channel on Sky unfortunately, so can only go by their website.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Biden apparently said there was no place for political violence in US society.

Here are some clips of Democrats actually suggesting such actions.
Care for me to delve into the language that Trump uses in his "gimme more money" grifts that are "buzz-words" that tend to inflame/infer violence?
Or how about how he laughs at when Democrat politicians (or their family) are attacked (specifically Pelosi as the prime example).

Sorry, but Trump is one of the primary ones ratcheting up the violence rhetoric with his terminology that he and his MAGA faithful regularly use. Then when something does happen they try to "man-splain" it away.

Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful

Hell, what was Trump yelling when he was taken off stage after the shooting?
Fight, Fight, Fight
is what has been relayed. Does that sound like encouragement for peace?

Now, how about examples where Trumps name were used in the commission of violence (which is a strong indicator his speech influenced those persons):
Gainesville, FL - Hispanic store attendant punched in head by white male while the W/M told him
This is for Trump.
Washington State - Syrian born male threatened by man who told police
he wanted the victim to "get out of my country," adding, "That’s why I like Trump."

As an ABC News report stated
Thirteen cases identified by ABC News involved violent or threatening acts perpetrated in defiance of Trump, with many of them targeting Trump's allies in Congress. But the vast majority of the cases – 41 of the 54 – reflect someone echoing presidential rhetoric, not protesting it.
ABC News could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.

The 54 cases identified by ABC News are remarkable in that a link to the president is captured in court documents and police statements, under the penalty of perjury or contempt. These links are not speculative – they are documented in official records. And in the majority of cases identified by ABC News, it was perpetrators themselves who invoked the president in connection with their case, not anyone else.

The majority of those involved in the above 54 cases were white males ranging in age from teenagers to 75 years old and the victims largely were African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims and gay men. You know, the things that Trump and his cronies have whine & cheese parties about.

Just so you can do your own research, I'll give you the names of a few of those that reporting referred to:
Steven Leader - Boston, MA
Nicholas Tavell - Greenberg, PA
John Martin Roos - White City, OR
Henry Slapnik - Cleveland, OH
Daniel Rowe - Olympia, WA
Frank Nucera - Bordentown, NJ (you really need to research this one)
Mark Feigin - Los Angeles, CA
Patrick Stein - Garden City, KA (had 2 accomplices that were also convicted)
David Howard - Tampa, FL
Jacob Holtzlander - Grand Rapids, MI
Robin Rhodes - JFK Airport, New York
Gerald Wallace - Miami Gardens, FL (note, this person claimed he acted based upon a LIE that Trump told)
Brandon Davis - Key West, FL
Kenneth Sjarpe - Bellevue, WA
Anthony Scott Lloyd - San Pedro, CA
William Patrick Syring - Arlington, VA
Stephen Taubert - Syracuse, NY

Or how about Christopher Paul Hasson, whose attorney, while arguing for his release stated (and accurately I might mention) referred to Trump
This looks like the sort of list that our commander-in-chief might have compiled while watching Fox News in the morning. … Is it legitimately frustrating that offensive language and ideology has now become part of our national vocabulary? Yes, it is very frustrating. But … it is hard to differentiate it from the random musings of someone like Donald Trump who uses similar epithets in his everyday language and tweets.

I could add many more... but that is just a few from the 2016-2019 period when Trump was IN OFFICE and spewing his rhetoric from his official pulpit.
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Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Numerous statistical quotes may sound authoritative but does not necessarily make them correct.
When they are backed by facts... guess what... if they don't "stick" it's because certain parties choose to ignore reality. Of course, many of those that choose to ignore facts feel like they are being "put upon" because you are telling them their "truth" is not actually THE truth.
In days gone by media mainly reported the news in an unbiased way, sadly that is no longer the case. Misquotes such as Trump's apparently suggesting neo Nazis to include fine people.
That's why you have to get your information from a variety of sources and then use COMMON SENSE that God gave you to sort the truth from the chaff.
The problem with Trump and his "very fine people" statement was he did NOT say anything against the radicals that were there (both left and right). His statement was a poor attempt at overlooking the actions of the violent and looking at those that were not. Those that were not violent were not the problem.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at, as you say, at the alt-right?”Trump said. “Do they have any semblance of guilt?”“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not allof those people were neo-Nazis, believe me,” he said.“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and whitenationalists,” Trump said. “The press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”“You also had some very fine people on both sides
Never mind the fact that the march itself featured several leading names in the white-nationalist alt-right movement, and also attracted people displaying Nazi symbols. Those "very fine people" that were in support of it should have immediately distanced themselves from the radicals... but in general they did not. In fact, the "parade/march" started off with a night-time torch march reminiscent of many a Klan rally and back into Germany in the 30's.
There is an old saying - You run with dogs, you get fleas.
It took him two days before he clearly disavowed the radicals... you know, those which a part of he told to "stand back and stand by" at another time.
Trump frequently can't help himself when he goes "off-script". His true nature comes peaking through that anyone that is familiar with that type of dog whistle language can clearly see... and growing up in the south and being raised around racists it's VERY easy to see what is meant.
The continuous promoting that Democrats are the party of minorities whereas their history suggests otherwise.
The current party is more-so than the Republicans. Around 1948 the Democratic party became more concerned with civil rights with the southern Democrats finally starting to "come to the light" in the 60's.
But you see, you don't determine a party action based upon something from 60 years ago.... you base it upon recent actions. And guess who does push more minority concerns? If you guess the Democrats, you win a kewpie doll. The Republican Party has become what the Democratic Party of the 40's-60's was. Which party do the Kluckers and their ilk associate with. Once more, if you guessed the party associated with Trump, you get another kewpie doll.

I do wonder what will happen after November 5th I doubt whoever loses will accept the result. Could be in for a bumpy ride.
Pretty sure I can prognosticate the results.
If the Democrats win, Trump and his cronies will have another spastic fit about a stolen election and encourage their supporters using the buzz-words towards violence with the whine & cheese party of a stolen election.
If the Democrats lose, they will bitch and moan about how Biden killed their chance at winning but accept the election, just like they did in 2016. And before you try to bring up "fake impeachments"... sorry, as a 40+ year voting Republican, I found what Trump tried to do to be an impeachable offense also. But again, I don't worship the man but work for the betterment of my party.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
btw, been meaning to reply to your long post to me from the other day and hopefully, I'll get around to it eventually, bless.

@Geffers There's so much wrong with your post to me linked to below, but tbh, I don't have the energy for making the effort to counter it point by point and the resulting interminable back and forth that goes nowhere no matter how much hard evidence is shown to you along with reasonable argument. I think @Astro What has now done enough to comprehensively debunk your pro Trump claims several times over and I can see how that's going nowhere with you as well. You're welcome to continue that conversation with him.

The fact remains that Trump is a convicted criminal, a real menace of a cult leader who should never be president again, or anywhere near the levers of power and instead be thrown in jail and the key thrown away, especially for the Jan 6 insurrection where he's got blood on his hands. I dunno why you can't see what he actually is as it's not just a matter of opinion at this point.

I'm sorry if you feel offended by me saying this, but you have a real blind spot when it comes to Trump and your fervent support for him, which I'm not going to censor myself from stating it frankly to you, just as I don't censor your multiple pro Trump posts full of inaccuracies, misinformation and conspiracy theories that you believe.

A while ago, you told me that you didn't want to discuss Trump anymore as you found it stressful and I respected that, so I don't understand why you've jumped back into this conversation now.

If you reply to this, I may not reply back, especially if it's a long post.

This post is in response to this one to me:



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Corrupt judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the documents case against Trump on some technicality which isn't actually a technicality at all, just something made up. This stinks and the way it's going none of the three remaining cases will go ahead, plus he'll successfully overturn his hush money conviction too. This guy really does have Teflon shoulders and everyone should be worried about him getting back into power. Heck, he even dodged a literal bullet two days ago.

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That bullet dodge:


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
This is really bad news. Following the Trump shooting, the Democrats appear to have given up campaigning and are instead handing victory to Trump on a plate. I can't believe they pulled those ads criticising Trump for being a dictator and more just because he got shot at. These things about him are still true, don't shy away from exposing them, ffs. I hope this is only a temporary setback, but I'm not optimistic.

It's clearer now more than ever that Biden needs to step down.

Joe Biden’s campaign has pulled a string of advertisements - including some describing Donald Trump as a dictator - following the attempt on the former president’s life.

Mr Biden’s campaign had planned a $50 million (£39 million) publicity blitz in swing states labelling Trump as a criminal and a threat to democracy.

However, in the aftermath of the shooting, staff said they were “pausing all outbound communications”.

Trump dictator.jpg


Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Corrupt judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the documents case against Trump on some technicality which isn't actually a technicality at all, just something made up.
As with one of her other decisions that got appealed, this will most likely get overturned. The appointment of a special prosecutor has a long history. Other courts that this was tried with did not agree with the argument that she claims is valid.
Canon has already been over-turned on other of her actions, so odds are very high that she will on this one. And when she is, she'll probably end up getting removed from the case as between the two overturned decisions it is showing favorable bias towards Trump.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
I can't believe they pulled those ads criticising Trump for being a dictator and more just because he got shot at. These things about him are still true, don't shy away from exposing them, ffs. I hope this is only a temporary setback, but I'm not optimistic.
It is only temporary I can almost promise you. As you said, the ads are pretty much spot on. Relaying the truth, even though it may hurt someones feelers, is not inciting anything.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
It is only temporary I can almost promise you.
I sure hope your right.

As Brian Tyler Cohen said on his YouTube channel the other day, the Democrats are contorting themselves into pretzels to be seen to be doing the right thing and behaving in a proper manner, while the Republicans just keep right on with their lying propaganda, not bound by this. It's about time the Democrats started fighting back dirty as this enemy will stop at nothing to gain power.

Trump gave Biden a metaphorical loaded gun with that immunity ruling. It's time he used it, but he's too afraid to do so. If I was Biden, I'd use that gun to resurrect that constitutional amendment section 3 and disqualify Trump for the insurrection as he should have been long ago. Trouble is that even more radical VP of his would then take over, so I'm not completely sure it would help at this stage. And if that guy wins, then you can be sure he'd pardon Trump and put him back into politics, but at least he can't just be president without an election. What a mess.


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
679 (0.50/day)
NW London
When they are backed by facts... guess what... if they don't "stick" it's because certain parties choose to ignore reality. Of course, many of those that choose to ignore facts feel like they are being "put upon" because you are telling them their "truth" is not actually THE truth.

That's why you have to get your information from a variety of sources and then use COMMON SENSE that God gave you to sort the truth from the chaff.
The problem with Trump and his "very fine people" statement was he did NOT say anything against the radicals that were there (both left and right). His statement was a poor attempt at overlooking the actions of the violent and looking at those that were not. Those that were not violent were not the problem.

Never mind the fact that the march itself featured several leading names in the white-nationalist alt-right movement, and also attracted people displaying Nazi symbols. Those "very fine people" that were in support of it should have immediately distanced themselves from the radicals... but in general they did not. In fact, the "parade/march" started off with a night-time torch march reminiscent of many a Klan rally and back into Germany in the 30's.
There is an old saying - You run with dogs, you get fleas.
It took him two days before he clearly disavowed the radicals... you know, those which a part of he told to "stand back and stand by" at another time.
Trump frequently can't help himself when he goes "off-script". His true nature comes peaking through that anyone that is familiar with that type of dog whistle language can clearly see... and growing up in the south and being raised around racists it's VERY easy to see what is meant.

The current party is more-so than the Republicans. Around 1948 the Democratic party became more concerned with civil rights with the southern Democrats finally starting to "come to the light" in the 60's.
But you see, you don't determine a party action based upon something from 60 years ago.... you base it upon recent actions. And guess who does push more minority concerns? If you guess the Democrats, you win a kewpie doll. The Republican Party has become what the Democratic Party of the 40's-60's was. Which party do the Kluckers and their ilk associate with. Once more, if you guessed the party associated with Trump, you get another kewpie doll.

Pretty sure I can prognosticate the results.
If the Democrats win, Trump and his cronies will have another spastic fit about a stolen election and encourage their supporters using the buzz-words towards violence with the whine & cheese party of a stolen election.
If the Democrats lose, they will bitch and moan about how Biden killed their chance at winning but accept the election, just like they did in 2016. And before you try to bring up "fake impeachments"... sorry, as a 40+ year voting Republican, I found what Trump tried to do to be an impeachable offense also. But again, I don't worship the man but work for the betterment of my party.

@Geffers There's so much wrong with your post to me linked to below, but tbh, I don't have the energy for making the effort to counter it point by point and the resulting interminable back and forth that goes nowhere no matter how much hard evidence is shown to you along with reasonable argument. I think @Astro What has now done enough to comprehensively debunk your pro Trump claims several times over and I can see how that's going nowhere with you as well. You're welcome to continue that conversation with him.

The fact remains that Trump is a convicted criminal, a real menace of a cult leader who should never be president again, or anywhere near the levers of power and instead be thrown in jail and the key thrown away, especially for the Jan 6 insurrection where he's got blood on his hands. I dunno why you can't see what he actually is as it's not just a matter of opinion at this point.

I'm sorry if you feel offended by me saying this, but you have a real blind spot when it comes to Trump and your fervent support for him, which I'm not going to censor myself from stating it frankly to you, just as I don't censor your multiple pro Trump posts full of inaccuracies, misinformation and conspiracy theories that you believe.

A while ago, you told me that you didn't want to discuss Trump anymore as you found it stressful and I respected that, so I don't understand why you've jumped back into this conversation now.

If you reply to this, I may not reply back, especially if it's a long post.

This post is in response to this one to me:

When they are backed by facts... guess what... if they don't "stick" it's because certain parties choose to ignore reality. Of course, many of those that choose to ignore facts feel like they are being "put upon" because you are telling them their "truth" is not actually THE truth.

That's why you have to get your information from a variety of sources and then use COMMON SENSE that God gave you to sort the truth from the chaff.
The problem with Trump and his "very fine people" statement was he did NOT say anything against the radicals that were there (both left and right). His statement was a poor attempt at overlooking the actions of the violent and looking at those that were not. Those that were not violent were not the problem.

Never mind the fact that the march itself featured several leading names in the white-nationalist alt-right movement, and also attracted people displaying Nazi symbols. Those "very fine people" that were in support of it should have immediately distanced themselves from the radicals... but in general they did not. In fact, the "parade/march" started off with a night-time torch march reminiscent of many a Klan rally and back into Germany in the 30's.
There is an old saying - You run with dogs, you get fleas.
It took him two days before he clearly disavowed the radicals... you know, those which a part of he told to "stand back and stand by" at another time.
Trump frequently can't help himself when he goes "off-script". His true nature comes peaking through that anyone that is familiar with that type of dog whistle language can clearly see... and growing up in the south and being raised around racists it's VERY easy to see what is meant.

The current party is more-so than the Republicans. Around 1948 the Democratic party became more concerned with civil rights with the southern Democrats finally starting to "come to the light" in the 60's.
But you see, you don't determine a party action based upon something from 60 years ago.... you base it upon recent actions. And guess who does push more minority concerns? If you guess the Democrats, you win a kewpie doll. The Republican Party has become what the Democratic Party of the 40's-60's was. Which party do the Kluckers and their ilk associate with. Once more, if you guessed the party associated with Trump, you get another kewpie doll.

Pretty sure I can prognosticate the results.
If the Democrats win, Trump and his cronies will have another spastic fit about a stolen election and encourage their supporters using the buzz-words towards violence with the whine & cheese party of a stolen election.
If the Democrats lose, they will bitch and moan about how Biden killed their chance at winning but accept the election, just like they did in 2016. And before you try to bring up "fake impeachments"... sorry, as a 40+ year voting Republican, I found what Trump tried to do to be an impeachable offense also. But again, I don't worship the man but work for the betterment of my party.

@Geffers There's so much wrong with your post to me linked to below, but tbh, I don't have the energy for making the effort to counter it point by point and the resulting interminable back and forth that goes nowhere no matter how much hard evidence is shown to you along with reasonable argument. I think @Astro What has now done enough to comprehensively debunk your pro Trump claims several times over and I can see how that's going nowhere with you as well. You're welcome to continue that conversation with him.
I feel likewise. Trouble nowadays is where one gets the facts, Judge Aileen Cannon has thrown the documents case out but of course the Trump haters will claim it was political. Supreme Court ruled on Presidential immunity, not 5-4 but 6-3 and no doubt one of the Judges that voted againts was the Biden appointed judge that was unable to define a woman - wonderful, can't define a woman yet appointed Supreme Court.

You mention the J6 demonstrations, even many of those offences have now been overturned.
I'm sorry if you feel offended by me saying this, but you have a real blind spot when it comes to Trump
I could say likewise about you. Trump was adored by the media and most Democrats before he became a politician, had he stood as Democrat the adulation would have increased. I'm not sure the opinions division is coincidental with the timing or not or just the way of the World but division is increasing, there is no middle ground, it seemed to start with Brexit, result queried by left and efforst to overturn, then Trump, and guess what, result queried by left and efforts to overturn, Bolsonaro, Wilder, now Germany are trying to ban political parties they don't agree with. Soon as the left get opposition they try to ban.

The assassination attempt was a classic example, when the left get upset riots ensue, cities get torched, shops get looted, people die, Trump nearly gets killed, nothing happens. Something may have occurred had he actually been killed, that is hypothetical.

US has a binary choice as it stands, Democrat or Republican, so one can hate Trump all one likes but it is policies that are important to the US and ultimately, the World. With Democrats we've had Ukraine, Gaza, the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, inflation, shortages, Southern border invasion, fentanyl crisis, encouragement of gender reassignment, California is pushing the introduction of legislation that allows schools to have priority over parents in gender dysphoria issues. Compared to 2016 to 2020 it is a nightmare yet many want more of the same.

Ah well, as the saying goes, there's nowt as strange as folk.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
If Trump gets into power, America literally turns into a dictatorship and it won't be possible to vote him out again. Sounds crazy and unlikely, but unfortunately it's reality - see the first video, below for how this would come about. This reason, above all, is why it's absolutely imperative that Trump loses this election.

Thankfully, it's starting to look like Biden will step down after all to allow a younger and stronger candidate to go up against Trump. Give it another couple of days or so. The second video explains how we know that Biden is likely to step down. Frankly, it was inevitable ever since that disastrous debate that his future was untenable. I say that with sadness since he makes a great president and I'd love nothing better than to see him beat Trump once again.

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@Astro What you'll want to watch this one as it's not being reported anywhere else and will give you more ammo against the MAGA faithful's delusional arguments for Trump.

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Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Judge Aileen Cannon has thrown the documents case out but of course the Trump haters will claim it was political.
Over 50 years of other judicial cases showing that the appointments of special counsel are within the scope of the DOJ heads authority by statute and the appointment of a special prosecutor was not required to go through Congress (referred to as precedent). She is the ONLY outlier. And this is the same judge that has already issued 2 decisions that favored Trump that were overturned on appeal by the DOJ to the Appeals Court. So yeah, I think it is easy to argue there are some politics at play with her decision making.
In fact, Judge Dabney Friedrich of the District Court in D.C. (who is, by the way, a Trump appointee) through out a similar challenge.
To add TO that fact, U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis (appointed by Ronald Reagan, another Republican) also dismissed a similar challenge.
Or how about In 2020, in an Appointments Clause case involving the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Supreme Court essentially reaffirmed Morrison v. Olson as a valid exception to a general rule about appointments.

Or how about the Supreme Court precedent in United States v. Nixon. There’s a sentence in that 9-0 opinion which resolves this issue entirely. The sentence says that Archibald Cox, who was one of the prosecutors of Nixon, was appropriately appointed pursuant to the statute. And it is this case that Cannon decided that the SC decision was not binding because of HER reading of a line or two of the decision... and this is where her getting overturned is going to revolve around... and probably her being removed from the case totally.

In fact, there are constitutional scholars on both the left and the right that believe that the decision that the Supreme Court made was not founded in "law" but more in political bias in several aspects.

It's the same way that the Roe v. Wade decision was patently political in the Supreme Courts recent decision. You had 50 years of existing law (that word precedent again) that was suddenly overturned because the conservatives did not like it. In fact, Alito has stated
Abortion presents a profound moral question
Guess what, the courts are not there to answer moral questions. Last I checked, the only places with morality police were places like Iran.
The problem that the courts are having is that something that has long been respected in judicial decision making is "not important" now... the use of precedent. If the courts are subject to the vagaries of what is "popular" at the time, they cease being an equal arbiter of justice. The problem with the current Supreme Courts position that they use "historical context" is hysterically ludicrous, as they clearly have issued decisions that did not use that process, and their hypocrisy is visible to all. That's one reason that the Supreme Court is not held in high regard now as compared to in the past.
As to their statement that it should be "left to the states"... no, the protection of the rights of individuals are ultimately left up toe the Federal Government and the Supreme Court... a position that the Supreme Court seems to reject in an attempt to please the right. I can promise their stance, if it was pushed in a left leaning state passing a local law that the right did not like, would get overturned and then suddenly the Federal Government has control/decision over it in the form of the judicial branch. California could easily pass a law that legalizes the Chevron doctrine in law and according to the Supreme Court, they have no say in it, since stuff should be left to the states like this and the federal government has no control.

Supreme Court ruled on Presidential immunity, not 5-4 but 6-3 and no doubt one of the Judges that voted againts was the Biden appointed judge that was unable to define a woman - wonderful, can't define a woman yet appointed Supreme Court.
Well, considering that 6 of the justices are appointed by Republicans and 3 by Democrats, that should immediately point out HOW political that decision was. And last time I checked, "woman" was not a biological state of being, but a term (phrase) that has historically been used to refer to a biological female. And use of words (terms) change over time. We wear boots, other places store stuff in a boot (vehicle). And then to top it off, those that do transition their native biological equipment from a penis to a vagina, are they now female or are they still male? Do they qualify as being called a "woman" since they have all "important plumbing" of a female? And before you chime in that "well, they can't have children", I guess that means that every female that has had a hysterectomy are no longer female? Or that females that were born with birth defects that prevent them from having children are not female?
And to give full clarification to your statement (which is only partial in use of statements to try and make a point and typical of a Trump style believer), the full answer consisted of this also
Not in this context. I’m not a biologist"
from Jackson. The questioner was wanting a morality based answer and was given a scientifically factual based one instead (ooh... that pesky world facts coming into play again!). And I would prefer my justices to make decisions based upon fact and not morals.
You may want to do a little more research on Marsha Blackburn.

You mention the J6 demonstrations, even many of those offences have now been overturned.
Sorry, many of them have NOT been overturned. They may have grounds to pursue that, but they are still convicted.
And I don't think that 355 of the 1,424 convictions are a noticeable segment of the charged ones, considering that many of those 355 also had other charges against them and it was not the sole charge.
And remember, many of those that were charged with that crime were also charged with other crimes... take for an example Sean Michael McHugh, who used bear spray on police officers and encouraged rioters onward with a megaphone, who was sentenced to 78 months in prison. One of those charges against him was what you claimed was overturned.. but it does not affect the remainder of the charges and he has not appealed the one based upon that court decision.
But just one more attempt at diverting attention from the crimes and trying to "excuse" them.

The assassination attempt was a classic example, when the left get upset riots ensue, cities get torched, shops get looted, people die, Trump nearly gets killed, nothing happens. Something may have occurred had he actually been killed, that is hypothetical.
Ironically... guess what... last I checked being a registered Republican indicates you are NOT a part of the left, but the right, as Republicans are known as conservatives. So apparently it was a conservative shooting at Trump, not one of those looney-lefties. Now, it is still under investigation whether politics even had anything to do with that shooting of Trump or if it was an opportunity act.
If talking about the riots in Portland and stuff, you do realize that a LOT of that was done by anarchist, correct? Last time I checked, anarchist are not left OR right. They are for anarchy, a position that has no political bent. But the Right likes to try to roll them out as being leftists.
To put it succinctly , this is a good definition of anarchism
Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is against all forms of authority and seeks to abolish the institutions it claims maintain unnecessary coercion and hierarchy, typically including the state and capitalism.
I highlighted the part you need to pay special attention to. Granted, there were also radical far-left parties involved in those disturbances, but the majority were anarchists and the militant portion of Antifa. And no, not all of Antifa believers are violent or followers of militant beliefs. Like all groups there is a segment of them that are, just like not all ultra-right wingers are violent.

In fact, these results from a study by the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a nonprofit policy research group back then puts your position about those "violent leftists" into perspective from that period.
Though 70 percent of terrorist attacks and plots in the U.S. last year were committed by white supremacists and far-right militia groups, according to the study, the portion led by anarchist and anti-fascist groups rose to 20 percent from 8 percent in 2019
... last year being the year 2020.

In fact, even in the recent GOP "nut-fest" convention they had, Kevin Roberts (Heritage Foundation President) stated
Most political violence in the last 25 years has been initiated by the left

Only problem is reporting based upon research showed:
Two years ago a team of researchers from four universities examined court records and other data relating to 3,500 extremists active in the U.S. between 1948 and 2022. The individuals were split into three groups — left wing, right wing and relating to Islamic extremism. While some in the database had committed violent acts, others had raised money for extremist groups, volunteered or spoken out in favor of them.

Right-wing extremists were just as likely to commit violent acts as those motivated by Islamic extremism, the researchers found. Left-wing extremists were a distant third
That is VERY telling.... that the right wing were in the same grouping as Islamic extremist. And those nasty radical leftist were a distant third. Again, those pesky facts seem to get in the way of a good fairy-tale from the MAGA faithful.

Sean Westwood, a Dartmouth College political scientist who directs the Polarization Research Lab stated
People typically overstate the violent intentions of those with different ideologies too, with one party believing the other is far more willing to commit violence to further their political agenda. That's one reason why it's so important for leaders from both parties to come together to call for unity and peaceful discourse
It's funny that this is prevalent amongst the right when accusing the "radical left" when facts show the opposite being true.
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Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
But did the researchers define left wing or right wing? I didn't see it in the abstract.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
But did the researchers define left wing or right wing? I didn't see it in the abstract.
I think that's pretty much already understood by most what the differentiation is between left and right ideology.
I think that group is now part of the CSIS.

They give a pretty good definition in this
First, right-wing terrorism refers to the use or threat of violence by sub-national or non-state entities whose goals may include racial or ethnic supremacy; opposition to government authority; anger at women, including from the incel (“involuntary celibate”) movement; and outrage against certain policies, such as abortion.6 This analysis uses the term “right-wing terrorism” rather than “racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism,” or REMVE, which is used by some in the U.S. government.7 Second, left-wing terrorism involves the use or threat of violence by sub-national or non-state entities that oppose capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism; pursue environmental or animal rights issues; espouse pro-communist or pro-socialist beliefs; or support a decentralized social and political system such as anarchism. Third, religious terrorism includes violence in support of a faith-based belief system, such as Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism, among many others. As highlighted in the next section, the primary threat from religious terrorists comes from Salafi-jihadists inspired by the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. Fourth, ethnonationalist terrorism refers to violence in support of ethnic or nationalist goals—often struggles of self-determination and separatism along ethnic or nationalist lines.

Pretty interesting chart from the link above.

Screen Shot 2024-07-20 at 8.42.46 PM.png

The increase of attacks in the early 2000-2005 were mainly from the left and were from left-wing attacks that targeted property associated with animal research, farming, or construction and were claimed by the Animal Liberation Front or the Earth Liberation Front.
So, if you notice, as far back as 1994, the majority of the attacks/plots were based from the right-wing.

And no, the CSIS is not right wing or left wing based... they are a group of bipartisan researchers. It is led by John J. Hamre, who is a Republican, but according to the MAGA faithful he would be a RINO since he worked with Democrats.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Trump is gonna have a problem going up against Harris. a former prosecutor who'se sharp as a tack. 😁

This video includes the anti Trump campaign video for Harris by the Democrats made in 2020 which is well worth watching, really showing Trump up for the sleazebag that he is.

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Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
Trump is gonna have a problem going up against Harris. a former prosecutor who'se sharp as a tack. 😁
"The Governor and I and we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right? The significance of the passage of time.

"So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time [...]"


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
That's nothing. Wait for the head to head. Also, the Dems can now start attacking at just how old Trump is and how befuddled he gets, which is all true.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Hey live627, I do wonder though if Biden ever actually had covid. Think about it, this gave him a break from campaigning as otherwise it would have been really awkward to be campaigning one moment and then resigning the next which would have come in for a lot of criticism from his enemies and in the media. This way, he could gracefully resign.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
The timing sure is sus. Why did he suddenly "get covid" a hot minute after he said that he'd drop out if he got some illness?Also, isn't H5N1 (bird flu) the hot new virus that the "health experts" want to scare us over?


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
tbh if I was in his position, I'd do the same to avoid all that awkwardness and I don't blame him, either.

Have you seen that Trump already wants to change the channel for the next debate from ABC to Fox? If Kamala is smart, she won't allow it. Remember the golden rule: if your enemy wants something, don't give it to them. Applies to Trump more than anything.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Oh, just look at how Trump is now choking on Biden dropping out: with an unhinged rant! The dipshit is running scared. :ROFLMAO:

Donald Trump continued to disregard political unity talk as he ranted about President Joe Biden late Sunday following his withdrawal from the 2024 race.

The former president took to his Truth Social platform to peddle conspiracy theories and hurl insults at Biden.

“It’s not over! Tomorrow Crooked Joe Biden’s going to wake up and forget that he dropped out of the race today!” wrote Trump, who has faced questions surrounding his mental fitness.

Brian Tyler Cohen explains exactly why Trump is running scared of Harris.

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