For what it's worth, today is the third anniversary of Russia's attack on Ukraine and yesterday Russia hit them really hard with a huge attack. What a horrible anniversary. 

I reckon Ukraine would have won this war a long time ago if Biden hadn't been so shit scared of Putin's empty threats of nuclear war if Ukraine hit back inside Russia and prevented Ukraine from doing so. You see that they've been doing so for quite some time now after Biden finally relented and there's been no nuclear war. Now, Trump is in the process of selling them out and echoing Kremlin propaganda, which makes me sick to my core. From Putin's perspective, he was right to just keep grinding out this war as he knew that his sock puppet Trump would come to his aid when back in power through what I strongly suspect as I've said previously here, with evidence, was a rigged election.
Did you know that Ukraine once had nuclear weapons, but had been convinced to give them up around 30 years ago with promises of security that weren't worth the paper that they were written on? If they'd kept them, Putin wouldn't have dared to invade Crimea in 2014 and then this all-out war with Ukraine. I'm glad the UK isn't giving up its nuclear arsenal as it's clearly a really critical deterrant against totalitarian states like Russia, Iran etc.

I reckon Ukraine would have won this war a long time ago if Biden hadn't been so shit scared of Putin's empty threats of nuclear war if Ukraine hit back inside Russia and prevented Ukraine from doing so. You see that they've been doing so for quite some time now after Biden finally relented and there's been no nuclear war. Now, Trump is in the process of selling them out and echoing Kremlin propaganda, which makes me sick to my core. From Putin's perspective, he was right to just keep grinding out this war as he knew that his sock puppet Trump would come to his aid when back in power through what I strongly suspect as I've said previously here, with evidence, was a rigged election.
Did you know that Ukraine once had nuclear weapons, but had been convinced to give them up around 30 years ago with promises of security that weren't worth the paper that they were written on? If they'd kept them, Putin wouldn't have dared to invade Crimea in 2014 and then this all-out war with Ukraine. I'm glad the UK isn't giving up its nuclear arsenal as it's clearly a really critical deterrant against totalitarian states like Russia, Iran etc.
Kyiv no longer looks like a city at war in the way that it was three years ago. The shops are open and commuters get delayed in traffic jams on their way to work. But in the days since 12 February this year when US President Donald Trump rang Russia's Vladimir Putin to send a 90-minute political embrace from the White House to the Kremlin, 2022's old nightmares of national extinction have returned. Ukrainians used to get angry about the way that President Joe Biden held back weapons systems and restricted the way Ukraine used the ones that arrived here. Even so, they knew whose side he was on.
Instead, Donald Trump has delivered a stream of exaggeration, half-truths and outright lies about the war that echo the views of President Putin. They include his dismissal of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky as a dictator who does not deserve a seat at the table when America and Russia decide the future of his country. The biggest lie Trump has told is that Ukraine started the war.

Three years on, Ukraine's extinction nightmare has returned
Three years on from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the return of Donald Trump has changed everything