First world problems


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
First world problem "this week" is spring cleaning. I've yanked out a bunch of stuff from one room to clean and organize, but now the "stuff" is sitting in another room to be dealt with. I'm already done with spring cleaning and I've only just started.....sigh.😖

Second first world problem is I'm going to reorganize three closets and that is supposed to start next that means what I started this week needs to be done before I tackle next week or my house will look like a real tornado came through. :rolleyes:

I'm just looking for a little Feng shui....maybe like that possible? Do you think she's summoning her mop? :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
28 Sep 2022
206 (0.23/day)
Thank goodness for caffeine, Netflix, and computers to partially free me from the grittiness of reality. So most days feel like Saturday and Monday at the same time :)


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Spring cleaning is in full swing at my house. I have begun the process of emptying out three closets today. This is going to take me all week chipping away at reorganizing and moving stuff around. :rolleyes:


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Three closets emptied and "stuff" everywhere until we get it put back together. :eek:

Dang it on my need to organize and do this every spring! 😝


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Flying into say "hi"....way too busy of a day with an appointment this afternoon. I'll be back later to catch up! Have a great Monday!


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
624 (0.46/day)
Not a typical appointments today 🤪
Well, Tiffany, Monday is now over and so is your dental appointment. Now it's my turn....kept postponing it, it is the dreaded 'clean and polish'.....I may call for an appointment tomorrow. Maybe. It depends....:unsure:


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
That's what I had done yesterday, but I got a temporary hygienist that couldn't get it together on the x-ray equipment. :rolleyes: I texted my daughter who was next to me in the other room, and I said, "OMG, this hygienist has taken up nearly 35 minutes of my appointment time fooling around with the x-ray machine, and even had me switch rooms.".....then after fiddling around with the x-rays she proceeded to clean and polish....well, little does she know, I know how all of this dental stuff works and she failed to include a step so she could take her next patient back on time. 😠 I fixed this issue, by making sure I'm never scheduled with her again. 😏

I know what you mean about postponing your dental appointments....I make all of my appointments a year in advance so I don't dither and don't forget. I'm a bit obsessive though, I go every three months. 🫣


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Another busy afternoon for me without much play time. 😢 This week and next week are going to be colossally busy between family, Easter and other stuff. Not to mention I have to finish my closet project by tomorrow. Oy Vay! o_O

Wishing everyone a Happy Wednesday!


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Just had a fight with setting up my printer that I disabled recently. 😤 My husband had to come in and rescue the printer, because it was about to get tossed. :ROFLMAO:


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
624 (0.46/day)
That's what I had done yesterday, but I got a temporary hygienist that couldn't get it together on the x-ray equipment. :rolleyes: I texted my daughter who was next to me in the other room, and I said, "OMG, this hygienist has taken up nearly 35 minutes of my appointment time fooling around with the x-ray machine, and even had me switch rooms.".....then after fiddling around with the x-rays she proceeded to clean and polish....well, little does she know, I know how all of this dental stuff works and she failed to include a step so she could take her next patient back on time. 😠 I fixed this issue, by making sure I'm never scheduled with her again. 😏

I know what you mean about postponing your dental appointments....I make all of my appointments a year in advance so I don't dither and don't forget. I'm a bit obsessive though, I go every three months. 🫣
I guess you really can't be too obsessive with regards to dental care, because bacteria has a permanent residence in our mouths. That hygienist sounds like a real twit; I was surprised to read about her fiddling with the x-ray equipment. Still, being a temporary, she may be gone by the time you are back there in three months time .
Here x-rays are the domain of the dentist. The hygienist doesn't even have an x-ray machine in her room. All she does is using those dreaded sanders on our pearly whites.

Well, I finally picked up the phone this morning, called the dentist. I am particularly friendly with two receptionists at the practice, they both have pets and are animal lovers, we always exchange stories of our animal companions. Lucy is one of them.
Anyway, I asked Lucy who is the best hygienist, she said the 'best' only works there once a week, so nxt appointment with her is not until August😲! Mind you, I was tempted.... but thought better of it, and will have my dental spring clean this month. Done.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
I guess you really can't be too obsessive with regards to dental care, because bacteria has a permanent residence in our mouths. That hygienist sounds like a real twit; I was surprised to read about her fiddling with the x-ray equipment. Still, being a temporary, she may be gone by the time you are back there in three months time .
Here x-rays are the domain of the dentist. The hygienist doesn't even have an x-ray machine in her room. All she does is using those dreaded sanders on our pearly whites.

Well, I finally picked up the phone this morning, called the dentist. I am particularly friendly with two receptionists at the practice, they both have pets and are animal lovers, we always exchange stories of our animal companions. Lucy is one of them.
Anyway, I asked Lucy who is the best hygienist, she said the 'best' only works there once a week, so nxt appointment with her is not until August😲! Mind you, I was tempted.... but thought better of it, and will have my dental spring clean this month. Done.

Yeah, she was pretty incompetent and I had to verbally address what she was doing in terms of her x-ray protocol. I wasn't being a jerk about it, but I've learned that people will cut corners when they can and unless you call them out on it, the corners they cut may affect your health. So she had the x-ray holder covered with plastic in the beginning and then took it off. I asked if that was sterilized, because I was suspicious. She said it was, but I won't ever know, and this is a prestige dentist, and you would think your care would be exceptional, though the temporary hygienist is an issue. A dental office in general is not the cleanest place, so much "ewwww" floating around in the air, and then to think an instrument might not be sterile kind of freaked me out. Usually, every "operatory" (the dental room for a patient) in America will have an x-ray machine. Now they are digital x-rays, but it's still radiation. So yes, good health starts with good oral hygiene as the bacteria overgrowth can affect your health as it travels along through out your system.

Glad to hear you made your appointment and going in sooner then later. Even nicer that the the staff are so nice....and love animals! 🐱 Isn't it crazy that they are always so booked up? Same for doctors too and since covid it's even harder to get an appointment and if you have an emergency, just forget it....if you're sick, forget that too, they don't want to see you, go to the ER. What the heck? What happened to the days where if you had a cold or the flu that you could get an appointment with your doctor at least within 24 hours? Gone!:confused:


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,165 (4.46/day)
A pet hate is the way the voice chat breaks up in any Call of Duty game when playing online with my friends, even the very latest version. How the world's biggest game company can't get the world's biggest game to work properly that earns them billions of dollars on something so basic is beyond me.

We've finally worked out a solution by using Discord. A bit of a faff, but doable.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Glad you worked out a solution by using Discord. Discord is the only solution in my house too according to my expert gamer dd when she plays in groups!


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Yessss..great is the gold standard for gaming solutions at my house....and then you have to have the right headset and so on and so on and so.... :LOL:


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
My day, the cooking, the clean up, the chatting.... now I'm chilling soon! I hope everyone had a nice Easter Sunday or however you spent your Sunday that it was great:)!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,165 (4.46/day)
I'm not really sure if this first world problem / pet hate really belongs in this thread, because it's not something banal and humorous, but here goes anyway.

It really gets me the constant stream of depressing news articles about innocent people dying in awful circumstance such as a fire, murder or disease. Even articles where people sustain life changing injuries and mental trauma are bad enough. I don't need to list more examples, you get the picture.

One is supposed to get desensitised to this over time with the constant exposure, but it's going the other way for me as I get older. Perhaps my empathy is set too high or something, I dunno.

One of the worst are the kind of random gun mass murders that tend to happen in America where many little kids, teachers and others die at the hands of some deranged madman who then avoids justice by shooting themselves afterwards. Why couldn't they just do us all a favour and shoot themselves first?

Cruelty to animals is up there too, sometimes more, but thankfully, it's not reported so much, so I don't get upset over as many individual cases. It's not nice to know that it goes on though.

The worst part of all this, is that there's sod all I can do.

I've just read such an article, hence I had to vent now. No, I'm not gonna link to it and ruin your day too. Thanks for listening.
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