The tory downfall thread


5 Aug 2022
842 (1.05/day)
The downfall of Margaret Thatcher's cabinet was her opposiion to the EU, Michael is kind of biased as one of the prominent failures of our relationship with the EU. Pedigree or not.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
The downfall of Margaret Thatcher's cabinet was her opposiion to the EU
I thought she was actually quite pro EU. I'm not certain though, but it was her that got us in and with all those favourable opt outs that we'll now never get back.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
omg the latest YouGov poll projection shows a tory wipeout! :ROFLMAO: Gloriously, Jacob Rees-Mogg is projected to lose his seat, among other odious characters.


Labour could be on course to win a historic landslide, with the party expected to win a 194-seat majority, a YouGov poll shows.

It would be the highest number of seats of any party at any election since Stanley Baldwin won a majority of 208 in 1924.

Sky News has partnered with YouGov for the campaign and today we publish the first of their three polling projections, known as MRPs, which suggests the United Kingdom is on the cusp of a major redrawing of the political landscape.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
This is the kind of tory news I like to hear: Sunak screwed up by calling an early general election. When this conclusion comes from John Curtice, it carries weight.

Rishi Sunak made a “mistake” by calling an early general election, Britain’s foremost polling guru has said.

Professor Sir John Curtice argued the Prime Minister sacrificed a major part of his political legacy when he called a snap poll for July 4 rather than waiting until the autumn.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
I just love how a fraud scandal hits the tories at the most critical moment in their election campaign lol. They just can't shake off the corruption, not even for a minute and this scandal of course is doing them so much damage for the election on 4th July.

This is a live update article on this issue.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
tory wipout incoming. 😁

Labour is on course for a 250-seat Commons majority, according to yet another poll predicting wipeout for the Tories.

The Focaldata survey forecast that the Conservatives are set to lose a staggering 262 seats on July 4, leaving the party with just 110 MPs.

Labour, meanwhile, will gain 250 to leave them on 450 seats.

The Lib Dems will also see their number of MPs almost treble to 50, according to the poll, while the SNP would slump to just 16 MPs, down from the 48 they won in 2019.

The poll was conducted using the so-called “MRP” method, which uses a bigger than normal sample.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
Here's a timely reminder of Russian influence in the tory party and why they're totally unsuitable for government.

Even if you like Sunak, it's not enough since the whole party is culpable for enabling Boris Johnson.

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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
Sunak's days look numbered and I'll have the popcorn at the ready.

The irony here is that he's the most likeable of the last few Tory prime ministers. Let's not forget that he still lies and cheats though, he's just nice about it. :p



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
So, Labour have won the election and the tories have finally fallen after 14 years of misrule and corruption - at long last! I'm hoping things get significantly better now with the NHS, austerity and lots of other things. I'm especially happy that Labour have pledged in their manifesto, to strengthen the Hunting Act, which is long, long overdue. I know that animal rights groups will hold them to it if they drag their heels over it.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
Bye bye Rwanda plan - this must be so humiliating for Sunak.

I have no objection to something like this in principle, but it was seriously flawed in several ways, the most important being that thousands of illegals* come in every year in small boats, yet this plan could only deport a few hundred. That's not much of a deterrent, is it? What happens to the rest of them?

I remember Australia fixed their illegal immigration problem by forcing these boats to turn round and go back to where they came from and it didn't cost them all that much money to do it, either. They get hardly anyone trying it on now. Why can't we do the same?

I do agree with Starmer's plan to set up a task force to smash the gangs though as that's rooting out the problem at source. I sincerely hope he succeeds.

The Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has axed the Rwanda plan to deport mirants on his first day in office, it's been reported. The Telegraph said that the Tory plan was effectively "dead", quoting a source close to Labour.

The Labour government, which announced its cabinet on Friday (July 5) after the landslide victory of the party under Sir Keir, has said it is committed to dealing with immigration, reports The Telegraph.

Yvette Cooper, Home Secretary, said on Friday she would be "setting up the new Border Security Command to go after the criminal boat gangs that are organising the dangerous boat crossings".

*Yes, I'm using the proper name that they deserve, not this politically correct rubbish of "undocumented migrants". Give me a break.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
I think Braverman might be right on this one and dare I say it I've agreed on several things she's said in recent history, which surprised me.

While in principle I wish that the tories had lost even more seats become third behind the Lib Dems and perhaps even be wiped out completely, ie zero seats (that would be funny) look at what comes in to fill the right wing void: Reform UK. Led by Farage, they are way worse than the tories and are dangerous populists perhaps not too different to Trump - in fact, Farage supports Trump and wants him to be president again which speaks volumes about him. If you want to turn me into an "ardent" tory supporter just pit the tories against Reform!

Suella Braverman has become the first potential Conservative leadership candidate to admit that the party’s very existence is now at stake after the most disastrous general election result in its history.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
The awful truth about the tories coming from one of their staunchest supporters, The Torygraph. So damning and I'm so glad they're out of power now.

It is time for some brutal honesty. The Tories suffered their worst defeat since 1834 because they took their electors for fools, betrayed Britain and plunged our country into a vortex of decline. They broke their promises: where are the 40 new hospitals, lower taxes and reduced immigration? They squandered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reboot Britain after Brexit, sabotaging a historic political realignment, and selling millions of voters down the river.



Active member
5 Sep 2021
27 (0.02/day)
I just love this headline, so richly deserved. She won't be a threat again.

Liz Truss's father is a Professor John Truss, who was serving at Leeds Uni when I was an undergraduate in Maths, although he never taught me. I think he was a Lib Dem and disappointed in the direction in which she went. Small World!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,562 (4.52/day)
Oh Jace, you little dreamer you! So desperate to get back into politics. :ROFLMAO:

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has admitted he is “very strongly” considering standing at the next general election after losing his seat in July.

The former Tory minister, who lost the constituency of North East Somerset to Labour by more than 5,000 votes at the July 4 ballot, told a fringe audience his party “deserved” to lose the election.

The bit in bold is indeed true.



20 May 2024
8 (0.05/day)
In name only.

Keir Starmer proudly stated "we are the real conservatives"
We have policies that are a continuation of Tory policies.
We have policies that wouldn't look out of place in a Tory governement, but SHOULD look out of place in a Labour one.
A health secretary banning trans youth care apparently for no reason than "J K Rowling asked me to".
Winter fuel payments cut (but not military budgets) (and I don't buy "means tested" either).
Regulation being destroyed, putting the environment, people and rights at risk.

This is the actions of a conservative goverment.

The tree has become a rose and blue becomes red, but the change is yet to come.
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