The official NerdZoner's weather zone! How's your weather today?


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
So, Europe's boiling hot, but Oz is having snow right now? Error! That does not compute! Reformatting and rebooting Retro in 3...2...1...


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
No pic though we had 7 or so foxes in the back garden today. Normally it's less than 2. Despite all the rain it's quite good levels of sun atm.
Crims, just to let you know, I am not the jealous type, but right now, I am jealous. I mean 7 foxes!
We have one coming into our garden every now and then, I am always soooooo happy to see him.
Always give him food in his little blue bowl. I steal it from our cat, but our cat doesn't mind.
The fox is used to my call, when I see him I call out 'foxy, foxy', he turns round and waits for me to put out his bowl.
He sometimes comes round during the day just to lie down in the sun. He loves our overgrown garden....I looked at him yesterday as he was curled up asleep. He kinda half opened his eyes, saw me, went back to sleep. Bliss. I love him.
Do you feed your foxes?


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
679 (0.50/day)
NW London
@Retro I still need to do the VPN thing, but meanwhile found a summary of your documentary to read:

An article I found on inflection points by your suggestion:

@aussiefooty Stay warm.....feel free to send the UK and US some of your chill. We are roasting here. ;)

@Geffers Stay cool with this heat!

Very little heat in UK, pretty cool for time of year.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
With nice UK weather and foxes in your garden, sounds like a wonderful summer.....Then there's Aussie with sleet, rain and cold weather.....will your winter be over in August?

We are still maintaining triple digit temps. I'm so ready for fall weather but it's a long way off until October.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
Crims, just to let you know, I am not the jealous type, but right now, I am jealous. I mean 7 foxes!
We have one coming into our garden every now and then, I am always soooooo happy to see him.
Always give him food in his little blue bowl. I steal it from our cat, but our cat doesn't mind.
The fox is used to my call, when I see him I call out 'foxy, foxy', he turns round and waits for me to put out his bowl.

Do you feed your foxes?
Nah. I appreciate the need for wildness. We keep the back garden messy, so they like to rest out there, when certain people arent throwing bones for them to chew :unsure: I definitely avoid that


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
Nah. I appreciate the need for wildness. We keep the back garden messy, so they like to rest out there, when certain people arent throwing bones for them to chew :unsure: I definitely avoid that
Great stuff, keeping the back garden 'for the foxes' as it were. We have also let our back garden look after itself; almost. The only thing I do there is keeping the grasses in check, otherwise it is full of lovely, tall flowering weeds, loved by bees and bumblebees, sparrows, finches, name it. Oh, and the odd squirrel too!


Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
679 (0.50/day)
NW London
With nice UK weather and foxes in your garden, sounds like a wonderful summer.....Then there's Aussie with sleet, rain and cold weather.....will your winter be over in August?

We are still maintaining triple digit temps. I'm so ready for fall weather but it's a long way off until October.
Friend in Southern California says her temperatures high 70s to low 80s and nowhere near triple digits. Big variations.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,132 (4.46/day)
@TheURL said he was told that we've avoided this European heatwave because we're now out of the EU, due to brexit. Not sure if there's any truth to this at all....


Well-known member
5 Jul 2021
143 (0.11/day)
It seems reasonable that you can't expect European weather patterns now we're no longer a member state. :) But when the Gulf Stream stops in ?2080? and the polar icecaps grow much larger than they are now we'll all be starting fires to keep warm! Maybe...


Well-known member
5 Jul 2021
143 (0.11/day)
Global Warming could be really good for the UK tourism industry, as people flock here to cool down just for a week or two. (I'm gettin' my money's worth out of this gag! :))


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
It seems reasonable that you can't expect European weather patterns now we're no longer a member state. :) But when the Gulf Stream stops in ?2080? and the polar icecaps grow much larger than they are now we'll all be starting fires to keep warm! Maybe...
@The URL. Yes, I agree with you, it does sound grim.
Now this may sound egotistic, but I hope this nightmare scenario does not happen in another hundred years; my thoughts are with the animals, and with innocent people who will then suffer and perish, when the nightmare becomes reality.
All because despicable human greed and disregard to all forms of life, whether mammals, birds, insects, plants, fish....
I realize that we all benefit from the advances in science and medicine, and no, I am most certainly not advocating return to the days of horse and cart and mothers dying at childbirth.

The reality is that we now possess enough knowledge to mitigate the harm that our advanced, modern way of life, inevitably inflicts on the natural order of things. This natural order of things has its myriad of intricate, interconnected links; links underpinned by immutable laws of physics.

We all reap the benefits of our vastly increased pool of knowledge, the life I love and we all enjoy and benefit from. We should therefore use our understanding of mathematics and the laws of physics for good, instead of blindly forging ahead towards Armageddon.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
We should therefore use our understanding of mathematics and the laws of physics for good, instead of blindly forging ahead towards Armageddon.

I agree with everything you said above and you covered it all! Mankind has the intelligence and brains to tackle this global issue, we just need everyone "in". I just saw that China is pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord.
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Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
@Mars I agree with ever

I agree with everything you said above and you covered it all! Mankind has the intelligence and brains to tackle this global issue, we just need everyone "in". I just saw that China is pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord.
@Tiffany, OMG, I didn't know about China pulling out, bastards. I'm telling you, what between Russia and China, they are a black stain on the face of the planet.
Of course we just need everyone "in", as you say; problem is, us the people, we would do our part, but we are fighting a losing battle against politicians and greed.
Every now and then though, there are rays of hope, you hear about positive genuine attempts to halt the disaster by adopting 'green' measures. Power to them. We should not give up hope:).


Well-known member
5 Jul 2021
143 (0.11/day)
On the plus side, China makes most of the world's solar panels (if we believe their data). On the minus side, most of them have to be sent by fossil-fuelled ships to be used somewhere else. And solar panels have a short lifetime so it's an ongoing process. It's not as if we couldn't make a solar panel in the UK.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
On the plus side, China makes most of the world's solar panels (if we believe their data). On the minus side, most of them have to be sent by fossil-fuelled ships to be used somewhere else. And solar panels have a short lifetime so it's an ongoing process. It's not as if we couldn't make a solar panel in the UK.
Products that have tons of harmful things would still be made in Asia/across the ASEAN. Plenty of neighbouring to China countries would need to if you want the country to as well.
The best politicians are likely western, without China choosing to prevent climate change lol


Well-known member
5 Jul 2021
143 (0.11/day)
Products that have tons of harmful things would still be made in Asia/across the ASEAN. Plenty of neighbouring to China countries would need to if you want the country to as well.
The best politicians are likely western, without China choosing to prevent climate change lol
I wasn't suggesting solar panels were full of harmful things. They might be, they might not; I've no idea. I don't understand what you've said: you say "Plenty of neighbouring to China countries would need to if you want the country to as well." WHAT would they need to (do)? And WHICH country to (do) as well? I'm assuming by "neighbouring to China countries" you mean "China's neighbouring countries"? Re "The best politicians are likely western" - do you mean in China or overall globally? Finally, the quote "...without China choosing to prevent climate change", I'm sorry I just can't understand this.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
I'd be better off not writing forum posts at 2am in the morning lol. To answer the question(s): China politically are very anti-western, and that presumably entails dropping out of any climate change policies that the west adopts. China wouldn't until other countries do.
What would they need to do: be more ecologically friendly. Cold day in hell until China does anything ecologically friendly. Which countries: Thailand + the '-istan' block would largely be most influential.
'China's neighbouring countries' is right, I'm grammatically mistaken there.
Re China is not good for ecological impact and doesn't care - the West ironically are the best poised and it's a joke because our leaders bend over backwards for China.
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Well-known member
5 Jul 2021
143 (0.11/day)
There is an argument that suggests China is less polluting than the UK - in terms of tonnes of carbon per person. And that this is amplified by the fact that they make most of the stuff everybody outside of China uses every day. But as I said, that can be offset by the carbon footprint of the ships and planes needed to bring all that stuff to us. But let's ignore the export footprint for a moment. Is "carbon per head" the relevant indicator here? Or is it "carbon per government policy"? Everyone in most countries is subject to a single set of laws and policies pertaining to that country - independent of how many people are living and working here. So, when JSO say they don't need to lobby the Chinese, and that all they need to do is to remind us here in the UK of what we already know but are now late for work for having been reminded, and that "we need to act now" when we already are acting, that suggests to me that they haven't thought this one through. What has the biggest impact - me leaving my TV on standby overnight, a small percentage of non-ULEZ-compliant cars (which is already a small number) being replaced, or a stream of cargo ships each weighing several hundred thousand tons regularly completing a 22,000 mile round trip from Shanghai? How many JSO protesters leave their routers on at night I wonder?


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,573 (2.42/day)
It's currently bucketing down rain here! It could snow as well!

Would you please send some of your rain to the southern United States? Snow sounds really nice right now too.

We are in an extreme heat warning through Monday. Temperatures to exceed 108F (42C). This will be our hottest days this summer. We haven't had a break in the heat since early June, no rain for over a month, drought conditions everywhere, lake levels getting low, cars breaking down on the highways everywhere, and potential rolling black outs this weekend. It's bleak y'all. 😑
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