My Graphic Novel


Well-known member
7 Sep 2024
56 (0.30/day)
With an open invitation to share about hobbies in long format discussion, I would be remiss not to mention my epic sci-fi fantasy graphic novel.

It’s a large passion project with in-depth world-building that I’ve been working on for 15 years. It’s called Eithalica. That’s probably all I should type for now, lest I get carried away and never stop 😅😇

But I noticed from this thread that some others here are into creative writing. My project has a bit of overlap with that (although it’s a bit more like screenwriting than novel-writing). I spent several years in focused study on how to write a good story.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,151 (4.46/day)
Sounds interesting so feel free to tell us more and it's ok, you're welcome to break my server with a long post. :p

Do you intend to publish it on Kindle or Kindle compatible format when it's done? I'm asking this as I only buy books on Kindle nowadays.


Well-known member
7 Sep 2024
56 (0.30/day)
Do you intend to publish it on Kindle or Kindle compatible format when it's done?
Honestly I am postponing almost all questions of a route to publishing until the graphic novel is closer to completion. It’s kind of a long haul.

Sounds interesting so feel free to tell us more and it's ok, you're welcome to break my server with a long post. 😛
Hmm, well there’s so much it’s sometimes easier for me gauge what aspects to talk about (and in what depth) if I have some type of question from my audience that I can follow. But I’ll try to pick a few bite-sized things to share ☺️

In terms of other artwork, I take 90% of my inspiration from:
  • Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings
  • Nintendo’s Zelda franchise (especially Ocarina of Time)
I also just really love science and physics, so a huge amount of my worldbuilding is making the fantastical seem scientifically plausible.

In the course of developing storyboards and artwork, I’m almost within reach of making a rough draft of a book trailer that I can use to help share/pitch the project. That will be exciting.

But my wife and I are selling our house, which has kept me distracted and busy for several months now. 😭 Plus my newfound fame as a flat earth debunker (mentioned on this thread) has provided something with more immediate gratification … But once I have my feet under me again in a new house, I’m fully determined to come back to working on Eithalica. That’s where my heart really is.
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