The Trump thread


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (0.95/day)
You can’t really just dismiss every view you disagree with as “left wing” as though that’s a justification.

Similarly with the results, just because they weren’t the outcome you wanted doesn’t mean that a) they’re fake, b) they’re invalid or c) wrong. You sound like the AZ GOP Secretary of State nominee who “doesn’t believe” Biden won in Arizona because no one he spoke to voted for Biden… well, it would be weird if a GOP guy went and spoke to a Dem crowd, right? If you go ask people who think the same as you, no doubt you’ll get people who agree with you and ”can’t believe” anyone voted the other way. But you gotta go talk to a lot mores people than that to find out what everyone thinks.

It‘s like me and Brexit, I only know a few folks that voted for it, and I know many more who voted against it - but since that’s only a few dozen people I actually spoke to, that certainly doesn’t make my views representative of the whole.

Pretty sure the same thing is true here, you might not believe the results and thats your prerogative, but honestly the number of people that would all have to collude to fake the results is in the same region as would have to have continued the myth of the moon landing conspiracy. Just too many people for it to be real… honestly, accept that your guy lost this time, that the current guy will probably not stand again in 2024 and see who the best candidate in 2024 is.


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4 Jun 2021
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It‘s like me and Brexit, I only know a few folks that voted for it, and I know many more who voted against it - but since that’s only a few dozen people I actually spoke to, that certainly doesn’t make my views representative of the whole.
Now you mention brexit, isn't it funny how the few people I know who voted for it now don't wanna talk about it? Very odd that, isn't it? You'd think that one would want to talk about something they'd won, but yet, somehow, that subject is now taboo. Kinda like they know they've been had, although still professing their support for it...

Great points about Trump. (y)


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
Supporting Trump is critical thinking, is it? That's a new one.

I recall saying there was no critical thinking in spouting out CNN talking points.

btw your avatar is very cultish.
Added sticky because of this topic. Whatever you want to call it works for me. I'm not defined by an avatar.

a murderous mob incited by Donald Trump.

I distinctly remember him saying to peacefully protest.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
You can’t really just dismiss every view you disagree with as “left wing” as though that’s a justification

I didn't dismiss because of any disagreement.

I said I don't need to read the CNN talking points. I've read them all.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
I recall saying there was no critical thinking in spouting out CNN talking points.
Only a Trump supporter would say that. My point still stands.

It's ok, I don't have a problem with your avatar, just pointing that out as it's in keeping with what you're saying here. I do believe the MAGA movement started by Trump to be a cult.

Just because he said "peaceful" doesn't mean that was his intention. It's just deflection. When you look at his actions as a whole, one can see that he was fomenting the riot that happened. Now, if that's not a cult leader commanding his minions to do something destructive, I don't know what is.

This back and forth is gonna go on endlessly, isn't it? That's ok, my server's got the storage space. 🙂


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
Only a Trump supporter would say that. My point still stands.


Every Republican and Democrat knows that CNN is a very very left leaning need for. Just as Fox News is right leaning.

Why do you think the new head of CNN had reached out to the RNC about coverage?

That's simply not just s Trump thing. Jeez....


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
And what's wrong with a little left lean? That's where I sit on the political spectrum. I'm fine with you being right wing.

No, I really believe there's a cult element to MAGA from everything I've seen and heard. Heck, Trump is increasingly quoting stuff from qanon now, reinforcing this impression.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
And what's wrong with a little left lean? That's where I sit on the political spectrum. I'm fine with you being right wing.

I have zero problems with anyone's political choosing. I actually can't remember me saying anything about that.

I said CNN was all left, which isn't actually reporting or journalism.... is simply saying what the DNC wants them to put out.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (0.95/day)
So, what you’re saying is that anything left leaning can’t possibly have critical thinking behind it, irrespective of CNN or not.

Or, to frame it another way, you don’t have problems with other points of view as long as they’re in line with yours?


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
So, what you’re saying is that anything left leaning can’t possibly have critical thinking behind it, irrespective of CNN or not.

What I'm saying is, anything from CNN is utter garbage. Add in MSNBC to that as well. No critical thinking. Mouthpieces for the DNC. If they truly wanted discussions and honesty, you'd see right leaning individuals on there as well. There isn't. It's a echo chamber.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
Or, to frame it another way, you don’t have problems with other points of view as long as they’re in line with yours?

I don't have any issues with any other point of view.

I'm not going to be spoon fed trash though.

CNN hasn't been truthful since Trump won office in '16.

Need to see how truthful they are, look up Sandman and Rittenhouse.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
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Except for all the “non-sensical garbage” being cited before the bogeyman was mentioned. Says to me that you’re not interested in reading anything that you don’t agree with before writing it off.

Here’s the thing: in order to avoid the whole echo chamber thing, you have to listen to sources that don’t agree with your view point, to be able to see “what the others are being told”.

Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.

I don’t agree with your views at all. But I don’t dismiss them as you do, because they represent that other people have other priorities and needs that need to be addressed and that there isn’t a single “one true way” for things to be. I can think you’re wrong, but that doesn’t give me the right to call your views trash, because even if they’re objectively or provably incorrect (and I don’t actually know how objectively true that is, I’m not from the continent of America or the country called the United States of America), they're still your views, and you’re still entitled to them.

Tell you what, though, I have pity for people who sneer down on views as being trash. How shallow the world must seem to you.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
Tell you what, though, I have pity for people who sneer down on views as being trash. How shallow the world must seem to you.


I don't sneer on other views. I sneer at garbage. There is a difference. Obviously you have yet to see it.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (0.95/day)
So, just for clarity, can you point me to a single post that makes a point in this thread that you don’t agree with, but that you didn’t dismiss as trash? Because this is important here.

You see, the key thing is respect. I don’t agree with you, but I don’t think your views are trash. You apparently seem to think mine are without even apparently having read them.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
@10kFists please be pleasant and respectful to other members, thankyou. You're crossing that line a little bit now and within 5 minutes of registering here, too.

It's ok to have differing views on controversial subjects, such as Trump, but don't come here and start dissing other people, thanks. We aim for a pleasant and family friendly atmosphere here at NerdZone.

I urge you to read the forum rules now so you don't come unstuck. Just click on Help at the bottom of any page.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
You see, the key thing is respect. I don’t agree with you, but I don’t think your views are trash. You apparently seem to think mine are without even apparently having read them.
Please read what I posted.

I stated anything on CNN and MSNBC is garbage.

Unless you are working for them, none of that applies to anything you've said, or will say.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
@10kFists please be pleasant and respectful to other members, thankyou

Could you show me where I was disrespectful?

I said I sneer at garbage, and the other user has yet to see that. That's it, is that the one you are talking about? I see you rated it with a highly emotional "sad" face, so all I can do is assume.

That's disrespectful? Lol. Okay.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
It's ok to have differing views on controversial subjects, such as Trump, but don't come here and start dissing other people, thanks.

I have yet to diss anyone, other than CNN, MSNBC, and the Biden regime. No other people HERE, thanks.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
I'm not particularly involved on the subject barring being close to people who are pretty strongly viewed as pro Trump. And I gotta say 10kFists, doubling down doesn't really go anywhere. It's not a factual debate.


21 Sep 2022
20 (0.02/day)
I'm not particularly involved on the subject barring being close to people who are pretty strongly viewed as pro Trump. And I gotta say 10kFists, doubling down doesn't really go anywhere. It's not a factual debate.

In your OPINION. Correct?


Web Diva
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13 Apr 2022
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I find the best way to get news is use all of the resources and platforms available, including news aggregates and make comparisons to try and define the real truth. Most of the time news from opposing media platforms are not always just a variable of the news item, but often not comparable at all. That is what makes it difficult to define the truth. If you specialize in a topic, (e.g medical) and you are trying to make a medical decision, it's a lot easier if you have that background, to distinguish false medical data versus true medical data. This is the challenge in the news, that unless you are a pundit, or expert in a field, you have to work harder to find your answers.

The use of "left-wing" and "right-wing" while describing a political stance, dogma, or ideology, I find that it becomes inflammatory in it's use, but none the less makes it's point. How it's used can make a difference on perception.

I believe everyone has a right to their own faith, speech and thoughts and I disagree with the new push for thought crimes.

On J6, laws were broken, people were harmed, jailed and some died. It was a terrible day for America. Was it an insurrection or a riot? It depends on your perspective, and there lies the heart of where people online have challenges in communicating on a multitude of issues because both are passionate about what they believe in. And that's really okay, as long as there's still respect for each other in the end.

On CNN, Fox News, and NewsMax, I prefer not to watch them because with news comes the drama in reporting. I don't do drama anymore because it can become toxic, so I prefer reading the news and PDF'ing anything that's unusual that may need to be referenced at a later date. I'm not even sure I can declare Fox News right wing as they have changed since the 2020 election. Tucker Carlson will likely go the way of Glenn Beck, because Tucker is the most outspoken on the "right" show on FN, but I think FN is using him for a time, giving him a long leash until mid-terms. If the Democrats get shellacked at mid-terms, Tucker will last until 2024, IMHO.

What Trump did well ~ Trump controlled the border and the massive amount of drugs coming through our borders. In controlling the border with human and air assets, we prevented additional deaths, massive rape (rape trees), crime and the killing of innocent animals which is now a practice this summer with the illegal migration and it's horrifying. If you live in a border state, you know how your states crime is changing and the overall massive amount of traffic coming from the south occupying our highways with safety concerns at a high level.

My overall political ideology has changed throughout the years, because the democrats and republicans have changed so much. I've become a hybrid voter of sorts and choose to vote for the policy and not the personality now. Both parties are trying to be so different from each other, rather then coming together on core issues, making a compromise and realizing their decisions are for the American people and not their special interests.
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Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (0.95/day)
Please read what I posted.

I stated anything on CNN and MSNBC is garbage.

Unless you are working for them, none of that applies to anything you've said, or will say.
So you haven’t read everything in this thread, but still call it garbage anyway. How is that not disrespectful?

There is a communication problem here, in that we clearly can’t find a way to actually communicate, so I will stop trying when it’s clear you’re not interested in reading what’s written, just because it doesn’t agree with your world view.
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