Lithium-ion batteries are widely believed to have no memory effect and I've certainly not noticed it on my smartphones and laptops. However, this research, from 2013 no less, so this isn't even new, shows that's not the case, it's just less obvious and shows up more on electric cars.
Nerd level: high.

Due to their high energy density, lithium-ion batteries are used in many commercial electronic appliances. They are also believed to exhibit no memory effect. That’s how experts call a deviation in the voltage of the battery that can limit the usability of the stored energy as well as the ability to determine the state of charge of the battery reliably. Scientists have now however discovered a memory effect in a lithium-ion battery. This finding is particularly relevant for the use of lithium-ion batteries in the electric vehicle market.
Nerd level: high.

Memory effect now also found in lithium-ion batteries
Due to their high energy density, lithium-ion batteries are used in many commercial electronic appliances. They are also believed to exhibit no memory effect. That’s how experts call a deviation in the voltage of the battery that can limit the usability of the stored energy as well as the...