The Anti-Car Thread


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
Rowan Atkinson has gotten criticised by the green lobby for telling it like it is about electric cars. Did you know that he's got degrees in electrical engineering and control systems? Respect and this gives his opinion more credibility on this issue.

The fact is that the power source for electric cars isn't good enough - the battery. We need batteries, fuel cells, or other sources of energy that compete with petrol and diesel on performance, especially the number one criteria, energy density. Batteries have way less energy density than these.

Also, when one compares the whole life cycle of electric cars from mining for materials, to manufacture, to ownership use and scrappage with those of regular cars, their environmental credentials don't look so great. This is something that tends to be kept under wraps by the green lobby.



Well-known member
5 Jul 2021
143 (0.11/day)
Why "gotten!? What's wrong with "been"?

I love the idea that Rowan Atkinson is blamed for poor sales - with all his money he was expected to buy hundreds of electric cars - but he didn't. Not one! Quite disgraceful! :)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
Why "gotten!? What's wrong with "been"?

I love the idea that Rowan Atkinson is blamed for poor sales - with all his money he was expected to buy hundreds of electric cars - but he didn't. Not one! Quite disgraceful! :)

Gotten because it's what came to mind. Seriously, I couldn't think of what word to put there lol, so phrased it like that. Been would have been a bit better, agreed.

omg, how dare he not singlehandedly prop up the failing electric car industry! :eek:

I like Rowan Atkinson and appreciate logic too....he is not the reason for poor electric car sales. Electric cars speak for themselves with their performance issues...the good and the bad.
Indeed he's not the reason for crappy sales - its crappy, overhyped and grossly overpriced cars with crappy range that's killing their sales. The British media is having a flipping field day with this one, asking the question, "Could Rowan Atkinson have killed electric car sales with his opinion piece in the Guardian last June?" as if that's some kind of high bar of journalism. Pathetic. @TheURL I'm sure you agree with this, too. :)


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
Seems like there's a lot of sway put toward electric vehicles. I was looking through my old post on the thread of electric vehicles and the grumpy motorcyclist's rant about EVs was taken down, so clearly there's an agenda.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
Seems like there's a lot of sway put toward electric vehicles. I was looking through my old post on the thread of electric vehicles and the grumpy motorcyclist's rant about EVs was taken down, so clearly there's an agenda.
There's an agenda alright. The mantra is electric and no one is allowed to disagree with it!

To clarify for those reading this thread, Crims's post was taken down on another forum, not NerdZone. I'd never do that to a member for something like this.


5 Aug 2022
857 (0.90/day)
Moon Portal, innit
There's an agenda alright. The mantra is electric and no one is allowed to disagree with it!

To clarify for those reading this thread, Crims's post was taken down on another forum, not NerdZone. I'd never do that to a member for something like this.
Actually, I mean the thread here. The Youtube video was removed by the creator or some EV company.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
Haha love that. :ROFLMAO: I so wanna rush out and buy an overpriced electric car now!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
But, critically, what size were they? This would help determine the size of the present that wasn't included.


Well-known member
5 Jul 2021
143 (0.11/day)
Oh all different sizes; from button batteries up to 9v PP9s. Then there would be the right one for almost any present they bought. :)
Last edited:


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
This isn't directly anti-car, but it does show up the failings of the "smart" motorway concept. Good thing the government finally scrapped all further implentations of this ridiculous system, so now we need it scrapped altogether which the tories refuse to do. Hopefully, an incoming Labour government will do so, but I wouldn't bank on it.

The smart motorways computer safety system shut down across the country, leading to a “terrifying” six-car pile up after a vehicle broke down in a live lane, The Telegraph can reveal.

A whistleblower has told how National Highways’ systems “crashed”, which disabled radar technology that detects stranded vehicles, leaving control room staff unable to close lanes to traffic, set speed limits and electronic signs or use CCTV cameras.

The “catastrophic failure” culminated in a pile-up on the southbound M6 on Jan 19 when a car was left a “sitting duck” after breaking down on the inside lane, which used to be a hard shoulder.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
I normally like the EU as many people know, but not when it comes to their anti-car policies and now this crappy government is following suit.

From July, all new cars will be required to have speed limiters installed by default, strictly enforcing the posted speed limit. Of course, disabling the speed limiter will void your warranty and car insurance. This punitive restriction, as usual is done "for us" in the name of "safety". Yeah, sure. Imagine being forced to rigidly stick to the now widespread 20mph limit. It would drive me nuts. 30 is too slow, let alone that.

And will it alert the halfwit who does 30 in a 40 to go faster? No, thought not. You wouldn't believe how many I see doing this nowadays. Got stuck behind one the other day, got a bit closer, but not really enough to be tailgating, and flashed my lights repeatedly which, amazingly, actually worked. They very slowly sped up to just about 40, almost, so some improvement. When the road became a dual carriageway, I finally overtook them and the relief was enormous. This crap really incites road rage, I tell you. Traffic calming my ass.

Experts are urging drivers to prepare for new motoring law changes that are set to be introduced within the next few months.

Speed limiters have been commonplace in vehicles for a number of years, with experts praising the feature as boosting road safety and ensuring driver stick to the limit.

The European Union outlined that speed limiters have been a legal requirement for all new cars manufactured in the continent since July 6, 2022.

The Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology uses GPS and traffic sign data to issue a warning to drivers when they are going over the speed limit on the road they're travelling on.

Driving law changes launching within months could see speed limiters installed in British vehicle


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
Whoever made that law and the nitwits praising it have clearly never driven a vehicle. 20MPH? Do they think y'all drive tractors??


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
618 (0.46/day)
......From July, all new cars will be required to have speed limiters installed by default, strictly enforcing the posted speed limit. Of course, disabling the speed limiter will void your warranty and car insurance. This punitive restriction, as usual is done "for us" in the name of "safety".....Yeah, sure. Imagine being forced to rigidly stick to the now widespread 20mph limit. It would drive me nuts. 30 is too slow, let alone that.....
.....Traffic calming my ass.

Driving law changes launching within months could see speed limiters installed in British vehicle
Infuriating! Few choice words is all that comes to my mind after reading this....and heartfelt ill-wishes to those who are going to implement this latest hellish restriction.
Talking about eroding our freedoms; hell, eroding our liberties!!!


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
@live627 Here's the website of the 20s plenty propaganda campaign:

What a load of tosh.
That proposal sounds reasonable, but might become a mess in practice. 20 is a good speeds for residential areas, but what is residential when all you have is mixed use developments everywhere? The image I have in my head is of a side street in Manhattan (one of five boroughs of New York City) where a shop is on the ground floor and apartments in the floors above where you wouldn't want to go much faster than 20.

But most towns in America are never than NYC and have clear separation between both residential and commercial zones. The urban planning youtubers like Not Just Bikes famously decry zoning laws which prohibit new mixed use developments.

Most States here across the pond have similar laws



Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
679 (0.50/day)
NW London
Whilst a stated speed limit is the law and to exceed would commit an offence there is no doubt at certain times of the day it may be potentially dangerous to drive at the limit whereas at night may be equally safe to exceed.

There is one road I know of in Kingsbury NW7, 30mph posted but at night would be quite safe to do 70 in some areas, road about 5 vehicles wide, wide pavements, shops well set back from kerb line giving excellent view into any side roads.

Typical authoritative meddling, all nations do it now, say for our own safety but we know it is to exercice yet more control.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
A rare bit of good news when it comes to anti-car policies in that this one is going to be reversed, at least partially.

It looks like the large public backlash against it has helped to bring this about. There was a petition calling for the Wales 20mph speed limit to be scrapped that got almost 500K signatures and I'm proud to say that I was one of those signatories.

Anyone who's been forced to drive at 20mph will know just how frustrating and road rage inducing it is, promoting unsafe overtaking to get past that asshole holding everybody up by doing 20.

Spouting "safety" as the reason for foisting 20mph onto people is disingenious, because causing such strong negative emotions in people is not promoting safety. It also lengthens journey times significantly and has had the knock-on effect of idiots driving at 20 in a 30 or even a 40. I've seen 30 in a 40 quite a lot especially and flashing them to go faster usually doesn't work - absolutely infuriating. Don't tell me this is improving road safety. Heck, the old 30mph limit is too slow in most situations too and should be raised to 40 in many places in my opinion.

20 should only be used very sparingly and for short distances where going slow is absolutely necessary and likely not for 24 hours either, not a blanket rollout like we've seen in Wales.

Some roads in Wales will revert to 30mph following backlash at the Welsh government's £34m default 20mph policy.

Transport minister Ken Skates said the changes will address the concerns that "a lot of people" have raised "on a consistent basis".

"We've put our hands up to say the guidance has to be corrected," he said.

Swansea council leader Rob Stewart welcomed the change, but said the government must help foot the bill to swap signage.

Mr Skates highlighted the almost half a million signatures to a Senedd petition opposing the policy, brought in under former first minister Mark Drakeford and his transport minister Lee Waters.

"I have friends and family who have signed the petition," he said.

Check out the video in the article giving Welsh people's reaction to the 20mph limit - most are by no means in favour of it.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
The technology behind England's smart motorway network stops working on a regular basis, the BBC has discovered.

Figures obtained by Panorama have revealed hundreds of incidents when crucial safety equipment was out of action.

A traffic officer who works on the network told the programme he no longer considers it safe.

National Highways - the agency in charge of smart motorways - denies the claims.

Yeah, what a surprise. All lane running smart motorways should be scrapped as a priority. Yes, it will cost millions, but people are dying on them. Check out the shocking video in the article showing real life crashes with stranded vehicles.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,130 (4.46/day)
Check out this monstrosity with 31 traffic lights on it, nicknamed the cyclops roundabout. It's all about giving priority to cyclists and pedestrians over cars, bless.

Hands up all those who want one in their area?! :D Well, don't all rush at once, will you?

A so-called Cyclops roundabout with more than 30 sets of traffic lights around it is set to open in Cambridge, despite local fears that it amounts to “insanity”.

Residents slammed the installation of the lights around the roundabout on Milton Road, which was part of a two-year, £24 million road upgrade project.

It comes after the local council was ridiculed for publishing a video explaining how to use the city’s first “Cycling Optimised Protected Signals” (Cyclops) junction on the nearby Histon Road, despite it having been opened three years ago.

Cyclops roundabout.jpg

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