And anyone who believed any of the other lies/exaggerations he made were the same. And now they are finding out how naive they were as they are having to pay 1/3 of the cost of a purchase for their clothes and some office materials that they are ordering in on tariffs. And these aren't left wingers complaining.
I don't know where you get that from. Seems we went 4 years with "multi-genders" and the only ones raising a fit were religious radicals. As it is, currently a straight male can dress up in female clothing and do the same. So where is the "protection" that is given other than a false sense of security. Do they have someone stationed at all women's bathroom doors checking the junk of those wanting to enter before they are allowed in?

You do know a criminal is going to do criminal things, even if the law says they aren't supposed to, right? That's what makes them a criminal.
And I live a lot closer to a border that is whined about than Trump ever has (or any of his MAGA beltway faithful). And I don't see evidence of this run-away brown crime wave we are supposed to be having.