The official NerdZoner's weather zone! How's your weather today?


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
The weather where I am here in Blighty is cold, but not extreme. I can even go out without my coat during the day as it's just a bit nippy.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
The weather where I am here in Blighty is cold, but not extreme. I can even go out without my coat during the day as it's just a bit nippy.
Oh, that's great that you can finally go outside without a coat, yay! Your weather sounds nice. This week was the first week I could go outside with my dogs and not have to grab a jacket, yay, again!🥳
Hey @Tiffany, your next post is gonna be number 2000! :cool:

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OMG!! 🎉 It's been a pleasure to contribute at NZ since April of 2022. Wow, how time just passes so fast when you are having fun at this nerdy space!:geek:


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
As a desert dweller, grassland is foreign land
I can see where grassland wouldn't apply for a desert dweller :)....we get pretty droughty in the summer, where the grass burns up in places and the soil separates and makes big caverns but not as dry as the desert.

We have had record breaking temperatures this week, ultra warm. I'm thinking this will be a super hot summer with a tad of more hurricanes mixed in too?


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
We drove through the Texas panhandle on the I-40 on the way to Oklahoma last July. Grass was lusciously green, although that region might get more rain than central TX.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
Finally getting some rain in the form of a thunderstorm; just got startled by a thunderclap about two miles away.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
We drove through the Texas panhandle on the I-40 on the way to Oklahoma last July. Grass was lusciously green, although that region might get more rain than central TX.
I think it does too, as it's close to Oklahoma which is always getting some kind of rain or storms. I have only driven through the panhandle of Texas once in my life, and that's when my dad took me and my brother on this really long three week driving trip (high school years). We drove through all of the western states...and saw the Grand Canyon of course. It was an amazing trip...but the driving was crazy every day.
Finally getting some rain in the form of a thunderstorm; just got startled by a thunderclap about two miles away.
Great! I'm so glad you are getting some storms. We are too. Between today and tomorrow will be our first spring multi-day weather event. We have the threat of all bad weather right now, hail, wind, lots of rain and tornadoes. It's actually storming right now while I'm writing back to you. ⛈️🌪️


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
How's everyone's spring weather or winter weather in other parts of the world?

We had a massive storm event last Thursday and so did many other states as the storm moved eastward. My daughter had to drive home in it and with coordinated effort she got home safely. When she came inside she said she thought she saw a tornado north of the highway she was on as she was driving eastward. The next morning, we found out that she in fact did see a tornado, with 85mph winds causing havoc in the far distance.

Tonight, we have a new wave of storms coming through again. Fortunately, not all of the right ingredients for tornado weather, but maybe some hail.
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Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
That was my fear when we went to Oklahoma last summer, last week of July. But not a cloud in sight. Fortunately, a big area of high pressure was in place, making for a stable atmosphere. And it wasn't all that hot. 95 degrees feels quite nice when back home it was 112. (I think 43 or 44C)

Ironically, we drove through a microburst in Arizona on the way home.

But back to today: very nice out. Got warm enough to turn on the AC (aircon in Brit speak)


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
That was my fear when we went to Oklahoma last summer, last week of July. But not a cloud in sight. Fortunately, a big area of high pressure was in place, making for a stable atmosphere. And it wasn't all that hot. 95 degrees feels quite nice when back home it was 112. (I think 43 or 44C)

Ironically, we drove through a microburst in Arizona on the way home.

But back to today: very nice out. Got warm enough tot turn on the AC (aircon in Brit speak)

I'm glad to hear you had a good experience driving through Oklahoma except for the microburst storm in Arizona. Glad also, you got through that storm okay on the road. The last time I was in Oklahoma with my family was driving to a George Strait concert in Tulsa. The whole way along the highway there was a tremendous amount of burning of trees and there was also an extreme amount of downed trees. The entire trip towards Tulsa we experienced smoke filled air that remained that way even in Tulsa. There was a complete haze of smoke everywhere.

I agree with you on temps too, 112 is seriously hot. I've been to Las Vegas when it was 120 degrees outside many years ago with my family. Even standing under a tree was brutally hot.

Nice you could turn on the AC and are enjoying good weather. We have good weather today, however, tomorrow we have severe weather coming in tomorrow night with high wind gusts and the potential for hail. I'm not sure if Arizona is in any part of that severe weather forecast? Enjoy your weekend!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
In what is unseasonally cold weather with more cold on the way, it will be music to the ears of climate change deniers. Hint: it's still getting warmer overall.

Even before I read this article, I could tell that it was a bit cold for the time of year. I hope this means no sweltering summer. After that 40C we had a couple of years back, I dread those.

The UK is set for snow and could even be hit by freezing rain in what the Met Office calls a “rare” weather phenomenon.

The forecaster has warned Britons to brace themselves for the likelihood of colder temperatures in the upcoming days, which could drop below freezing in some areas, in unexpected contrast to the recent warmer climes that seemed to be signalling the start of spring.

The Met Office said Scotland can expect the coldest temperatures, as well as rain, sleet and potentially heavy snow over hills on Tuesday.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
In what is unseasonally cold weather with more cold on the way, it will be music to the ears of climate change deniers. Hint: it's still getting warmer overall.

Even before I read this article, I could tell that it was a bit cold for the time of year. I hope this means no sweltering summer. After that 40C we had a couple of years back, I dread those.

Did your temps revert back to a bit of normal yet? We're hoping the same, to not have a super hot summer but since we've had an extremely mild winter, it's unlikely.

I found this an interesting explanation between how snow and ice form from your article.
The Met Office explains the “rare” phenomenon on its website: “Very often, precipitation first falls from a cloud as snow (when it is cold enough high up where the cloud is). If it falls through warmer air before reaching the ground, it can melt and turn to rain droplets.

“On rare occasions, if it then falls through cold air again just before hitting the ground, the droplets can become ‘supercooled’ and this means that they are still falling in liquid form, even though their temperature has fallen below zero. When this ‘supercooled’ droplet hits the ground (which is below zero too) it spreads out a little on landing, and then instantly freezes, encasing the surface in a layer of clear ice. This is why it is called freezing rain.”

We have severe weather coming in on Monday. :rolleyes:


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
Yeah, it's 15C here at the moment, which is fairly mild.

Interesting how those droplets can turn to rain and then refreeze like that. How scientists work all this out without tracking individual drops is really clever.

Hope your severe weather is milder than expected.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
Nice that's it's mild weather in the UK.

I thought it was fascinating science too, but then we're here at NerdZone because we've that nerdy part of us that's just ....well...fascinated by all sorts of stuff.:geek:

Thanks on the weather....I'll be watching the forecast updates for changes throughout the weekend on our Monday weather.

Enjoy your mild weather weekend!


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
does the UK get these big temperature swings? Right now where I live it is 20℉ below yesterday, which was slightly below average (daily high). Very common in the States, especially in the spring.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,127 (4.46/day)
We've seen increasingly extreme weather over the last few years courtesy of climate change, but it's never as severe as America.

If we had the kind of hurricanes that you get, I think the UK would be wiped out.

As we move into spring now, the weather is quite mild and I can go out without a coat. There's storm Katherine battering some parts of the UK right now though. Lots of rain where I am courtesy of it.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
I the US if you could arrange it in quadrants, different areas have random weather events or temperature fluctuations that are not very predictable.

Hurricane season for 2024 looks to be very grim. We are already having a very active spring compared to last spring with wildly varied temperatures from when the new fronts come in with the storms. Sometimes we are still using heat at night and AC during the day.

We have severe storms coming on Monday and Tuesday. This will be a multi-day event that will go across the states eastward.

Happy Sunday and hope everyone is enjoying a nice weather day!


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
We had major storms come through last night until about 4:30am. Not much sleep, very electrical and lots of crashing lightening and thunder. We have more storms coming in today and tomorrow. It got a little cooler so that's good.

How's everyone's weather this week?


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
OMG, 15% humidity is so dry @live627. :eek:

We've just spent three days with very stormy weather. Tomorrow will be sunny.☀️
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Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
Ehh, not that bad. I remember about 15 years ago it was so dry that just the friction of walking made my khakis stick to my legs like fresh from the dryer.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.43/day)
No static here, just sunny and 70 (F) degrees.:) Clear weather until Monday, then stormy weather moves on in again. 🌬️🌪️⛈️

The weekend is almost here, yay!😊
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