The Trump thread


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
When the "fixes" are done by executive order, most (not all) are easy to reverse by the next administration.
His "out" will be... well, I fixed it, they screwed it up for you. The secret sauce is if he worked with Congress to get it passed, it's MUCH harder to reverse. But he knows that Congress won't play ball with a lot of what he wants to do so he's left with the only alternative, which is ruling by executive order.
Yes, quite, especially the bold bit. There's always some excuse for their failure, they never take responsibility and 'fess up to what they did.

You beat me to it with that video. :p Brian really doesn't mince his words and he's so articulate at debunking Trump. I watch his videos every day now.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Executive orders are abused by both parties.
Yes, they are.... and it's an issue.
32% of Trumps were overturned out of his 220, showing how useless they can be.

For all the whining about Obama, he issued the fewest executive orders since Grover Cleveland.

As commented, Trump issued 220 in 4 years, Biden has done 180 in 3.5 years and Obama issued 276 in 8 years. Bush issued 291 in his 8 years in office.

Since the Nixon presidency, 1573 EO's were issued by Republicans. 1100 were issued by Democrats.

The pattern has steadily been to try to rule by Executive Order when the office holder realizes that they can't push through their agenda in a legitimate way.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
You beat me to it with that video. :p Brian really doesn't mince his words and he's so articulate at debunking Trump. I watch his videos every day now.
He's one of the ones I really enjoy watching... he can go somewhat left, but his fact based positions are hard to refute.
Another good channel to watch is MediasTouch.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
If you thought you couldn't be any more shocked by what Trump says and does, think again. His nephew, Fred Trump, has a severely disabled son and campaigns for disability rights, a very laudable aim and was talking on the phone about him to Donald, who then suggested that Fred just let his son die as he's a liability. Yeah, seriously. How much more heartless can you get?! This sounds very much like the words of a psychopath to me. No wonder Fred now refuses to endorse him. Check it out in the video below.

I'm still shaking my head over it, but the silver lining is that the more that these horrible revelations come out, the more likely he's to lose the election. He's quickly losing support from Republican figures which is really hurting his campaign.

@Mars @Tiffany you'll want to see this one.

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Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
Yes, they are.... and it's an issue.
32% of Trumps were overturned out of his 220, showing how useless they can be.

For all the whining about Obama, he issued the fewest executive orders since Grover Cleveland.

As commented, Trump issued 220 in 4 years, Biden has done 180 in 3.5 years and Obama issued 276 in 8 years. Bush issued 291 in his 8 years in office.

Since the Nixon presidency, 1573 EO's were issued by Republicans. 1100 were issued by Democrats.

The pattern has steadily been to try to rule by Executive Order when the office holder realizes that they can't push through their agenda in a legitimate way.

I have actually looked up those statistics too. I believe the use of Executive Orders require a revision, arguing that if EO were used mainly in War-time or national emergencies etc., our congress and senate would be forced to start working with each other again, and compromising instead fighting. I believe our legislators were less contentious in the late 1970's. It would seem there has been less cooperation between both parties since the beginning of the Bush years?
BTC hits the nail on the head regularly... and this is from a long time Republican.
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Thanks for introducing BTC.
If you thought you couldn't be any more shocked by what Trump says and does, think again. His nephew, Fred Trump, has a severely disabled son and campaigns for disability rights, a very laudable aim and was talking on the phone about him to Donald, who then suggested that Fred just let his son die as he's a liability. Yeah, seriously. How much more heartless can you get?! This sounds very much like the words of a psychopath to me. No wonder Fred now refuses to endorse him. Check it out in the video below.

I'm still shaking my head over it, but the silver lining is that the more that these horrible revelations come out, the more likely he's to lose the election. He's quickly losing support from Republican figures which is really hurting his campaign.

@Mars @Tiffany you'll want to see this one.

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Disgusted is the word and that doesn't even do it justice. I wouldn't even imply that for precious animals. If there's a way to save someone, and give them a life, that may even have difficulties, they deserve their time on earth no matter how long.

Our dog Isabella, RIP, is an example of a dog worth saving and every year she was here with our family was a blessing. She was born with a heart defect/condition. Some people, said to let her go and my dh and I said, no way. We found a surgeon that could fix her heart and she lived for nearly 13 years. She gave back so much to our family. Humans are even more profoundly that way, with love, guidance and care, people deserve a life with as much help and dignity their family or any special services can offer. Family friends of ours had a daughter that had to live in a special home for her 50 years of life. She was well loved and adored and no one should ever imply that anyone should perish because they are less than perfect. People with extraordinary conditions offer back some really amazing moments. That's what love is, caring for family, extending a hand to your neighbor and beyond when they need it.

yap, that parody is spot on, it's a good one all right.

Regarding that bullet? There are several reconstructions of the shooting scene, the one I saw it looked like the shooter was on his left, but from the one you posted, it seems he was on his right. Your elucidation of the facts is quite thorough. And of course I am in agreement that a high velocity round would have inflicted a much greater damage then that little old graze. It was a shrapnel alright.

What is so frustrating is the fact that the shooter was so summarily felled. As I believe Retro had said earlier, the shooter could have easily been just incapacitated and taken alive. No doubt about that. But they did not want the canary to sing.

Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure, it was an attempt on his life, and Trump knows it.
And you never know, there may still be another round lying somewhere, quietly waiting, with Trump's name on it....

Indeed, an assassination attempt and my fear is with the level of crazy right now, some in the public eye may not be safe.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Disgusted is the word and that doesn't even do it justice. I wouldn't even imply that for precious animals. If there's a way to save someone, and give them a life, that may even have difficulties, they deserve their time on earth no matter how long.
I still can't think of a word for it, either. I thought I hated him before, but this has raised it to a new level. Thankfully, his odds of winning that election are diminishing by the day as Kamala grows in popularity. Too right, we should do everything we can for the disadvantaged / disabled.

Our dog Isabella, RIP, is an example of a dog worth saving and every year she was here with our family was a blessing. She was born with a heart defect/condition. Some people, said to let her go and my dh and I said, no way. We found a surgeon that could fix her heart and she lived for nearly 13 years. She gave back so much to our family. Humans are even more profoundly that way, with love, guidance and care, people deserve a life with as much help and dignity their family or any special services can offer. Family friends of ours had a daughter that had to live in a special home for her 50 years of life. She was well loved and adored and no one should ever imply that anyone should perish because they are less than perfect. People with extraordinary conditions offer back some really amazing moments. That's what love is, caring for family, extending a hand to your neighbor and beyond when they need it.
I'm so glad that she found her furrever home with you and your family and lived a long and happy life despite her heart condition. Thankyou so much for this. Respect. :cool: Similar to the people that helped this disabled woman have a fulfilling life.

Less than perfect... Trump is rather less than perfect in so many ways. Perhaps that bullet should have taken him out and put an end to this dangerous charade? Worth a thought.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
I still can't think of a word for it, either. I thought I hated him before, but this has raised it to a new level. Thankfully, his odds of winning that election are diminishing by the day as Kamala grows in popularity. Too right, we should do everything we can for the disadvantaged / disabled.
The type of authoritarian regimes he worships getting rid of the "trash" is pretty much an accepted behavioral pattern. You just don't read as much about it now as what went on in the latter 20's into the 40's in certain parts of Europe.
His use of the phrase "vermin" and his fixation on "great rallies" harkens back to a certain little Austrian.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Indeed, I detest populism now more than ever, having experienced it first hand with Trump and Boris Johnson over here.


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
If you thought you couldn't be any more shocked by what Trump says and does, think again. His nephew, Fred Trump, has a severely disabled son and campaigns for disability rights, a very laudable aim and was talking on the phone about him to Donald, who then suggested that Fred just let his son die as he's a liability. Yeah, seriously. How much more heartless can you get?! This sounds very much like the words of a psychopath to me. No wonder Fred now refuses to endorse him. Check it out in the video below.

I'm still shaking my head over it, but the silver lining is that the more that these horrible revelations come out, the more likely he's to lose the election. He's quickly losing support from Republican figures which is really hurting his campaign.

@Mars @Tiffany you'll want to see this one.

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Well yeah, it stands to reason, doesn't it, why don't just let the disabled die...especially if the disabled is your own flesh and blood.
I mean, you have to hear it to believe it; that any human being can come up with such a depraved statement is beyond belief; not only that, but to say this to the father of said disabled kid!

Look here D. T., You are the depraved and disabled, why don't you just take a hike and DIE.😇


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Mars, I was initially surprised to hear from Fred Trump that he'd said that and then thought, "typical Donald Trump" :rolleyes: Here's more evidence of the narcisstic psychopath that he is: the following Brian Tyler Cohen video shows him having a meltdown at Biden's successful deal to have American hostages return from Russia as he wanted them to stay in that hell hole so that he could say he'd do it to help him the election and also shows evidence of how Trump actively quashed a Republican bill to solve the border issues so that they'd remain, again to help himself win the election. I think he'll literally stop at nothing to win, he's that corrupt.

And of course, let's not forget that he knows that if he loses, all those criminal cases will go forward, he'll be found guilty due to that overwhelming evidence and he'll rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life. In that fetching orange jumpsuit. 😁 Making those cases go away will be the biggest motivator for him by far.

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Ok, sorry, I still can't get over that he said Fred's disabled son should just die. 🤦‍♂️ Note how he hasn't put out a rebuttal to it and claming libel. Very telling.


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
This piece of crap is soooooo obvious; I really do not understand how his acolytes cannot see this. I mean, for heavens sake, Americans are coming home; fantastic news, rejoice. But no, he fumes instead, bloody crap that he is.
So gratifying to see him fuming helplessly; go on T. maybe you'll finally get that heart attack you so richly deserve!
It all comes out so much at the right time to take the 'glory' away from him; super!!!!!

Seeing him in that fetching orange suite would be a sight for sore eyes indeed.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
Rhetoric like this is why he got shot. Stop with the death wishes. I bet you two were fuming alongside the mainstream news circus and idiots on Twitter that the assassin missed.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Stop with the death wishes.
Yeah, ok then. /s :rolleyes: Coming from a Trump supporter, I can see why you wouldn't like it. We have our opinions too and shouldn't be censored for them. And no, it's not "why Trump got shot".

No, I wasn't fuming.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Also, the mainstream media have actually been condemning the attempt right from the beginning, including CNN and MSNBC, so that's a prime bit of misinformation you've just said there.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Rhetoric like this is why he got shot
Pure line of BS. And even if it wasn't, guess WHO has been tossing that crap rhetoric around a LOT longer?
If you guess Trumpty Dumpty and his MAGA cult followers... your kewpie doll will be waiting on you as you walk out.
That's the irony of the MAGA faithful.... they fail to see the very hypocrisy in their position.
Trump got shot because he was the biggest name the closest to the shooters location. If it had been Biden there or Harris, the same thing would have occurred. The shooting does not appear to be political in nature... in fact, far from it unless it's intra-Republican fraticide.
A review of his phone showed searches for Trump as well as Biden, and the Democratic National Convention.
So, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, odds are it IS a duck. Of course, we know how many of the MAGA faithful like to spin conspiracy tales and try to point the finger elsewhere, not realizing that they have more pointing right back at them on the very hand they point with.

Meanwhile.. Trump is starting his whine he used in the GOP nomination process and his avoidance of debate... "They all know where I stand and there is no need for me to debate anyone". Boy, his tiny fuzzies were ALL rigid when he thought he was going to debate the doddering Biden... but now that he has to face someone that is used to dealing with his ilk, he's "running skeered".


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Well, this is an interesting development: Trump has agreed to debate Harris, but on his terms, unsurprisingly. Her campaign hasn't responded so far, but I don't think she should agree to it, especially as it's on Fox where the mods will be biased and could easily sabotage her replies which I suspect is his plan.

The article is short, so I've quoted all of it.

Former President Donald Trump said he has agreed to participate in a debate hosted by Fox News on September 4 and will no longer participate in the debate he previously agreed to hosted by ABC, when President Joe Biden was the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Trump said the new debate would be hosted in Pennsylvania with a live audience and that the moderators would be Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. It is unclear whether Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted the invitation from Fox News.

“I have agreed with FoxNews to debate Kamala Harris on Wednesday, September 4th. The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

Trump said: “The FoxNews Debate will be held in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at a site in an area to be determined. The Moderators of the Debate will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, and the Rules will be similar to the Rules of my Debate with Sleepy Joe, who has been treated horribly by his Party – BUT WITH A FULL ARENA AUDIENCE!….”

It’s unclear whether Harris would agree to those new terms. The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for comment.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Let's hope he's found guilty before the election. Should help to crush him at the polls and, ideally, disqualify him as he should have been from the start for election interference.

Looks like as much as he tries to throw spanners into the wheels of justice, it's only having a limited effect.



Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
but I don't think she should agree to it, especially as it's on Fox where the mods will be biased and could easily sabotage her replies which I suspect is his plan.
this same concern came from the other side before that first debate in June. Turns out that the moderators seemed pretty impartial.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
this same concern came from the other side before that first debate in June. Turns out that the moderators seemed pretty impartial.
Yeah, but none of the networks involved in that other debate had to pay out $787,000,000 for false claims about a stolen election. Realize, FOX Network AGREED to that amount before even going to trial. Normally you don't agree to that large of a settlement unless you know you REALLY screwed the pooch and are on the hook for a LOT more.

And yet it seems that they just can't help themselves...even after that LARGE payout they still tread on very thin ice regularly.
There's a difference between a network saying something a candidate may not like (and in Trumps case has regular whine and cheese parties over) and then flat out lying to the public. Of course, that's kind of par for the course for the MAGA cult leader Trump.... even when the truth would stand in better stead, he will tell a lie if it makes him look better.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
I have never watched Fox. don't even have access to television. in fact, my parents threw theirs out shortly after i was born, much to the chagrin of their parents. Although we do have one for watching movies.

Their only segments I would watch was Tucker Carlson's nightly opens, because they were freely available on the Fox YT channel.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
this same concern came from the other side before that first debate in June. Turns out that the moderators seemed pretty impartial.
Thing is, Fox news is known to be biased heavily towards Trump to the point that they act as his propaganda arm and made that huge payout that AW mentioned which proved it. That bias and the audience that Trump thrives on are why he so desperately wants to debate on Fox.

For the record, I don't watch Fox either since they decided to leave Sky TV several years ago. It used to be interesting keeping tabs on their output occasionally, so I do miss it.

If you don't know what Sky is, it's this:



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Yesterday I wrote:

Well, this is an interesting development: Trump has agreed to debate Harris, but on his terms, unsurprisingly. Her campaign hasn't responded so far, but I don't think she should agree to it, especially as it's on Fox where the mods will be biased and could easily sabotage her replies which I suspect is his plan.

And Harris's campaign has pushed back against this - clearly Kamala listens to my advice! :p

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