The Trump thread


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4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
He's pretty bad agreed, but I don't think he's quite as bad as Trump tbh. Trump's badness seems to know no limits and he's so fucking wiley, too. That's how he manages to beat the system every time, with his wealth as the other half of the equation.


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4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
A huge part of the reason that Trump has been reelected being a travesty, is that he's disqualified from being president again due to the Jan 6 insurrection and hence should never have been on the ballot, but the people in power have been too chicken to hold him to account, although Constitutional Amendment 14 Section 3 clear states that he is and is self executing. However, it's still technically possible to do it, even at this late stage, but I can't see it happening. What a tragedy.
More analysis from Glenn Kirschner on this on Brian's channel, regarding a The Hill article that was written about this.

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It's so plainly obvious to anyone who sees the facts of the case and understands the law as explained above that Trump's disqualified that it's really painful to see this criminal getting into power a second time and his obnoxious ways. Don't worry, he'll be very aware of this possibility of being stopped at the last minute and will have done all the bribing and blackmailing in the background necessary to make sure that he gets into power. Truly sickening.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
I always said Trump is helping Putin, no matter how obliquely and now the Kremlin is frigging crowing about it. This is what we have to look forward to in 2025 which begins in just a few hours now. I don't think it's going to be a happy new year at all.

President-elect Donald Trump’s social media posts about annexing Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal startled America’s allies and delighted foreign foes. In Russia, the statements were interpreted to mean that Trump isn’t really opposed to foreign wars of conquest after all.

To them, Trump’s tirades revealed that—just like Russian President Vladimir Putin—Trump would be delighted to invade any country that couldn’t fight back. He would expect accolades and a lavish victory parade after seizing foreign territories, just like the fallout from Russia stealing Crimea in 2014.

Trump infamously described the annexation of Crimea as a “genius” and “savvy” move.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Here's a Daily Beast columnist explaining why he dreads 2025 and the awful things that Trump is going to do when he takes power this month. I wish he was wrong.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Trump gets away with the hush money case as judge Juan Merchan lacks the balls to sentence Trump to prison, or anything at all, in fact on sentence day of 10th January. What a fucking surprise. :rolleyes:

Here's the news from a BTC video and also a news article.

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Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Trump gets away with the hush money case as judge Juan Merchan lacks the balls to sentence Trump to prison, or anything at all, in fact on sentence day of 10th January. What a fucking surprise. :rolleyes:
Rarely do first time convictions result in a prison sentence. Usually probation at the worst. He will still have a conviction on his record.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
I'm not convinced by that. Glenn Kirschner said that he's getting special treatment because of who he is and his current status, so he should know what he's talking about. This has resulted in Trump being let off with zero punishment and just a useless conviction that won't do anything other than piss off Trump. Of course, Trump's lawyers will fight even that as Glenn explained and I bet they succeed too, so he'll go scot free.

We've seen how Trump has subverted justice multiple times now, the worst one of course is not being disqualified after the insurrection and then actually getting elected, which I maintain sounds suspicious given the clean sweep based on such a razor thin margin. I wish it would have been investigated as now we'll never know. Biden and Harris just rolled over instead of investigating. Pathetic.

The whole thing makes me sick like you wouldn't believe. I should rename this thread to something like Trump Beats the Law With Money and Corruption as that's precisely what's happened and the consequences of this I believe will likely be even worse than we can imagine.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Glenn Kirschner said that he's getting special treatment because of who he is and his current status, so he should know what he's talking about.
In a federal trial it is different. Just like doing time in a fed prison is different than in a state prison. Typically in a fed case you serve more of your time incarcerated.
State trials (which is what he was convicted in) typically for non-violent felonies end up with probation.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
I get what you're saying, but he won't even be given probation, literally only the conviction. I guess we should really wait until the actual sentencing on the 10th to know for sure what he's gonna get, but getting nothing at all other than a conviction seems pretty likely from what I'm seeing here.

In defence* of Trump, if I was in his shoes and was actually innocent, I'd fight that conviction too, to clear my name so I get why he's doing it, although it's not like he has to go look for a job where it could hamper him finding one, like a normal person, and he's way beyond retirement age anyway. And of course, we all know he's not actually innocent.

*Sorry, I keep defences of Trump to a minimum lol and not hard to do.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
I get what you're saying, but he won't even be given probation, literally only the conviction.
There has to be a sentence of some type to go along with the conviction, even if it is a conditional discharge (which amounts to a type of probation). On a conditional discharge youhe defendan must meet conditions set by the court, such as staying out of trouble, paying fines, or performing community service. They must also notify the court in writing if they violate any of the program's rules.
Of course, the conditions will probably be non-existent.... but he's still convicted of a felony and has all the restrictions in place that a convicted felon has... like not being able to vote.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Ok for that explanation, let's see what happens. I'd love to see the irony and humiliation of a sitting president being unable to vote! :ROFLMAO:

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Ok for that explanation, let's see what happens. I'd love to see the irony and humiliation of a sitting president being unable to vote! :ROFLMAO:
In most states, felons lose the right to vote upon conviction, along with a few other rights, like the right to own firearms and work in certain fields. What will be curious is if he "qualifies" for top security clearance with a felony when others cannot.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Soz, meant to say ok thanks for that explanation. 🤦‍♂️

What will be curious is if he "qualifies" for top security clearance with a felony when others canno
Well, given how he has subverted almost every other rule, I'm sure he'll "qualify" for top security. Seriously AW, I could rant. Such a travesty.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
I said from the start that the result of this election was suspicious, having Putin written all over it and this video proves me right. Again, just how unlikely is it for Trump to win such a clean sweep on razor thin margins? Extremely so. This analysis explains how the data is very suspicious, not following a normal bell distribution curve and then compares it to data from Georgia (the country) to show how the results show a similar bias. The video is 1h26m long, so set aside some time to watch it.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Biden and Harris knew about these dodgy results long before an independent organisation decided to analyse them, so why were they so keen to concede the election? Was it really all down to optics of the shoe now being on the other foot and therefore claiming the same as Trump did, to lose them credibility? I dunno, but I believe it must be something more than that. They have done the whole country and the world a huge disservice by not speaking up to question the election and now we're stuck with this tyrant-in-waiting, Donald Trump.

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@Astro What if you have the time, I do suggest that you see it and then let me know if you still think that the election was free and fair. I'd be very interested.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
The problem is... the Democrats simply failed to get the point across that votes were important. To top it off, Biden was not very popular and Harris stated basically she would offer more of the same.
It's just an attempt to white-wash the fact that Biden/Harris were seen as not good for the country, even if that perception was incorrect. They did a piss-poor job of marketing themselves when compared to Trump.
Of course, Trumps marketing lies are already coming back to bite him in the ass as he realizes that all the BS he promised those voters are not going to come into being.
Ultimately, that will benefit the Democrats in 2016.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Have you actually seen the video? It shows evidence of vote rigging to the point of overturning Harris's win into a loss, the kind of thing I've been saying is highly likely given that highly unlikely clean sweep on such a razor thin margin and they're making that point, too. That makes all the other explanations for Harris's loss like you're describing null and void, if proved conclusively. The data used is taken from official, publically available sources too, so you and me could technically reproduce their results.

Unfortunately, no one in any kind of authority is going to investigate it and this will likely just disappear into oblivion. You can be sure that if it gained more traction that Trump and his government cronies would suppress it, too. Maybe it will all come out years later, when it's all too late to do anything about it, who knows.

Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
Yes, I watched the video. No, it does not "show" vote rigging that I saw. It had a lot of allegations and "questions" and inferences with a lot of "could haves" and "speculate" and "theory" thrown in there.
The person is concentrating on Clark County of Nevada.... and Harris won it.
The problem was turnout (which is what I have commented on), with about 2/3's of registered voters turning out.
If the candidate can't "fire up" the base, they won't come out. And Harris struggled to gain traction. So for him to expect a "normal" distribution of ANY votes this past election is not logical. The entire election process was not "normal" as far as the Democrats were concerned. Biden sat on his duff for WAY to long before being forced to recognize that his issues were a threat to the party and he had to be FORCED to withdraw... and this was after him promising to only serve one term. His ego over-rode what the good of the party and nation called for.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
I think we might just have to agree to differ on this one. For me to properly address and perhaps counter what you've said, I'd have to watch that video again as the fine details have faded now somewhat. The whole thing is academic now anyway, so I don't think it's worth the time and effort to watch it all again.

It's true though that if there hadn't been so many Trump supporters that he couldn't have pulled this off, as there's only so much that one can distort the results before it becomes too blatantly obvious. It was certainly fairly close at least, which allowed them to pull a stunt like this. And sure, Biden and Harris made significant errors too, not least Biden stubbornly clinging on when it was blindingly obvious that he couldn't continue after that disastrous debate. Heck, have you seen those reports that he still thinks he could have won?! :rolleyes:

One thing I can say though, is that where they showed the skewed results with those distorted graphs, I wanted to see "normal" graphs from previous elections as a comparative reference point to properly see what they should have looked like. For analysis that was done so painstakingly meticulously otherwise, this was a weird ommission and something that should be questioned, even though the group's overall message appears to be correct. I think they left them out deliberately for some reason.

I just hope that Trump's tenure is going to be less awful and damaging than I fear it to be as there's no stopping him now. I'll say it here now: I think he's gonna make a concerted effort to try and remain in power for a third term by distorting and corrupting whatever he has to, to achive this aim. We can come back to this post in a few years to see if I was right! :)

Finally, I'd just like to say that I've always really appreciated how you can see right through Trump's MAGA cult bullshit as you're a Republican yourself, which would otherwise tend to make you inclined to go along with it like so many others have.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Right, so Trump wants Greenland and the Panama Canal, a sovereign state and an area belonging to a sovereign state and won't rule out military force to do it. So, someone tell me, what's the difference between him and Putin? None that I can see. Notice how he's using the security excuse as justification for this, just like Putin. Just how many people might die on a potential West on West war with a NATO ally over this? This man really is a tyrant and possibly insane.

And of course, he also wants to annex Canada, turning it into the 51st state. While I can see a potential advantage to a supersized America, there's no way that this should happen without agreement from both countries and their inhabitants.

President-elect Donald Trump has reiterated his desire for the US to acquire Greenland and the Panama Canal, calling both critical to American national security.

Asked if he would rule out using military or economic force in order to take over the autonomous Danish territory or the Canal, he responded: "No, I can't assure you on either of those two.

"But I can say this, we need them for economic security," he told reporters during a wide-ranging news conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

Both Denmark and Panama have rejected any suggestion that they would give up territory.


Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
It's just more BS he spews to stay in the news and have everyone talking about him. Narcissism is like that.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
It's nice when Trump gets some karma, no matter how small. This time, the corrupt Supreme Court actually refused to bail him out, so he will be sentenced and have that criminal record to his name that he's so desperate to avoid. I just hope he doesn't somehow pull off another successful stunt to get out of it.

Here's Glenn Kirschner with the details on his own channel and also BTC's. Nice to have both perspectives. :)

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Astro What

Well-known member
6 Jun 2024
416 (1.51/day)
I just hope he doesn't somehow pull off another successful stunt to get out of it.
He still has other appeals that he's going to "one at a time" process through hoping one of the thrown cow patties will stick to the wall.
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