Discuss anything that doesn't fit elsewhere. Includes controversials like politics, religion, conspiracy theories etc - no misinformation allowed. Threads and posts of an offensive or distressing nature will contain warnings. Please keep it clean and family friendly.
For fun, do you prefer: train / plane spotting? Maths? Calculating fancy equations for high level physics? Programming? Anything that takes brainpower above the norm? Get a bit OCD over these things? Let us all know what you're into!
Member video sections, great for content creators and those who want to build up a collection of their favourite videos to watch and discuss with other members. If you'd like your own, please message Retro. Anyone can post in the Music and Whatever sections.
Discuss particularly interesting news items here. This is not a news channel and posts don't have to be written like news stories. Just a link, a comment and perhaps a quote about it will do.
In the late 00s the general consensus was games without singleplayer were worth less than games with, If you could, how could selfless slave devs get rewarded for replayability?