Twitter's logo change is a bit weird. A bird can tweet, not sure what an X can do

It is a world wide recognised emblem so I wonder why Elon Musk pays $43 billion for it then drops the name, he could have done as Trump did and started his own platform.
I am wondering if it is to create controversy and interest or maybe just, what looks to me, an odd decision.
I recall a supermarket chain buying the Safeways group and one of the reasons given was the well known name, the stores were then all changed to new owners, may have been Morrisons, not 100% sure.
Bottom line is many iconic names disappear, AOL as good as gone, Yahoo are a shadow of their former self, who remembers Friends ReUnited? We cannot imagine the world without Google, FB or Twitter, TikToc too but will they disappear or diminish, bit like the old BBSs.