Really it's more economy than anything. The inflationary period got blamed on Biden, even though the whole world was impacted by it.
It didn't help that Kamala said on The View when asked if she would have done anything different than Biden she said "nothing". It was her time to differentiate herself from what the people were not happy with and she failed sorely.
Yes, they were bothered by the economy, but apart from those gaffs (real facepalmers, agreed), she
did address the issue multiple times in her rallies and it was reported on, but still they believed Trump instead of her despite seeing with their very own eyes what kind of a horrible man he is and his constant lies, including about the economy. So stupid, a collective IQ of 10.
Also, I noticed how the lion's share of the election coverage concerned Trump one way or the other, giving him endless publicity, while she was very much a "second", which I feel were significant factors in her losing. I'm including so-called "lefty" outlets like CNN, The Guardian, BBC etc, all of them really, in this. I don't think they're so much lefty as neutral.
Even when the articles were heavily critical of Trump, fact checking, pointing out awful lies etc, it's all publicity which put him front and centre of people's minds and had them focusing on what
he said rather than Kamala. Why did they do that? Because bad news sells and he's so much more sensationalist with his fake grievances and lies than - heaven forbid! - a woman and one of colour at that, with a happy message, smiling to people and explaining how things would be better and brighter with her in charge. It's really sad how people went for Trump like a moth to a flame, or is a fly to shit a better analogy? I wonder if she'd have done better just playing his game by constantly criticising, belittling him and pointing out his constant lies. We'll never know now.
So yes, I understand that when I put it all down to misogyny and racism that's a bit simplistic, but I think it was a much bigger factor than is being let on and likely made for an impenetrable ceiling for Kamala, bigger than all the other factors put together. I don't normally like politicians, but I found myself really liking her and Biden was ok as well. So, of course, we got the dangerous narcissistic psychopath instead.

It's not that different to when the fools in the UK voted for brexit in 2016. Now look where we are and Putin's loving it.
The people are going to quickly realize that they bought a pig in a poke...
I sure hope so, but wouldn't hold my breath as they're likely to just excuse the problems away one way or another rather than addressing the elephant in the room and admitting that they were wrong. That's exactly what's happening with brexit. "It's the
implementation that's bad and is all due to those terrible tories, not brexit itself, see?"

No, morons, it's brexit itself that's inherently bad and causing these problems as Remainers warned you over and over again.
I want to be wrong and you right on this one, I really do. Fingers crossed. I'll be ready with the "I told you so" to shove down their throats.
if he hasn't been removed from office before the 2028 election.
Now, wouldn't that be the best?! Can't see it happening alas, unless, perhaps he becomes too senile to hold on to office any longer and power-hungry Vance helps to ease him out, kicking and screaming like a toddler. Again, we can but wait and see.
Chevron Doctrine? Had to look that up!

Interesting. Here's a detailed explanation for others who don't know:
Finally, right now I'm playing this calming music to cool me down a bit. I just wanted the world to be shot of this piece of shit once and for all and for him to face justice, but now that will never happen. Shit floats, huh?
If this superb mellow electronic tune sounds familiar, it's because it played as part of the "out of box experience" immediately after a Windows XP install at first boot, assuming the sound drivers were installed. It was only ever played once too, so many people never heard this tune at all. It...
If you want to feel even more down about this, just play this song:
Heard this song again today and realised that I'd forgotten just how good it is. It was released all the way back in 1993 and I've actually got the CD single from the time, too. Both mixes here aren't the original mix, but the Reunited in a Day remix which sounds so much better. This was the...