We only have trash - very convenient for me here in the UK, I must say as it all goes in one large bin without a second thought, as it should be. Not great that it goes to landfill or incinertion, but at least it's honest. If you've not yet seen this, it's possible to recycle with all the waste mixed up like this, as I explained in post 296, above.
What really gets me is when a council implements a full-on recycling policy with loads of special bins, forcing residents to diligently sort out their waste, but then instead of properly recycling it (a Good Thing), corruption kicks in where the rubbish instead goes to landfill anyway, or some third world country where it's just dumped without any processing all, poisoning the local environment.
This isn't my conspiracy theory either, as there have been scandals in the news about these kinds of abuses not too long ago. I'm sure it's rife.
What really gets me is when a council implements a full-on recycling policy with loads of special bins, forcing residents to diligently sort out their waste, but then instead of properly recycling it (a Good Thing), corruption kicks in where the rubbish instead goes to landfill anyway, or some third world country where it's just dumped without any processing all, poisoning the local environment.
This isn't my conspiracy theory either, as there have been scandals in the news about these kinds of abuses not too long ago. I'm sure it's rife.